Does Satan have the power to control the weather? – Bible Study – Biblia.Work

The increasing number of natural disasters and terrible storms has many people wondering who controls the weather, God or Satan? Some point to the descriptions of Satan as the “prince of the power of the air” in Ephesians 2:2 and the “god of this world” in 2 Corinthians 4:4 as evidence that Satan has control over the weather. An examination of the Scriptures reveals that any influence that Satan and his demonic angels have over the weather is restricted by the supreme sovereignty of God. The Devil, our “adversary”, must be taken seriously; we must acknowledge his existence and his limited power over the secular world. At the same time, Satan, a defeated fallen angel, is superhuman but not divine, having only as much power as God ultimately allows him (2 Thessalonians 2:6-11).

If Satan could impact the weather, it would be only by God’s permission and restrained, as in the case of Job. God allowed Satan to torment Job to test him, and this included “the fire of God” (probably lightning) that “fell from heaven and burned up the sheep and the servants” (Job 1:16). This was followed by a “mighty wind” (possibly a tornado) that destroyed his eldest son’s house and killed Job’s sons (verses 18-19). So, if the fire from heaven and the tornado were somehow caused by Satan, they were still under God’s ultimate control for his purposes.

It is God, not Satan, who controls the weather ( Exodus 9:29 ; Psalm 135:6-7 ; Jeremiah 10:13 ).
God controls the heavens and the rain ( Psalm 77:16-19 ).
God controls the wind (Mark 4:35-41; Jeremiah 51:16).
God upholds and sustains the universe ( Hebrews 1:3 ).
God has power over the clouds (Job 37:11-12, 16).
God has power over lightning ( Psalm 18:14 ).
God has power over all of nature ( Job 26 ).

God is in control of all things, including the weather. Through his providence, God provides for and protects his children, but also allows Satan, demons, and mankind to exercise their limited will to commit acts of sin, wickedness, and iniquity. These same beings are fully responsible for any and all man-made disasters and tragedies that they cause. We know that God has ordained everything that happens (Ephesians 1:11; Romans 11:36), and therefore his invisible hand is in our pain, although he cannot sin or be the author of evil (James 1: 13 -17).

There can be no meaningless suffering for the believer, whether the suffering is caused by mankind or by a natural event. We may not always know why evil deeds or natural disasters happen, but we can be sure that in all our trials and tribulations God is working in all things for his glory and our eternal good (Romans 8: 18-28).

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