G1849 – Encyclopedic Dictionary of Bible and Theology

Strong’s Dictionary



from G1832 (meaning capacity); privilege, ie (subj.) strength, ability, competence, freedom, or (objectively) mastery (namely magistrate, superhuman, potentate, symbol of control), delegated influence: authority, right, owner, jurisdiction, liberty, power, potency, power.


Tuggy Dictionary

ἐξουσία, ας, ἡ. Authority, faculty, power, right, freedom to choose, capacity, ability, power, governmental power, government. OT דְּתָבְרַיָא , Dan 3:2. מֶמְשָׁלָה , Jer 28:28(Jer 51:28). שַׁלִּיט , Dan 4:2. שָׁלְטָן , Dan 3:3. שִׁלְטוֹן around 8:8. תִּפְתָּיֵא , Dan 3:2. שְׁלֵט , Dan 5:7. שְׁלֵט , Dan 5:16. שַׁלִּיט , Dan 4:14. NT

A) Faculty, authority, right, freedom to choose: Jua 10:18; Acts 5:4; Romans 9:21; 1Co 7:37; 1Co 8:9; 1Co 9:4-6; 1Co 9:12; 1Co 9:18; 2Thess 3:9; Hebrews 13:10; Rev 13:5; Rev 22:14.

B) Capacity, ability, authority, power: Mat 7:29; Matt 9:8; Mark 1:22; Mark 1:27; Mar 3:15; Luke 4:32; Luke 4:36; Luke 10:19; Luke 12:5; Joh 1:12; Acts 1:7; Ac 8:19; Acts 26:18; Jude 1:25; Rev 9:3; Rev 9:10; Rev 9:19; Rev 11:6; Rev 13:2; Rev 13:4; Rev 13:12; Rev 16:9; Rev 18:1; Rev 20:6.

C) Authority, absolute power: Mat 9:6; Matt 10:1; Matt 21:23-24; Mat 21:27; Matt 28:18; Mar 2:10; Mark 6:7; Mar 11:28-29; Tue 11:33; Tue 13:34; Luke 5:24; Luke 9:1; Luke 20:2; Luke 20:8; Joh 5:27; Joh 17:2; Joh 19:11; Ac 9:14; Acts 26:10; Ac 26:12; 1Co 11:10; 2Co 10:8; 2Co 13:10; Rev 2:26; Rev 6:8; Rev 11:6; Rev 12:10; Rev 13:7; Rev 14:18.

D) Government power, government, official, place of authority: Mat 8:9; Luke 4:6; Luke 7:8; Luke 12:11; Luke 19:17; Luke 20:20; Luke 23:7; Joh 19:10-11; Romans 13:1-3; 1Co 15:24; Eph 1:21; Eph 2:2; Eph 3:10; Eph 6:12; Col 1:13; Col 1:16; Col 2:10; Col 2:15; 1Pe 3:22; Rev 17:12-13.


Swanson Dictionary

(Swanson 2026)

ἐξουσία (exousia), ας (as), ἡ (hē): s.fem.; ≡Strong 1849; TDNT 2.562-1. LN 37.35 authority to rule (Luke 19:17); 2. LN 37.36 jurisdiction, the sphere of authority (Lk 4:6; Lk 23:7); 3. LN 37.37 symbol of authority (1Co 11:10), note: other interpretations suggested, see comments; 4. LN 37.38 ruler (one with authority) (Lk 12:11); 5. LN 37.13 control, situation of control over someone (Acts 5:4); 6. LN 76.12 power, with the implication of authority (Mar 3:15; Rev 9:19); 7. LN 12.44 supernatural power (Eph 2:2); 8. LN 30.122 power, freedom of action (1Co 8:9)


Vine NT Dictionary

exousia (ἐξουσία, G1849), denotes freedom of action, right to act; used of God, is absolute, unrestricted (eg, Luke 12:5 : “power,” KJV, KJV; KJV: “authority”); in Acts 1:7 what is indicated is “the right to bestow”; when used of men, authority is delegated. For his use of angelic beings, see POWER and cf. PRINCIPALITY. See also AUTHORITY, No. 2, RIGHT, A, FREEDOM.

exousia (ἐξουσία, G1849), denotes authority (from the impersonal verb exesti, “is valid”, or “according to law”). From the meaning of permission, or freedom to do as one pleases, it moved to the capacity or power with which one has been invested (eg, Mat 9:6; Mat 21:23; 2Co 10:8 ); or the power to rule or govern, the power of one whose will and commands must be obeyed by others (eg, Mat 28:18; Joh 17:2; Jude 1:25; Rev 12:10; Rev 17 :13); more specifically, of apostolic authority (2Co 10:8; 2Co 13:10); the power of judicial decision (Joh 19:10); to govern domestic affairs (Mar 13:34). By metonymy, or change of name (substitution of a suggestive word for the name of the thing that is meant), it is used to denote that which is subject to authority or government (Luc 4:6; RV, RVR; VM: « power”; RVR77: “power”); or, as with the English term “authority”, of one who holds authority, a ruler, magistrate (Rom 13:1; KJV, VM: “powers”; KJV, KJV: “authorities”; and Rom 13:2-3 ; Luk 12:11; KJV: “powers”; KJV: “authorities”; Tit 3:1; KJV: “powers”; KJV: “authorities”); or a spiritual potentate (eg, Eph 3:10; Eph 6:12; Col 1:16; Col 2:10, Col 2:15; 1Pe 3:22). In all these cases, both the KJV and the KJV translate “power/s”, except in 1Pe 3:22, where the KJV translates “authorities”.

In 1Co 11:10 it is used of the veil with which women are ordered to cover themselves in an assembly or church, as a sign of the authority of the Lord over his Church. See RIGHT, FREEDOM, POWER AUTHORITY.

exousia (ἐξουσία, G1849), authority, right. “Liberty” is translated in 1Co 8:9 : “this liberty of yours”; or, alternatively, “this right you assert.” See AUTHORITY, RIGHT, POWER, POWER.

exousia (ἐξουσία, G1849), power, authority. It is used, by metonymy, to denote jurisdiction (Luke 23:7). For the different meanings of this term and other cases of its use by metonymy, see AUTHORITY, No. 2.

exousia (ἐξουσία, G1849), authority, power. It is translated “straight” in the passages at 1Co 9:4-5, 1Co 9:6, 1Co 9:12 (twice), 18; 2Thes 3:9, where the right is to be maintained by those among whom the ministers of the gospel had labored, right held by virtue of the “authority” they had received from Christ (Heb 13:10: “right”; Rev 22:14).

Exousia first denotes the freedom to act, and then the authority to act. This is first and foremost true of God (Acts 1:7). The Son of God exercised it, as coming from the Father, and together with him, when the Lord was on earth, in the days of his flesh (Mat 9:6; Jua 10:18), as well as in resurrection (Mat 28 :18; Joh 17:2). All others receive their freedom to act from God, although some of them have abused it, whether they are angels (Eph 1:21), or human potentates (Rom 13:1). Satan offered to delegate his authority over the kingdoms of the earth to Christ (Luke 4:6), who, though aware of his right to them, refused, awaiting God’s appointed time. See AUTHORITY, No. 2, and also FREEDOM, POWER, POWER.

Note: The name logos, verb, word, is translated as law in Acts 18:14: “according to law” (VM: “it would be of reason”). See CAUSE, THING, SPEECH, WORD, etc.

Source: Various Authors

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