Faith in the Midst of Needs and Trials – Sermons, Outlines, and Bible Studies

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Biblical text: John 14:1


Difficulties are part of the life of every human being. Christians are not exempt from suffering needs or tests, on the contrary, these are the opportunity we have to know if we really trust God or if we still lack faith.

Faith is one of the most famous topics in Christian preaching, but how solid is our faith?

In these Bible studies we are going to examine faith, what it is for, what its role is in the Christian life, and what we should do about it.

I. What is faith and what is it for?

A. Faith is believing in what is not seen. Hebrews 11:1

It doesn’t take faith to believe in what you can see and feel. Since we cannot see God, we need faith to believe in Him and what He can do.

Faith is nourished by our communion with the word of God (Romans 10:17). Knowing him more strengthens us since we know the kind of God we have and in whom we can trust. Otherwise, if we do not read his word it will be impossible to learn about him and therefore we will not be able to believe in what he is and does.

B. Faith works for salvation. Mark 16:16.

It is essential to believe in Jesus, in His sacrifice, that we are sinners and need to be cleansed, that He saves us, in His word… If we do not believe, we cannot be saved.

C. Faith serves to please God. Hebrews 11:6.

Believing in God and fully trusting in Him is something that makes His heart happy.

D. Faith serves to receive miracles. Luke 8:48.

In this passage from the Gospel of Luke there is a very moving story of a woman who had suffered for many from a serious illness. Her confidence that Jesus could heal her led her to make the decision to take strength from where she did not have to approach Him to be healed. Seeing her faith, Jesus healed her.

In the Gospel of Matthew chapter 13 verse 58 appears a radically opposite attitude to that of this woman: unbelief. Because of unbelief, Jesus did not perform many miracles in Nazareth. Without faith, there are no miracles.

II. How can I know if my faith is failing?

A. Trust the man. Jeremiah 17:5

This is a well-known verse among Christians but sometimes it is one of the least obeyed.

There are many who put their hope in someone with a lot of economic and/or political power, believing that their employment and monetary future is assured with them. Others may put their faith in doctors to heal an illness, in religious leaders, in relatives, etc.

We must keep in mind that this does NOT please God.

B. Trust themselves. Proverbs 3:5.

God commands us to trust in Him. Depending on ourselves, believing that we are very capable and that we do not need Him is a path that leads us directly to failure.
C. Despair. John 14:1

Who has never been desperate? There are so many news and situations that can make us despair! There is a story in the gospels about a storm that arose while the disciples were in a boat. The force of the storm was such that they began to despair while Jesus was sleeping. The disciples rudely woke him up to do something. Then Jesus got up and calmed the storm in a matter of seconds. What Jesus called out to the disciples was his lack of faith. Mark 4:35 – 41; Matthew 8:23-27.

Let us remember that if Jesus goes with us in the same boat, there will be no storm that will make us perish!

III. God does not forsake those who trust in Him. Matthew 6:25; Matthew 7:7-12.

If your faith is failing, there is still time for you to strengthen it. God is the one who dresses the flowers of the field, feeds the animals of the forest, waters the rain and lets the sun rise on the plants and crops… Jesus himself said that we are more important than all of them, therefore we NEVER will forsake We must believe in our God!

IV. Other blessings that faith brings.

A. Safety and trust. Psalm 112:7.

Being confident in God keeps us strong at all times. This psalm says that we will not even be afraid of bad news. When we are holding hands with him, we have the conviction that he has everything under control.

B. We are not destabilized by scarcity. Habakkuk 3:17-19.

The man of God has such confidence in Him that not even material scarcity destabilizes him. To trust fully in God is to walk on a level above what is natural: it is to walk hand in hand with the God who created the universe, the one who opened the cataracts of the heavens so that there were rivers, seas and lakes, it is to go together with the who raised the dead, healed the terminally ill, defeated humanly invincible armies… whoever fully believes in God knows that he goes hand in hand with the owner of everything that exists.

C. He is not afraid of tomorrow. Matthew 6:34.

The future is something that causes concern among human beings. We would all like to have a fortune to ensure our good future and also that of our children. But Jesus teaches us that we should not worry about that. Whoever trusts in God does not fear tomorrow.

V. Don’t forget to do your part. James 2:26.

Faith must be accompanied by action. What we can do will always be minimal compared to what God does, but those are the steps of faith that we must show. Remember that with 5 loaves and 2 fish, Jesus fed over 5,000 people, but someone had to have fished and baked before there was anything in the basket.


We all have needs and trials in life, but Jesus will not forsake us in any of them. We must place our trust in Him and in this way we will not be disturbed and full of fear by all the adversities that come.

Let us also remember that faith is a requirement for our salvation, to see miracles and to please God. God will never forsake his children. Let’s believe in Him and we will see His mighty hand work from Him!

Dear reader, I hope these Bible studies have been a blessing to you. Remember to commune with God by reading the Bible and in this way your faith will grow and become stronger every day.

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