Do real witches exist? Discover what a witch is and meet the most famous

Do you know what witchcraft is? Do you like to practice magic tricks? Then maybe you’re a witch… These very particular characters present in the most diverse stories throughout history have always caused people to talk. Although the times when they were persecuted are over, today they are also present in society. Learn more about the origin of witches and the most recognized in history between article.

what is a witch

Perhaps you have come across images of real witches in movies, stories or on the internet more than once. Its importance in popular culture is so great that the phrase “they say that witches do not exist… but that there are, there are” is very popular and does not lose its validity despite the passage of time.

Real witches are those who practice witchcraft, it is believed that there are good and bad witches, although the latter are the ones that are most present in the collective imagination when talking about witches. In the Western world, the most common representation of witches is that of an ugly-looking woman, with warts on her face and who wears a pointed black hat accompanied by a robe of the same color. They not only have the ability to do witchcraft but also to fly on a broomstick and suck the blood of children.

Other characteristics that define how a witch is is that they meet with other companions in a coven or sabat in magical ceremonies to perform spells, rituals and witchcraft.. In addition, they were persecuted in witch hunts (mainly between 1480 and 1650). Fortunately, in the 19th century, these cruel processes in which Not only were innocent women tried, but they were also condemned to the most horrible end: the stake.

The origin of witches dates back to the stories of the Bible and they are also present in art from the 18th century, it was always an activity feared by the general population and was prohibited in many cultures. However, by the year 1862, witches began to be rehabilitated. One of the forerunners of this movement was Jules Michelet, who developed a writing in which he described them as rebels and revolutionaries, victims of the church. As expected, his ideas were rejected by much of society.

The word “witch” began to take on a more positive value beginning in the 1970s with the feminist movements who reformulated the meaning of this word, even using it for a magazine where they expressed their ideas.

Despite all these twists and turns throughout history, today we can say that true witches were nothing more than women who used medicinal plants to treat ailments, diseases and surely in some other magical ritual as well as shamans.

What are real witches like?

Today many women and girls continue with the tradition of witchcraft, fortunately most of them are good and never seek to cause evil, but as in everything related to rituals and magic there are always people with bad intentions.

So what are real witches like? You will hardly come across a woman who looks like the stereotype that the church, art, society and history created. Perhaps in ancient times they dressed in a particular way, just as people of different religions do, but today you cannot identify a witch with the naked eye.

Asking what witches are like in real life is something that perhaps has no answer. You can find them in advertisements in newspapers, on the internet or providing their services in esoteric shops, but be careful not to be scammed by anyone who claims to be a witch.

Famous real witch stories

Perhaps right now you remember some names of famous witches and know a little about their stories. These prove that witches exist and are a testimony to everything that women who cast spells had to go through throughout history. The following real witches are just some of those who existed.

Witches of Salem

When you think about the characteristics of witches, a name that comes to mind may be Salem.. This territory, today known as the state of Massachusetts, in the United States, was the space where one of the largest witch hunts that ever existed took place. As a result, 200 people were arrested, 200 were charged with crimes related to witchcraft and 20 were executed.

It all started in January 1692 when Betty Parris, daughter of pastor Samuel Parris, and her niece Abigail began behaving strangely, yelling, throwing objects, speaking in strange ways, and adopting unusual positions.then Anna Putnam a wealthy young woman began to behave in the same way. For the following month, the three girls accused Tituba, a shepherd’s slave, Sarah Osborne, an old woman from the town, and Sarah Goode, a beggar, of being the cause of all these evils..

In March they were interrogated for several days, only Tituba pleaded guilty, however all three, along with Sarah’s 4-year-old daughter, were brought to trial. Meanwhile, these strange behaviors continued to spread among adults and young people in Salem. A doctor diagnosed that everything was the result of paranormal activities, which did not help the accused at all, at the same time that many people said they had seen women fly on brooms over the town.

Many innocents died and 4 years after the trials ended, some of the judges who had participated recognized their mistake. Today it is known that possibly all the reactions that these young women had had were the consequence of a fungus that can be found in moist wheat., Salmen is located in a swamp, so it would not be strange that it has developed in its harvests. However, the little medical and scientific knowledge, added to the great religious belief and the fear of witches added to a great ignorance caused all the episodes counted above to be triggered.

margaret jones

When it comes to real captured witches, we cannot forget Margaret Jones, the first person executed for witchcraft in Massachusetts, in 1648. Margaret officiated as a midwife or midwife and had extensive knowledge of medicine that cost her her life, since it was what caused her to be accused of being a witch.

As in all cases of witchcraft, she was accused by the wealthiest people in the colony, including John Winthrop, founder and governor of the colony. Although it is not known exactly why she was detained along with her husband William (who was not convicted), it is known that it was based on ideas established in the “Witch Hunter’s Manual” written by Mathew Hopkins.

Margaret was tried for using natural medicines on her patients, something uncommon in those times that refused to take them, several people died in her hands, so she was accused of making them sick just by touching them.

In addition, it was judged under concepts that today do not seem ridiculous, such as observing how a person acts when sitting cross-legged for 24 hours.. If it is a witch during that time, an “imp” will appear, that is, a familiar spirit that could take different forms such as a raven, toad, lizard or black cat. In Margaret’s case, John Winthrop testified that a small child ran around her. All this made Margaret, despite defending herself strongly, hanged on June 15, 1848.

elizabeth sawyer

Elizabeth Sawyer is known as “The Witch of Edmonton”, accused in her town of bewitching children in response to their families’ refusal to buy her the brooms she madeit is also said that he bewitched the cattle of these people. Like Tituba of the Salem witches, she confessed to being a witch and added that the devil appeared to her in the form of a dog, under torture..

In his native England, as well as in other parts of the world, many merchants and beggars were accused of witchcraft after problems or arguments. Despite all that was said about Sawyer, her conviction was after Agnes Radcliffe beat up her pig because she ate soap. In response to this reaction, Sawyer cast a strong spell that caused Radcliffe to become seriously ill, eventually dying..

Ultimately, Elizabeth Sawyer was convicted and executed by hanging for practicing witchcraft. Upon examining her body, three women claimed that she had the “witch’s mark”, a mark left by the devil on these women..

Recommends white witchcraft rituals

There are different ways to be a witch, as you saw, some women were accused of using natural medicine that today even doctors endorse. While others did practice spells and spells, That is why here you will find some white magic rituals that you can practice in your home..

  • Magic words. Do you know the best words to do sorcery? Abracadabra is one of them but there are others like sator arepo tenet opera rotas or phrases related to spells that you want to practice. The most important thing is that you want very strongly what you are asking for and concentrate to achieve it.
  • Powerful love moorings. Candles, honey, photographs of the person you want to tie, coarse salt and water are some of the elements used in African witchcraft to unite with another person forever.
  • Eliminate witchcraft works. As a white magic witch you should also know how to remove bad or black magic works. Remember that not all sorcerers and witches act with good and that it is very difficult to fight against negative forces.

Do you believe in witches?

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