Christian Movies for Young People

Christian films specially selected for young people. These films offer inspiration, values ​​and powerful messages that challenge and strengthen faith in the midst of youthful experiences.

The chorus

“The Choir” is an inspiring film about the power of music to change lives. The film is a reminder that everyone has talent, and that everyone deserves a second chance. The film is also a tribute to teachers who make a difference in the lives of their students.

Triumph in Adversity

Travis, a young athlete and star of his school’s student team in the town of Corbin. Due to a strong infection, the boy becomes totally blind. Travis must decide if he will live the rest of his life locked up in the safety of his home or if he will dare to go out and resume his life with the help and support of his parents and friends.

Fossil Project

Evie and Liz decide to take advantage of their vacation and travel to Chapada Diamantina, there they will meet Tiago, a boy who loves nature. Together they will join Vicky on an adventure like no other, in search of fossils.

The Power of the Cross

A Test of Faith

John Taylor and Alexa seem to have the perfect life. They are the envy of every parent in town. His son Beau is the school’s soccer star and his daughter Ravyn is the number one student. But when Beau’s alcohol consumption is detected, his place on the team and his bright future are threatened.


“Forever” is a 2016 Christian film based on the true story of Michael and Michelle Boyum, a couple who get married in college and then face the difficult trial of Michael’s illness.


Christian Film Based on a true story, Víctor and his family travel to New York from their native Puerto Rico. The American dream fades when they face a life of deprivation and Victor starts a lucrative new business dealing drugs in an attempt to help his family. Lila, Victor’s mother, does not lose faith in helping her son who is sinking into hopelessness and addiction.

The reason

La Razón is a beautiful Christian film that will bless your life in a way you never imagined. Faith above all is the fundamental pillar in us, and knowing that God’s will is good, pleasant, and perfect.

Do not worry

The covid-19 virus pandemic hit the entire world, bringing countless consequences and tests that we still must bear after leaving the quarantine and state of alert. This film tells the story of Rubén, who must face the consequences that this virus has left in his life, tests that continue to arrive one after another. What will happen? Will he lose faith? Will he be able to recover?


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