How to pray a rosary to ask for health?

How to pray the rosary to ask for health?

Lord Eternal Father, I beg you to grant me the grace to discover my sins and to repent of them, allow me, my Father, to be able to restore, with your grace, all the evil that I have committed, help me to heal all the wounds that are in my soul now. heal those that I have caused in others.

How to make the holy rosary step by step?

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your Name; let your kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread; forgive our offenses as we also forgive those who offend us; lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil. Amen.

How to pray to the sick?

Jesus Christ, you crossed towns and villages “curing all evil”, by your command the sick were cured. We call you today, fill us with all your healing love and heal all those who suffer from viruses and diseases so that they can regain their strength and heal through the efforts of doctors.

What is the meaning of praying the Holy Rosary?

rosarium ‘rose garden’. 1m Prayer of the Church, in which the fifteen main mysteries of the life of Jesus Christ and of the Virgin are commemorated, reciting after each one an Our Father, ten Hail Marys and a Gloria Patri.

How do you pray the thousand Jesus?

The invocation of the Thousand Jesuses

And how do you pray? The ritual of the thousand Jesus begins by praying the act of contrition and then continues with an Our Father and finally, with the help of a camándula, begins to repeat Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

How to pray to God for a sick family member?

You beautiful Lord, who wants us to have life in abundance, full of health and well-being, heal and strengthen this my loved one who is suffering. I beg you, for your kindness, heal him, because you know his life, his suffering, you created him and love him as he is.

What is the Psalm for the sick?

“The Lord is My Shepherd; nothing I miss. In green meadows he makes me rest, to calm waters he leads me, he gives me new strength and leads me on straight paths, honoring his name. » “Lord, have mercy on me, for I feel powerless. Lord, restore me to health, for my whole body trembles.

How to pray for a seriously ill person?

Prayer for a seriously ill

Merciful Jesus, consolation and salvation of all who trust in You, we humbly beseech You for Your painful Passion, grant that Your servant (mention name) recover his health if it is for the benefit of his soul, so that with us he may praise and bless Your Holy Name.

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