God is not a God of second chances – Biblical Studies

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Why the gospel is better than restarting life

By Aaron Wilson

In our polarized culture it is rare to find a spiritual phrase that is widely approved of by the population. However, the popular cliché, “God is a God of second chances,” seems to be a doctrine that many agree on.

A quick Google search for the phrase links to speeches by politicians, sound bites from talk shows, and movie clips.

All who say they even vaguely believe in God seem to find common ground around the belief that He gives people a second chance.

But does this proverbial statement reflect the gospel? Here are some reasons why new life in Christ differs from a second chance and why Christians should be careful to embrace a hope that is based on the latter.

How many tries does it take to get right with God?

A second chance gospel reveals half of the good news: the half that says that Jesus died for sins. The fact that God is merciful is a beautiful truth. But if Jesus only he died to forgive sins, humanity is still in trouble.

What is missing from this understanding is the imputed righteousness that Jesus attributes to believers, a righteousness that leaves nothing to chance.

While a second-chance gospel may declare that Jesus blots out sin, it also implies that he leaves behind an empty spiritual ledger and a morally neutral heart.

This belief promises new hope by saying “God gives infinite opportunities”, but underneath it carries the depressing message “God forgives; now the rest is up to you.”

This thinking waters down the authentic gospel in two ways. First, it insinuates that man is not helpless with respect to justice, that he just needs to wipe the slate clean and a second chance.

Second, it teaches that Christ’s sacrifice is ineffective, that humanity still needs to “get things right” through a vague number of resets, much like Bill Murray in the movie groundhog day.

A second chance for the impossible

Think of it like a kindergartener taking a calculus test. Because he’s only 5 years old, the little guy bombs the test and gets a bright red “F” at the top of the page from him.

Now, according to the second chance gospel, the teacher could show mercy, break the child’s test, and forgive his failure. But the same boy will not rejoice when presented with a new and identical test for a second try.

While some kindergarteners awaiting Mensa might pass calculus, there is no chance that a fallen human child can pass the test of God’s law (Romans 3:10).

And since there is no possibility of humans obeying God perfectly, why would Christians spread news of a God of second chances?

Is it really good news to have a second chance at the impossible?

What sinners need, and what Christ provides, is Someone who can stand the test on their behalf, once and for all. -everything, and pass with flying colors.

This is where a second chance gospel misses the mark. It leads people into a false hope in works-based religion where they can get their lives in order if only given enough time and enough opportunities.

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But Christians don’t have to earn redemption through a series of righteous reboots. Jesus secured our redemption through his life, death, and resurrection.

And His perfection is forever credited to the account of the believer.

What about the Ninevites?


But what about the Ninevites in the book of Jonah? Didn’t they get a second chance? While this is often heralded as the lesson of the book of Jonah, the overall biblical narrative reveals a different lesson.

Look at Romans, for example. Writing about Abraham, Paul observes:

And he received circumcision as a sign as a seal of righteousness which he had through faith while still uncircumcised. This was to make him the father of all who believe but are not circumcised, so that righteousness may be reckoned to them also. (Romans 4:11).”

This may be the clearest verse in Scripture that links the thread of salvation between the saints in both testaments. Old Testament believers were not saved through sacrifice (Hebrews 10:4) or circumcision (Romans 3:30).

Instead, those outward signs pointed beyond themselves to saving faith in God. Believing Ninevites, then, did not get a clean, empty slate; they received the imputed righteousness of Jesus as a seal, just as believers do today.

If we end Jonah’s account with a second-chance ending, we saddle the Ninevites with the burden of upholding impeccable righteousness after their repentance. Of course, they could not achieve this justice any more than we can today.

No wonder Jonah’s complaint has nothing to do with new beginnings. He doesn’t lament, “Because I knew you are a God of second chances!” No, he cries out, “For I knew that you are a gracious and merciful God” (Jonah 4:2).

Grace and mercy. It is because of these cross-bought gifts, not the hope of a second chance, that believers can approach God in confidence.

A Most Excellent Way

Because of the imputed righteousness of Christ, believers should not be seduced into a form of legalism that offers an ever-present upgrade button in life.

Rather, we must vigorously proclaim that our Savior’s righteousness is perfectly sufficient for all time.

Through Calvary, God did not grant a second chance to humans; He provided a holy Substitute, the second Adam, who got it right the first time on our behalf.

How comforting is it to know that God leaves nothing to chance, especially the salvation of His children? In light of this knowledge, let us declare that the gospel gives new life, something that is infinitely better than a second chance.

AARON WILSON (@AaronBWilson26 ) is associate editor of Facts & Trends.

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