Biblical Meaning of Persons What does it mean according to the Bible? Biblical definition

Definition. Biblical meaning of respect of persons, it is to make a distinction, to take an advantageous inclination towards a particular individual.

This occurs when, thanks to certain qualities or individual characteristics, the person receives preferential treatment or a favorable decision. We are the most similar to God, for that reason when we are before him we should not fear because he will judge us all without any distinction.

Video on the biblical meaning of Respect of Persons

The bible expresses it clearly in Acts 10:34 when it says: ‘at that moment Peter speaking says: I really understand that God is no respecter of persons‘.

And in Leviticus 19:15 it says that ‘Injustice shall not be committed in judgment, neither favoring the needy nor benefiting the wealthy; the brother will be judged with justice’.

This makes evident the perfection of God and his wisdom to look beyond appearances or any other kind of materialism. And although we are mere mortals, the goal is to act like him and be impartial before any judgment, even when it is complicated we must act fairly.

The lessons that God has given us about the respect of persons they meet in other verses and it is an achievement to be able to take them as learning.

That is why those who have an authority and with their word generate changes in someone’s life should embrace this concept.

Because regardless of the position in a job or even within the same family, there will be situations where we are asked to grant some value judgment and it has to be done in a fair and impartial way. That is, act in the most similar way to God.

This considerably difficult act because it implies putting aside any type of feelings that make the decision questionable and regardless of the value that you give to the people who are before you, without making personal acceptances.

Peace and tranquility are the consequence of acting in this way, although it requires enough discipline and courage to put personal interests aside.

Living this way takes time and we are not perfect, so living impartially is certainly a difficult process.

It is at this point that the state of magnificence that God is in is observed because he can do it without a doubt, he knows what is inside the hearts of his children and we cannot lie to him, so he is free to act in favor of the respect of persons.

For God respect of persons cannot occurbecause his judgments are wise and just without distinction between brothers.

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