How to astral travel for the first time

If you are here it is because you have asked yourself how to make an astral trip, it is an interesting experience that you must be prepared to live. It is a unique experience, but one that can have its dangers and consequences. Before doing it you must know everything about astral travel.

What is astral travel and how is it done?

Have you ever wondered what astral travel is? Here you will find the answer. It is the separation of the physical body and the astral, it is compared to death, since people with clinical death have experienced similar issues. These trips allow you to experience unique sensations and get to know yourself like never before. Sometimes it arises as involuntary trips, but you can also provoke them through guidance with special techniques and methods that are based on relaxation and breathing.

Guided astral travel

A guided astral travel is just that, a person understood and specialized in this subject will help you to achieve that astral trip. It is the best way to do it, since it will allow you to be accompanied, you will be able to perform the technique better and also someone will be able to help you if it goes wrong and you need help on the way back. Guided astral travel gives you the security that you are in the company of someone who knows how to do it and, perhaps, it is one of the most appropriate ways to start.

involuntary astral travel

What if you have no idea how to astral travel but you have already done it? Although it sounds funny, it can be so. The involuntary astral trips are more common than it seems and maybe you had one and didn’t realize it what was. When you have an involuntary astral travel you are confused because you are not clear about what happened. Sometimes you may think it’s a dream and sometimes you may not understand what happened at all.

An involuntary astral travel means that you cannot avoid leaving your body, you can wake up in the Astral Plane or undergo the transformation from lucid dream to astral travel. For this reason the sleep paralysis and astral travel are related. Sleep paralysis is said to be a beginning of astral travel. During sleep paralysis you feel that you’re awake but you can’t moveAnd you can even have hallucinations.

how to astral travel

After reading all this, you may be wondering how to astral travel. It is not an easy task, it requires mental control and relaxation.

There are two very important points, for which you must leave to make an astral journey. First choose a suitable place, this should be comfortable and quiet. If you are going to do it in the company of another person, it should be someone you trust and with an energy similar to yours or that generates good vibes for you.

It is not advisable to make your first astral journey on a bad day or at a difficult time in your life. Do it on a day when you feel happy and calm, to reduce the chances of a bad trip. Second, it is important that inform yourself very well and know the technique you are going to use to make your astral travel. Now yes, the step by step to make an astral trip.

simple technique

There are different techniques for astral travel, the simplest is this and requires special preparation, but very simple.

  • Sleep 4 or 5 cycles of 1:30 each. That is, you can choose whether to sleep 6 or 7:30 hours. In this way the energy of your body will be at its right point to make an astral trip. Use an alarm clock to be punctual.
  • Get up, go to the bathroom and get back to bed as quickly as possible. Lie on your back.
  • Start with a relaxation, your whole body should be relaxed and your mind blank.
  • Practice breathing to achieve total relaxation. Take a moment to think about each part of your body and free your mind.
  • Begin to imagine how you want to astral travel, with whom, where, what do you want to see, calmly and without anxiety, as you sometimes do before going to sleep.
  • Don’t forget to think about all the details of that trip you want to do.
  • Let yourself go and don’t forget to write down everything you remember when you finish your astral journey.

sail technique

This astral travel technique is ideal for beginners, it is not as simple as the previous one, but it is a good technique to start practicing.

  • You need a wide sail, to avoid any kind of accident. Place it on a safe surface, it must be a high place and within reach of your sight.
  • Turn off all the lights and close the windows, you must be in complete darkness.
  • Lie down and begin relaxation and breathing techniques.
  • Once 100% relaxed, fix your eyes on the candle and do not stop looking at it.
  • You will feel that you will begin to fall asleep, meanwhile you must begin to imagine yourself reaching for the candle.
  • If your eyes close, hold the image of the candle in your mind.
  • Let yourself go and do not forget to write down everything you remember at the end of the astral journey.

dangers of astral travel

Much is said about the dangers of astral travel and there is always the possibility that something goes wrong, but it is up to you and those who accompany you on this trip that everything goes well. It is perfect to know how to astral travel, but it is also fundamental and perhaps more important to discover the potential risks that exist.

  • Silver cord.The silver cord connects the astral and physical body and it is a mass of vibrating molecules. It is compared to the umbilical cord, since all impressions and impulses are born there. The silver cord is strong, but if you stretch it too much, wake you up or move you roughly during your astral travel can break.
  • Eternal journeys. While the first trip can be a shock to your mind and body, over time can become uncontrollable. But the main problem is that in this plane there is no time or space and what may seem like a short period of time can actually be hours or days.
  • Loss. As in any trip, you have the possibility of getting lost. If your astral body and the physical body stay together, there is no problem., but if they separate things can get complicated. You can also appear in an unknown place, complicating the return to your physical body. It is like a splitting in the dream.
  • bad entities. In astral travel you can find dangers, it is not child’s play. Once you astral travel a door opens that can allow evil beings to enterespecially when the trip goes wrong.

music for astral travel

Now that you know how to astral travel for beginners, there is nothing better than knowing that a good trip is accompanied by music according to the circumstances. It is that there are sounds that induce meditation and astral projection with an ease that others do not.

For a very complete out-of-body experience, you have to play music that is very relaxed, or that maintains a mantric pulse, almost like a drone, repetitive but spatial, ideal for letting the mind go blank and the body detach from itself.

Astral travel is much more possible with music like this:

Other tricks of the mind

It’s perfect: now that you know how to astral travel for the first time, you can also exercise your mind in other ways. It is as important as exercising the body, but sometimes we forget it. An active mind is a healthy mind and if you intend to know it thoroughly, it will allow you to know yourself better.

  • How to use the power of the mind. The Silva Mind Control Method gives you the foundation to start working with your mind, keeping a daily routine will help you control and get to know yourself.
  • Exercises for the mind. There are many exercises that will help you control your mind like never before, it is a matter of practice and patience to start seeing results.
  • How to develop the mind. Enjoying silence, believing in yourself, setting goals, restructuring your thoughts, reading and resting are some of the best tips for developing your mind and learning to control it.

Would you astral travel?

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