From God and before God |

The Latin American church needs a reform, but that reform will come primarily as a result of a renovation of its pulpits. When the pulpit turns to the Scriptures, the church will also be led in the same direction. When a church pulpit treats God’s word with reverence, so will the pews.

”, by Pastor Sugel Michelén, is an effort for that reform in the pulpits. It is an exquisite recipe for biblical preaching, with academic seasonings, but with a devotional aroma, because it awakens appreciation, esteem and a renewed love for the Word of God. A book for pastors, preachers, group leaders, Sunday school teachers and believers in general.

I found out about Pastor Sugel a few years ago through a friend who encouraged me to follow him on YouTube. What struck me the most was the reverence, care, and precision with which he handled each text he presented. In this book I found the explanation for that reverence, care and precision.

From its introduction, the book presents a provocative statement: “the Lord is present every Sunday in his churches listening to the preaching” (pg. 21). This must be the solemn conviction of every preacher. Hence the title, which echoes Paul’s words: “As from God and before God we speak” (2 Cor 2:17).

From God and Before God: An Expository Preaching Guide

sugel michelen

From God and Before God: An Expository Preaching Guide

sugel michelen

B&H Spanish. 192pp.

B&H Spanish. 192pp.

The three hooks of this theological anchor

The material is structured in three parts. In the first, Pastor Sugel establishes the theological foundation that underpins expository preaching. Three truths are presented to us: God has spoken and acts speaking; God speaks today through his written Word and God commands us to preach in order to publicly make his voice heard. The book is grounded in these 3 statements.

With great expertise, Pastor Michelén takes us on a journey through the history of redemption and helps the reader understand—and appreciate—the fact that God has communicated and continues to communicate with his people. From here the author says with an energetic tone: “It is absurd to take the time of preaching to share our own opinions instead of being instruments so that the text has a voice and speaks for itself” (pg. 38).

In the second part, the focus is on defining the preacher and then the preaching. We will find what an expository sermon is, the nature of preaching, the content that should govern it, and the importance of preaching in dependence on the Holy Spirit.

Beginning, he reminds us that the preacher is an administrator, a herald and an ambassador. Then, the author elaborates a simple but exhaustive definition of what preaching is: “It is the communication in the form of oral discourse of a message extracted from the Holy Scriptures through careful exegesis, transmitted with authority, conviction, courage, passion, urgency and compassion; through the entire personality of a redeemed man, called and qualified by God; under the influence and power of the Holy Spirit, for the glory of God in Christ, the salvation of sinners, and the edification of believers” (p. 92).

Later, regarding dependence on the Holy Spirit, he reminds us of the indispensable assistance of his help because even “when we are in our best spiritual condition, we are too weak” (pg. 110).

In addition, he insists that the content of the preaching is Christ, since He is the content of the Bible. We can reach Him, “from any of the avenues provided by God in the Holy Scriptures” (pg. 129).

A veritable arsenal for expository preaching

In the third and last part of the book, Pastor Michelén provides practical tools for the preaching process, starting from the choice of the text, the study of it, the structuring, preparation and application of the sermon. This part of the book will be very useful not only to pastors, but also to Sunday school teachers, youth leaders, and group leaders.

At the end we will find a list of 14 books recommended by the pastor that should not be missing in a preacher’s library. In fact, the entire book is nuanced and enriched by input from pastors and theologians whom Pastor Sugel quotes frequently. An admirable detail and worthy of imitation.

The theoretical and practical content of this book make it a true arsenal for expository preaching.

May the Lord use this book to build up his entire Church. The subject of preaching is one that concerns pastors and believers in general. I believe that every believer can and should benefit from the content and biblical principles set forth in this work.

Respect, appreciation and care for the Scriptures is a duty of the pulpits and pews of the church and this book can become a catalyst for this effect. ” is a book that I am sure will have a lot of validity.

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