Biblical Meaning Foundation What does it mean according to the Bible? religious definition

Definition. The Biblical Meaning of Foundation It is the act or decision to put into operation a work, task, movement, center or community. Strengthening the foundations in the depths of the earth, so that later it continues to grow.

The expression foundation is often used metaphorically, indicating that the beginning of a path is decisive because of the orientation that is printed. The spirit that develops or the tonality that is engendered at the beginning and then produces its fruits.

This is true from a social point of view. But in religious and ecclesial works, more theological views are preferred. There is talk of ‘charismas’ or foundational insights, when explicit reference is made to thanks. That God gives to some men (the founders), for the benefit of others, of the Church.

For this reason, in Catholic liturgy, the figures of the initiators or works founders of Church. And bless God for his existence and for his actions.

Foundation comes from the Greek term ‘katabolë’ and from the Latin ‘fundatio’. The phrase ‘before the foundation of the world’ is mentioned in various verses of the Holy Scriptures. It refers to eternity before it had a beginning, the complex of space and time we call the universe.

Meaning of foundation in other areas

From a construction point of view, foundation is the bottom of the walls or pillars. In direct contact with the ground and transmitting to it the loads it receives from the structure. In reference to this point, it is important to build on firm ground, which supports the weight of the entire construction and accidental loads, without settling.

In the area of ​​law, the foundations are people moral or collective. They are the result of the creation of a patrimony destined for religious, charitable and educational purposes. Or any other public and private utility.

The foundation can be formed by natural or legal persons, either by act inter vivo, or mortis causa (in a will). The foundations are governed by the will of the founder, by the statutes established by him. Taking into account the provisions of the legal system of each country on this matter.

He biblical meaning of foundation refers to creation, that is, the beginning of all things. Today, the word foundation is often used when addressing a non-profit or non-profit organization. Dedicated to a lucrative activity to obtain funds and thus fulfill the social objective.

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