We cringe when for the first time a child asks us, “What does it mean to die?” We have difficulty talking about, or even thinking about, the death of someone we love. Eight biblical truths about death Death is the…

Is masturbation a sin?

We are taught by the Word of God that sex, rather than being enjoyed selfishly, should be shared exclusively within the marriage relationship. The Bible does not explicitly talk about masturbation, but it presents several principles that help us understand…

Message for Mother’s Day

“This love is unchanging. Only the mother’s dedication to her son never changed. “Let us therefore praise these souls never corrupted by external influences, let us therefore praise these hearts, sources of pure love and the supports of a species…

benjamlm, tribe of

Although small, this tribe was, in a special way, energetic and warlike. They were still walking in the desert, and their warriors were already more than 35,000 (Nm 1.37) – but the number was increased so that, when the Israelites…