Bible Verses for Purpose Driven Women

Even though the Bible does not focus on just one gender, but on all people equally, there are specific Bible verses for women.

Women are special in the eyes of God and He has a specific purpose for each of them.

Here are 10 Bible verses that inspire women to live on purpose:

1. Genesis 1:27 – “God created man in his own image, he created him in the image of God, male and female he created them.”

2. Psalms 139:13-16 – «You formed me in the womb, you knit me in the womb… My body was not hidden from you, but in the hidden you formed me, and in the depths of the earth… Your eyes they saw me, and in your book were written all those things that were then formed, days that did not yet exist.»

3. Proverbs 31:25-26 – “She is the strong woman, whose effort is for her, and her arms are strong. When she laughs, there is prosperity in her way, and when she speaks, there is wisdom on her tongue.”

4. Matthew 22:37-39 – “Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. And the second is similar: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”

5. John 15:12-13 – “This is my commandment: Love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. »

6. Romans 12:1-2 – «So, brothers, I beg you by the mercies of God that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing to God, this is your rational service. And do not conform to this century, but transform yourselves through the renewal of your understanding, so that you may experience what is the good will of God, pleasing and perfect.”

7. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 – “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? Because you bought by price; Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.”

8. 1 Timothy 2:9-10 – «So in everything I require women to be decent, not setting bad examples, nor using curly hair or gold, or luxurious dresses to adorn themselves, but what is appropriate for women who profess godliness , that is, to do well, to be chaste.”

9. 1 Peter 3:3-4 – «Your adornment is not external, ostentatious hairstyles, gold jewelry, or luxurious dresses; rather, the visible man is the one with a clean heart, and a mild and calm spirit, which is of much more value before God.»

10. James 4:8 – “Desire therefore to be rich, and do it, but not in evil ways.”

What psalm speaks of the woman

Psalm 31 –

O LORD, in you I have taken refuge;

never let them embarrass me!

Deliver me in your justice!

Incline your ear to me and save me!

Be my rock of refuge
where you can go whenever you need help.

Order your angels to protect me;

let your defense surround me!

O LORD, hear my prayer;

Heed my cry of supplication!

Do not delay in answering me,
because I am in danger.

My enemies harass me relentlessly,
they attack incessantly!

My heart twists with fear
I tremble with terror

I feel so weak
I can barely walk!

My eyes cloud with tears;
my whole body is on fire!

My life is coming to an end
and my years at the end!

I feel like clothes that have grown old and worn,
like a dress that no longer fits!

Oh LORD, you know me;
you have seen me since my birth!

There is nothing in my life that is hidden from you!

My days are written in your book!

Oh God, how much you love me!

You fill me with your great love!

May your love and your truth protect me,
to free me from death!

O LORD, save me from my lying enemies!

You are my shelter!

I will surround myself with your wings,
for you to protect me!

I will hide in your presence;
you will protect me from my enemies!

Oh LORD, you are my refuge!

You know me!

Save me from my enemies!

You are my refuge
my strength,
my liberator!

Oh God, protect my life!

Save me from my enemies!

You are my shelter!

What verse talks about the woman?

In the Bible, women are spoken of in various ways. Sometimes it is praised, while other times it is criticized. However, there are some verses that focus on women in particular and that can help us better understand her role in the Bible and in the Christian life.

One of the most famous verses referring to women is Proverbs 31:10-31. In this verse, the ideal woman is described as one who is an exemplary wife and mother, but also as a woman who works and strives to do things well. This verse teaches us that women can be strong and capable, while they can also be sweet and loving.

Another verse that refers to women is 1 Peter 3:1-6. In this verse, we are told that women are to be respectful and submissive to their husbands. We are also told that we must be internal beauties, that is, that our beauty must not only be external, but must also come from our character and our way of life. This verse teaches us that women should value our inner beauty above all else.

What does Proverbs 19 14 say?

“Whoever walks according to his will, is pleased in his way, even if his way is crooked.”

Proverbs 19:14 teaches us that when we follow our own desires and not God’s will, our path becomes crooked. Walking on our own will means doing what we want, regardless of what God wants. This leads us to a path that is not the one that God wanted for us. God loves us and wants the best for us, so we should follow his will instead of our own.

What does Psalm 28 7 say?

The Lord is my strength and my shield, in him my heart trusted, and was helped. My heart leaped for joy, and I will sing praises to him with my song.

The Lord is the rock of my salvation, whom I fear, and in him all good is safe.

I will call on the Lord with gratitude, and I will be saved from my enemies.

Pains of death surrounded me, and torrents of iniquity terrified me.

The pains of the grave surrounded me, they seized me with the bonds of death.

In my anguish I called on the Lord, and cried out to my God: from his temple he heard my voice, and my cry came before his ears.

The earth moved and trembled, the foundations of the mountains moved and trembled, because it was angry.

Smoke rose from his nostrils, and devouring fire from his mouth, coals ignited from him.

He bowed the heavens, and descended, and thick darkness under his feet.

He rode on a cherub, and he flew, he flew on the wings of the wind.

He put darkness around him like the soles of war chariots, and fiery mist.

From his presence came fires, and coals were kindled.

He bowed the heavens, and came down: and thick darkness under his feet.

He rode on a cherub, and he flew, he flew on the wings of the wind.

He put darkness around him, like the soles of war chariots, and fiery mist.

From his presence came fires, and coals were kindled.

He stretched out the heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth. She will not be angry forever, nor will she keep her anger forever.

He has not treated us according to our iniquities, nor has he paid us according to our sins.

For as high heaven is far from us his mercy, as the east is far from the west, so our transgressions are far from us.

As the father has mercy on his children, so the Lord has mercy on those who fear him.

Because he knows our condition, he remembers that we are dust.

The days of men are like grass, they bloom like a flower of the field.

Because the wind will pass through it, and it will no longer exist, nor will it know its place anymore.

But the Lord’s mercy is forever and ever on those who fear him, and his justice on children’s children.

About those who keep his alliance, and remember his commandments to do them.

The Lord established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom will rule over all.

Praise the Lord, you his servants, who fear him with all your heart.

Praise the majesty of his holiness, you who are around his throne.

Praise the Lord all his armies, his servants who do his will.

Praise the Lord, all you who fear him, the small and the great.

The Lord will speak, and will judge his people. The Lord has judged me, and has redeemed my soul.

The humble will hear and be glad, you who seek the Lord.

Seek the Lord, and live, lest he unleash his fires, and burn, and there is no one to put it out.

Seek the Lord, and you will live, so that you will not be consumed in his fierce anger.

Deuteronomy 31:6

6. Be strong and brave; do not fear or be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

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