God puts us difficult tests but gives us victory 3 Aspects to consider!

God puts difficult tests but then grants victory to those who trust in him. The fact of being Christians does not immunize us from having to go through difficult and bitter moments in our lives. But being believers gives us a special anointing because we are filled with the Holy Spirit that gives us the strength to move forward and receive our Father’s reward.

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However, in the midst of tribulations, we can feel weak, defeated, angry, and that is normal because we are human, and there are things that hurt us. Therefore, at the time of trial it is important to seek comfort in Christ first, but family, church and friends also play an important role.

It is not advisable to isolate yourself because the devil is a pig and if he finds you weak, he can try to intimidate you. So he always seeks to be in the Presence of the Most High Father, and he will protect you and under his wings, you will be safe.

God puts difficult tests but grants victory

One of the most difficult things in the life of a believer is the fact of being a disciple of Christ, since despite the tests we must give a good witness and get out of the adverse situation we are going through. But when we are troubled, we can have many questions about what God allows to happen in our lives.

But if we know the word, we will be able to understand that he is Sovereign, that he owns everything he has created, everything that exists, and that he will always act according to his justice and not according to our whims. However, God’s mercy is forever and he searches hearts, and he will do according to his justice and his perfect will.

We just have to wait on him, and have full confidence that we will obtain the victory because we are his Children and he will not abandon us on the day of trial. Through the Holy Scriptures we can see the manifestation of God’s love towards his Children, and if he puts us difficult tests it is because he knows that we will manage to overcome them. As he expresses it in his word:

“Temptation has not taken you, but the human one; but God is faithful, who will not let you be tempted more than you can bear; he rather he will also give the way out together with the temptation, so that you can endure “ (1 Corinthians 10:13)

In this sense, the tribulations that God allows in our life have a divine purpose, they do not occur by chance or due to bad luck, or anything like that, since everything, absolutely everything belongs to God, and he controls what exists in heaven and on earth and in places we don’t know. That purpose has to do with our spiritual transformation, since God is molding us into the image and likeness of Christ, and that is the goal.

So difficult tests are part of a sanctification process, and that is why we are set apart for God’s purposes and equipped to experience the Glory of God in our lives. As his word highlights:

“In which you rejoice, even if now for a little while, if necessary, you have to be afflicted in various tests, so that your faith may be tested, much more precious than gold, which although perishable is tested with fire, be found in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed “ (1 Peter 1:6-7)

So it can be said that through all the trials and tribulations of life, we are in victory. Even though we are waging a spiritual battle, the devil does not have power over the Children of Christ.

The Lord does not leave us alone, he guides us through his Holy Spirit and gives us the authority of his word to give us strength in the midst of trials and encourage us to move forward. As his word expresses it: “But thanks be to God, who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Corinthians 15:57).

Why God Gives Us Difficult Tests

As previously mentioned, the tests are not accidental and are presented with a purpose that humanly we cannot understand and that is why we are filled with questions, doubts and desolation. But these difficult moments are temporary, and they have a divine purpose.

At present many problems constantly arise in society that affect the homes, churches and the lives of believers and non-believers. For which humanity tends to immerse itself in feelings of pain, sadness, hopelessness, anguish, among others.

However, as Children of God we have the responsibility to rise up in the Name of Jesus Christ and bear witness to the Victory that God gives us when we manage to overcome the tests. As believers we have our eyes on us, on our lifestyle because the enemy watches if our feet falter.

But if we put on the armor of Christ and face the battle with Courage, just as David did with Goliath, then we will overcome and leave our Heavenly Father on high.

In addition, after the test, a teaching remains because we have gone through fire and we have overcome it. As evidenced by his word: “So that the proof of your faith, much more precious than gold that perishes, even if it is tested with fire, may be found in praise, glory and honor, in the manifestation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:7)

Just as we are molded like clay to form a beautiful vessel, so it must be placed in the fire in order to create the great handicraft and obtain a beautiful vessel. We, the Children of God, are that vessel, eager to receive the water of life that only our Lord Jesus Christ can give us, the spring of blessings that we will receive will come in an overabundant way.

But we must first go through trials and difficulties, keeping our faith intact and our garments spotless in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. Just as the Lord promised in the Holy Scriptures, where through repentance we will be saved.

In this sense, believers, faithful to Christ and his word, must not be deceived by the devil, because we must be certain that God places difficult trials but teaches the way out of them, gives us hope, revives our strength, sends his angels, reveals to us through the word his promises full of love.

In this way, he gives us the tools to fight the good fight and win it, he does not leave us alone and helpless. He puts on our armor and gives us the divine Spirit to face the Goliath who wants to defeat us.

Thus the Son of God learns to value the great importance of maintaining communion with God, performing good deeds, having behavior that bears good witness to the Children of the King. But he also wants us to fulfill the most important commandment, which is to love our neighbor as ourselves. Which is reflected in our daily lives, where our true fidelity and obedience to the Lord is tested.

It is useless to call yourself a Christian, if on the day of the test you give up, and let yourself succumb to total desolation. The true Children of God cry out for help to the Heavenly Father, they rise like eagles and in the midst of the storm they find calm and peace that surpasses all understanding.

The day we manage to internalize that, we will be able to overcome the tests with greater wisdom, knowing that God’s timing is not the same as ours, and he will work at his perfect time. God is sovereign and will do as he wants, according to his justice and mercy.

Let’s not be haughty, let’s not seek to get out of the test by our own means because it will be in vain, we must always seek the Grace of God, and his mercy that is forever: “Praise the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy endures forever” (Psalms 136 : 1)

How to face difficult tests 3 Aspects to consider!

If as Children of God we want to pass the tests according to the will of God and his word, we must ask him for wisdom, patience, discernment, tolerance, among many spiritual gifts. But first we must understand that God does not follow orders from us, he does not do our will, he does not fulfill things in our time.

In this sense, we must be humble, humble ourselves before our Father, pray without ceasing, read the word, cling to his forgiveness, to his mercy. But we cannot be haughty, nor demand, nor say phrases such as: Until when Lord, Why Lord, It is not fair, Why to me, among other expressions that are not to God’s liking.

So if you want to overcome difficulties with patience and prudence, you must first accept and understand that God is the owner and Lord of the universe and that each one of the tests that he places has a divine purpose in the life of each person. And each adverse circumstance that appears in this earthly world will cause a result that will forever mark our being, with a definitive effect.

Humanity must be absolutely convinced that the Lord is always present, that he gives us his support and protection, and therefore our faith must not waver, since from each difficult test a positive lesson is obtained, which will make the journey easier. more hopeful. In this regard, the following aspects can be considered:

1.- Recognize the power of God

First we must recognize the Power of God over all his creation, be clear that he is The Great I Am, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is Omnipresent, Omniscient, able to remove and put the things he wants according to his will and great mercy from him. Who has total control of everything, your struggles, your life, thoughts, feelings, actions, that is, knows you fully.

For which you must recognize his majesty especially at the time of the test because that is where you will show your faithfulness and true surrender to the Lord. So know that he will give you victory if you trust him fully.

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In this way, despite the many hard tests that arise in the course of our lives, we must have confidence in God’s justice, consolidating ourselves in all the good that exists in our environment. Having an attitude of gratitude towards God, towards his blessings, thanking them for our family, for our home, food, clothing, friendships, among others. Receiving the blessings with humility and love towards God and towards the neighbor.

2.- Feed our faith daily

Without faith it is impossible to please God because by faith we are saved, by faith we believe in salvation and by faith we will be victorious from trials. So to live in peace, serene and calm, we must nourish ourselves with the word, since faith enters by hearing the word of God: “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17)

In this sense, it is important to feed our faith by reading the Holy Scriptures that gives us the tools to defeat the enemy and obtain victory. God’s support during the test is what will make us succeed in the face of adversity.

Because the enemy lurks and wants to steal our peace, and he wants to fill us with doubts regarding our beliefs and purposes that we have in our lives. We must not lower our guard and be aware because the enemy walks like a lion looking for someone to devour.

3.- Take refuge in love

Without love we have not known God, without love we have not…

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