How long did Noah take to build the ark? (and what we can learn from it) – Biblical Studies

How long did it take Noah to build the ark? Have you ever wondered about the time and details required to build the ark? The Scriptures share descriptions of the process. Every inch of the ark and what God commanded Noah to put in the ark has important meaning. Some scholars believe that it took him 40 years, while others teach that it took Noah 100 years to build the ark!

Think about the amount of time it took you to complete a project. So consider the question ‘how long did it take Noah to build the ark’? We usually have a list of instructions when we are building a piece of furniture or preparing a delicious recipe. Our projects can be finished in less than an hour or the task can take years to complete. How long did it take Noah to build the ark? Perhaps when our patience is tested and we want to finish a certain task, we can pause and think about the amount of time and effort Noah spent building the ark and filling it with people and animals. How long did it take Noah to build the ark?

The story of Noah and the ark

The scriptures share how the number of people on earth continued to increase. However, the town was full of bad roads. The Lord saw the evil and regretted having created humans. They only thought about themselves and how to satisfy their own desires. The Lord’s heart was troubled. (Genesis 6:6 NIV)

The Lord made a significant move. He decided to wipe all humans off the face of the earth. Along with humans, he would exterminate animals, birds, and all creatures that move on the earth. Although he was heartbroken at the way the humans were acting, Noah was a person who found favor in the eyes of the Lord. (Genesis 6:8 NIV)

Who was this Noah who found favor with God? Noah was considered innocent among his people. He faithfully walked with God. Noah had three sons. God spoke to Noah and told him that he was going to wipe out all the people on earth because of his sinful ways. But Noah and his family would be saved. God instructed Noah to build an ark. God provided specific instructions on how the ark would be built and what would be placed inside the ark.

The ark would be made of cypress wood and would have rooms in it. Noah was instructed to tar it inside and out. The ark was to be three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide, and thirty cubits high. A roof was going to be made. The roof would have an opening one cubit high. A door was to be put in the side of the ark and Noah was told to make three covers. God shared with Noah how he was going to bring floods on the earth and destroy every living thing.

An important covenant was made between God and Noah. God told Noah to take his wife, sons, and sons’ wives into the ark with him. Also, two of each living creature, male and female, were to be placed in the ark, to keep them alive. Noah was told to bring food to eat. Noah listened and obeyed God.

Scripture says that Noah was about five hundred years old when he is first mentioned. When he entered the ark, Noah was about six hundred years old. Some scholars say that Noah took 120 years to build the ark. The Scriptures don’t tell us exactly how long it took to build the ark. However, the act of building this huge ark would not have been done quickly.

When Noah was about six hundred years old, the flood came. Noah waited inside with his family and the animals. The rain fell for forty days and forty nights. He imagines the sound of rain hitting the roof of the ark. Maybe there was thunder and wind. Were people afraid? Were the animals afraid? Noah knew that God had a plan and Noah trusted God. As the rain continued, the waters flooded the land for one hundred and fifty days. (Genesis 7:24 NIV)

God kept his promise to Noah. God sent a wind over the earth and the rain stopped and the waters receded. After forty days, Noah opened a window in the ark and sent out a raven. The raven flew from side to side. So Noah sent out a dove to see if the waters had receded from the earth. The pigeon could not find a place to perch because the ground was still covered in water. Noah waited seven more days and once again sent out the dove. The dove returned with a torn olive leaf. Noah knew then that the water had receded. Seven days later, Noah sent out the dove again, and this time it did not return.

Noah knew it was time to take the cover off the ark and look outside. He saw that the land was dry. God spoke to Noah and told him to get out of the ark and get his family and the animals out of the ark. Noah gave thanks by building an altar to the Lord and offering burnt offerings. The Lord was pleased and told Noah that he would never again curse the earth because of humans.

The scriptures share how God made the covenant with Noah by putting His rainbow in the clouds. God said that the rainbow would be the sign of the covenant between Him and the earth. Every time we see a rainbow, we can remember the covenant between God and all living creatures.

Why did Noah need to build the ark?

Noah needed to build the ark to show his love, obedience, and honor to God. Noah was considered a just and blameless man in his community. When God gave Noah instructions to build an ark and what to put in that ark, Noah listened and obeyed. Have you ever felt that God was calling you to do something that seemed impossible? With God, everything is possible. We are never alone. God is always with us and he will guide us in every situation.

Noah listened to God, obeyed his instructions, and was able to save his family and the animals in the ark. Noah did not doubt or question God’s intentions. God knew that Noah would listen and follow his instructions.

5 things we can learn from the construction of Noah’s ark

  • God’s plan is always the best.
  • When we trust God, we have the opportunity to see the fruits of our labor.
  • God’s timing is always right.
  • We don’t have to know every detail of God’s plan. for us. Trust him.
  • Patience can be an opportunity to develop a closer relationship with God.

Sunday school may be the first place a person learns about Noah. Songs with catchy melodies and hand gestures often teach youngsters about Noah and the ark. As an adult, I can still remember the smiles when I learned to sing about Noah and the ark. Sharing those songs with others brings joy.

The message of Noah and the ark is one to share with all. God’s covenant is forever. The rainbow in the sky reminds us of his love for his creations. Rainbows after rain can help us pause and remember his covenant and his love. Think about the last time you saw a rainbow.

Did the majestic sight amaze you? Did she thank God for his covenant and love? You may have seen a double rainbow. God’s love is evident in his creations. As we learn about Noah and the time it took him to build the ark, we can remember to be patient. God’s way and God’s time are always best.

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