Faith moves mountains, Mark 11:23

“For truly I tell you, whoever says to this mountain, Get off your feet and throw yourself into the sea, and will not doubt in his heart, but will believe that what he says will be done, what he says will be done to him” (Mark 11: 23) . From this verse it is understood that faith moves mountains.

The Bible describes a faith that moves mountains

Faith has been wonderfully described in the Bible, faith moves mountains and is used by great people who loved God and would do anything for him. Even Abraham, the father of faith, had such faith in God to the point of sacrificing his son (God intervened and blessed Abraham as father of nations).
Faith in the gospel, which is accepting and trusting in him whom we cannot see, knowing that he died, rose again and will come again, that is the faith of salvation in Christ Jesus, that every believer who has confessed Christ has received redemption through their souls.
Faith, as a gift of the Spirit, is another example of faith that we have read about and even seen; the apostle worked tremendously with this gift through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Miracles, because faith moves mountains

We have seen and read about the great miracles that seemed impossible but were done by the Holy Spirit through great evangelists of our time, both past and present through their faith in the power of the Spirit of God, because faith moves mountains.


Faith moves mountains, no matter how they come

Mountains are presented to us in various forms, such as obstacles, opposition, illness, death, difficulty, impossibility and insurmountable situations… Despite everything, we are told that faith moves mountains.

Nothing stands in the way of a man or woman of faith, because faith moves mountains.

“Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will be reduced to a plain” (Zechariah 4:7), because faith moves mountains.

“Every valley be lifted up, and every mountain and hill let down; and what is crooked is made straight, and what is rough is made smooth” (Isaiah 40:4), because faith moves mountains.

Faith moves mountains, moves them out of our way

The mountain here is not a literal mountain that we see while driving through our hometown, this mountain is a figurative mountain as stated above. Faith drives them out of our way, clears them up, and they become like nothing before us. Because nothing can stand in the way of a man or woman of faith (Mark 11:23; Matthew 21:21), because faith moves mountains.

Jesus was telling the disciples, who were marveling because the fig tree withered, that even this mount, the Mount of Olives, if you tell it to throw it into the sea, it will literally be thrown into the sea because you think it can be done. Because? Because we have faith, that everything we say believing will be done. Just as we believe that Jesus is the Savior.

So, however small our faith, faith moves mountains, even if it is as small as a mustard seed, to the extent that it is backed by faith, in making our statements, it will be, just as we say it should be. .


Faith moves mountains when we speak and pray with faith

That is why speaking and praying with faith is important for us as believers, because faith moves mountains, we are not ordinary people, Christ says that everything you believe will be done to you, Matthew Henry’s comment expresses it as follows manner:

“Whoever says to this mountain, this Mount of Olives, let him be taken away and thrown into the sea. If he has any word of God, general or particular, to build his faith, and if he does not doubt in his heart, but believes that the things that he said, according to the guarantee that he has of what God has said, it will come to pass, he will obtain all that he said by the strength and power of God in Christ Jesus, the greatest difficulty will be overcome and the thing will be effected “

Reinforcing this, Jesus went further in verse 24 telling them the importance of believing while making a prayer request, and Hebrews 11 talks about how men and women of old used faith to move visible and invisible obstacles, for faith move mountains.

Seemingly immovable mountains, but faith moves mountains

We have been able to discuss faith in its application to salvation and also as the gift of the spirit; We have also seen how faith, however small, can move mountains, figurative mountains or literal mountains.

So how does our faith move mountains?

After you have identified your mountain (mountains in the form of difficulty, failure, illness, etc.), whatever you can think of that serves as an obstacle to enjoying the best life God has for you, how then can you exercise your faith to move them?, because faith moves mountains.

Using Matthew 17:14-21, the disciples were unable to drive out the demon, and then Jesus pointed out to them the reason why they couldn’t, that reason was because they had little faith.

Having faith we can move any shape of mountains, which was reinforced in Matthew 17:21 because most of the time, as recorded in 2 Corinthians 10:4, the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of this world, they are not carnal weapons but powerful in God for the destruction of strongholds.

Most of the time our unbelief restricts the manifest power of God in our lives, it is because of our unbelief that we do little to make it happen; but if you have a grain of true faith, even if it is small as mustard seeds, then you will speak and the mountains of problems, adversities, among other things, will move; because faith moves mountains.

Keep in mind that an active faith can remove mountains, not by itself, but in the form of a divine power committed by a divine promise (Word of God), to which the faith adheres.

Jesus, in all his teachings, always taught his disciples the importance of faith and why they had to be in faith, every time his disciples did not come to this, he would ask them: “Where is your faith? Unbelieving generation! (Luke 8:25; Mark 9:19; Mark 4:40; Matthew 14:31)

But whoever shows his faith will move mountains, like the woman with the issue of blood (Matthew 15:28), the centurion (Luke 7:1-10), etc. This shows that when we apply our faith to our difficulties, God is always pleased because this shows that we trust him to make all impossibilities possible, because for those who believe everything is possible, because faith moves mountains.

Always keep in mind that faith moves mountains

Fear, doubt, unbelief, and prayerlessness hinder the wonders of faith in our lives. Every time we show the above, we say: “God, this situation is bigger than you, you just can’t solve this”, forgetting that he is the God who can do everything.

Trusting God is leaving everything to Him with faith, knowing that everything will work out for you. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do our part, because faith without works is dead. Always keep in mind that faith moves mountains.

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