CEDES – Encyclopedic Dictionary of Bible and Theology

Cedes (Heb. Qedesh, “holy place” or “sanctuary”). 1. Canaanite city captured by Thutmose III and mentioned in his list of conquered Palestinian cities as Qdsh. Joshua defeated her king (Jos 12:22) and assigned her to the tribe of Naphtali (19:37); that is why it is also called Cedes of Naphtali (Jdg 4:6), to distinguish it from other towns called Cedes (once called Cedes of Galilee; Jos 20:7). Later the Levites, sons of Gershon, received it and later it was designated as one of the cities of refuge (21:32; 1Ch 6:76). Cedes was the home of Barak, and there, together with Deborah, they gathered his forces to fight against Sisera (Jdg 4:69, 10). After Tiglath-pileser III conquered the city, he deported its population to Assyria (2Ki 5:29). It was later the scene of the victory of the Jewish army under Jonathan Maccabee against the Syrian forces of Demetrius II (1 Macc. 11:63,73). It is now Tell Qades, about 11 km north of Hazor. Map VI, B-4. 2. City in southern Judah (Jos 15:23), not to be confused with Kadesh-barnea; unidentified. 3. A town, in the territory of Issachar, assigned to the Levites descended from Gershon (1Ch:72); not identified with certainty. It is called Quision* in Josh 19:20 and Kishon in 21:28, perhaps because of a scribal error or because the people had different names at different times. See Kison 1.

Source: Evangelical Bible Dictionary

See Stay.

Digital Bible Dictionary, Grupo C Service & Design Ltda., Colombia, 2003

Source: Digital Bible Dictionary

(Sacred place). OT place names. It was widely used in Israel because it designated places where there were sanctuaries or pagan places of worship.

1. Canaanite city conquered by the Israelites (Jos 12:22). It was awarded to the tribe of Naphtali and constituted a city of refuge (Jos 20:7; 1Ch 6:76). Deborah † œsent for † ¢ Barak son of Abinoam, from C. Naphtali † to fight against † ¢ Jabin, king of Canaan and the captain of his army, † ¢ Sisera (Judges 4: 6). It was one of the cities conquered by the Assyrian king †¢Tiglath-pileser, who took its inhabitants into captivity (2Ki 15:29).

. City awarded to Judah in the division of the land (Jos 15:23).

. City dedicated to the Levites in the territory of Issachar (1Ch 6:72). = †¢Kisson. = †¢Quision.

Source: Christian Bible Dictionary

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veth, (a) City of southern Judah (Josh. 15:23). (b) City of Issachar (1 Chron. 6:72). (c) City of refuge at Naphtali northwest of Lake Hula (Josh. 19:37), where Barak and Deborah gathered the Israelites to fight Sisera (Judges 4:6-10).

Source: New Illustrated Bible Dictionary

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