Commentary on 1 Peter 5:7 – Exegesis and Hermeneutics of the Bible – Biblical Commentary

Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.

5:7 — “throwing all… him”. While one is undergoing tests of faith in this life, and awaits the promised exaltation (and God cannot lie, Tit 1:2), must cast all anxiety on God. The grammar of the Greek text implies that it should be cast “once for all.” see Matt 6:25 (“do not worry”, and Luke 10:41 (“busy”); In these two passages, the same Greek word that is used in this verse for “anxiety” appears. see Ps 55:22; Phil 4:6. The true Christian does not need tranquilizers. The reason why‚ the true Christian once and for all casts anxiety on God is given immediately. — “because he… you”. ask again Ps 55:22; Matt 6:25-34. Compare Matt 10:29-31; Luke 12:11-12 (a promise made in particular to the inspired apostles), and Hebrews 13:5-6. Chronic worry and anxiety show great lack of faith. Human pride does not allow a person to depend on another; she trusts herself. But the humble trust totally in God. see Jas 4:6-7. God promises to take care of him. Consider the example of Job at the time of his affliction (Job 1:21).

Source: Commentary on the New Testament by Partain

casting all anxiety on Him. 1Sa 1:10-18; 1Sa 30:6; Ps 27:13, Ps 27:14; Ps 37:5; Ps 55:22; Ps 56:3, Ps 56:4; Matt 6:25, Matt 6:34; Luke 12:11, Luke 12:12, Luke 12:22; Phil 4:6; Hebrews 13:5, Hebrews 13:6.

because he cares. Ps 34:15; Ps 142:4, Ps 142:5; Matt 6:26, Matt 6:33; Tue 4:38; Luke 12:30-32; Joh 10:13.

Source: The Treasury of Biblical Knowledge

casting all your anxiety on him: We need to present all our worries, anxieties and problems to God so that He can handle them.

Source: New Illustrated Caribbean Bible Commentary

HE TAKES CARE OF YOU. God’s care for the problems of each of his children is an outstanding truth throughout his Word (see Salt 27:10; Ps 37:5; Ps 40:17; Ps 55:22; Matt 6:25-30; Matt 10:29-31; Mat 11:30; Phil 4:6, note). That is why they must cast on Him all their fears, anxieties and concerns (cf. Ps 55:22; Luke 12:11-12; see ARTICLE THE PROVIDENCE OF GOD, P. 70. ).

Source: Full Life Study Bible

casting all your anxiety on him. This verse quotes in part and in part interprets the Ps 55:22. “Echando” means “to put something on another thing”, as cloaks are thrown on a colt (Luke 19:35). Christians must cast all their discontent, discouragement, despair and suffering on the Lord, and trust that He knows what he does with in the life of each one of them (cf. 1Sa 1:10-18). In addition to submission (v. 1Pe 5:5) and humility (vv. 1Pe 5:5-6), the third attitude necessary for a victorious Christian life is trust in God.

Source: MacArthur Study Bible

5:7 — “throwing all…he.” While one is undergoing tests of faith in this life, and awaits the promised exaltation (and God cannot lie, Tit 1:2), he must cast all anxiety on God. The grammar of the Greek text implies that it should be cast “once for all.” See Mat 6:25 (“do not worry”, and Luke 10:41 (“worry”); in these two passages the same Greek word that is used in this verse for “anxiety” appears. See Ps 55:22; Php 4:6 The true Christian does not need tranquilizers The reason why the true Christian once and for all casts anxiety on God is given immediately.
– “because he… you”. Again consult Ps 55:22; Matt 6:25-34. Compare Mat 10:29-31; Luk 12:11-12 (a promise made in particular to the inspired apostles), and Heb 13:5-6. Chronic worry and anxiety show great lack of faith. Human pride does not allow a person to depend on another; she trusts herself. But the humble trust totally in God. See Jas 4:6-7. God promises to take care of him. Consider the example of Job at the time of his affliction (Job 1:21).

Source: Reeves-Partain Notes

Ps 55:6; Matt 6:25-30.

Source: Hispano-American Interdenominational Translation


258 Mat 6:25

r 259 Ps 55:22

Source: New World Translation

7 super (1) Or, launching, that is, entrusting, delivering. The tense of the verb denotes an act performed once for all.

7 super (2) That is, the totality of accumulated anxiety for a lifetime, the entire life with all its anxiety.

7 super (3) Or, restlessness, concern. The sufferings that believers experienced while being persecuted caused them restlessness and anxiety. It is not only necessary for them to humble themselves, to be cast down from their pride, from their arrogance, but also to cast their life and the anxiety that it brings on God, because He is not only powerful and just but also loving and faithful towards them. .

7 great (4) Or, He cares what happens to you. The God who disciplines and judges has loving concern for believers, especially those who are persecuted. He faithfully cares for them. They can cast his anxiety on Him, especially when persecuted.

Source: New Testament Commentary Recovery Version

he takes care of you. lit., he cares about you.

Source: Ryrie Annotated Study Bible

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