Character Biblical Meaning | Biblical dictionary

The term “character” is used in the Bible to refer to a person’s moral nature. Character is what defines an individual and makes it unique, and is made up of values, attitudes and behaviors that guide their daily lives. In this article we will delve into the biblical meaning of character and how this concept is fundamental in the Christian life.

The word “character” comes from the Greek “kharakter” which means “impression” or “mark”. In ancient Greece, this word was used to describe the mark made on an object to identify its ownership. Over time, the term began to be used to refer to the distinctive characteristics of a person.

In the Bible, the character is mentioned on several occasions. For example, in Romans 5:3-4 it says: “And not only this, but we also rejoice in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces patience; and patience, trial; and trial, hope.” This passage shows how trials and difficulties can shape our character and make us stronger and more persevering.

Another important passage that talks about character is Galatians 5:22-23, where the fruits of the Spirit are mentioned: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; against such things there is no law.” These fruits are the result of a character transformed by the Holy Spirit.

The Bible also mentions some characters who stood out for their character. For example, Joseph, who despite the trials and difficulties he faced, maintained his integrity and faithfulness to God. There is also the case of Moses, who had an encounter with God that transformed his character and enabled him to lead the people of Israel.

It is important to note that character is not something that is acquired automatically or instantly. It requires effort and dedication to develop and strengthen the values ​​and attitudes that compose it. Also, character is not something that can be hidden, sooner or later it manifests itself in our behavior and way of relating to others.

In the Christian life, character development is essential. This implies an interior transformation that allows us to reflect the image of Christ in our daily lives. Prayer, reading the Bible and fellowship with other believers are important tools for this transformation process.

In conclusion, character is a fundamental concept in the Bible that refers to the moral nature of a person. Through trials and difficulties, character can be shaped and strengthened. In the Christian life, character development is essential to reflect the image of Christ and live according to his will.

Last updated: May 13, 2023

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