By: Rigoberto Gomez


Trust in God, trust God in everything

Before studying trust in God, we must know that one of the meanings of the word trust provided by the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE), is “to wait firmly and safely.” For this reason the word trust has the meaning “firm hope that you have of someone or something.”

About Trust in God, biblical meaning about having trust in God

When talking about trust in God, we must know that among the different Hebrew terms for the word trust we can mention Chacah (kha-so’) which means “flee for protection, trust, hope, take refuge.

Also the Hebrew Yacal (ya-chal) whose meaning is to wait, be patient, hope, take time, stay. There are more Hebrew words for trust, however with these it is enough to have an idea of ​​its meaning and that it helps us in our topic “trust in God”.

In Greek, you can also mention some terms for the word trust. The word Elpizo (el-pi’-zo) with the meaning of “hope or trust”, the Greek pisteuo (pis-tyu’-o) which means “to have faith, trust, believe, commit, put trust in”

Trust in God in the midst of our different situations

From what is stated above, regarding the word trust, we can say that it must be one of the spiritual characteristics that we must acquire in our Christian life since we must learn to trust God in the midst of the different situations or circumstances of our life.

Trust in God, we must learn to trust God, trust in the Lord

Trust in God: Trust in God

We are urged to have trust in God, but human beings have a tendency to mistrust. Let us remember that in the Garden of Eden the human being was deceived by satan, because this enemy of our soul does not want us to trust God.

God had said “…you shall not eat more of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; for in the day that you eat of it, you will surely die” (Genesis 2:17), however, satan told Eve “…You will not die…you will be like God, knowing good and evil…” (Genesis 3:4-5 ), and in this way he deceived the human being, but we must learn to have trust in God.

Human beings must learn to trust God

Human beings must learn to trust God and not listen to the voice of satan, who will always try to create mistrust through deception. We must trust the word of our God and make it part of our life as Christians, we must have trust in God.

Main sources to gain confidence in God

1. The word of God helps us to gain confidence in God

Without a doubt, the word of God should be a source of trust in God. In it we are taught who to trust and it gives us the necessary instructions and examples to learn to trust. Scripture guides us to incline our ear and hear the words of the wise, but also to apply it to the heart (Proverbs 22:17).

Trust in God: My trust is in God

In the same chapter 22 of proverbs we are told “so that your trust may be in the Lord, I have made it known to you today too” (v19). Hearing the instruction of the word of God brings faith to our life, because “… Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). This faith is what will bring confidence to our life. Without hearing there can be no faith and without faith there can be no trust.

To become confident, you need a process. It could be said that this process consists of inclining our ear to the word of God, listening to it, believing it and applying it to our lives and in this way learning to trust God. We could never say that we have trust in God if we do not trust his word.

2. The experience we have gained gives us confidence in God

Our experience acquired along the way as Christians will undoubtedly be an important source to put our trust in God. In the midst of the trials we go through, circumstances in difficult times, wounds, and similar things will cause us to place our trust in God.

My trust is in God, in Him I will trust

David expressed: “My God, my strength, in him I will trust; my shield, and the fort of my salvation, my high refuge; my savior; You delivered me from violence.” David could safely say that he could trust God as his shield, for his experience had made him see how God had delivered him from violence.

For this reason, our experience in going through life as Christians will make us trust more in our God, because we will realize that waiting on God gives us security even in the midst of difficulties and when we feel that there is no answer, even yet we continue to hope in God.

3. Instruction is another way to gain confidence in God

We must learn to listen and put wise advice into practice. We have parents, pastors, friends, leaders, from whom we can learn and take guidance according to the situations experienced by themselves, situations from which they learned lessons and that can be useful to us in learning to trust our God.

Faith and trust in God

We must have faith and trust in God, trust in the Lord

Many times we confuse faith with trust in God. We can have faith in God, but at the same time not fully trust God, but we can’t say we trust God if we don’t have faith either.

Trust is an extension of faith, we could believe and not fully trust, for this reason, when our faith does not automatically get us out of the difficult situation we are going through, we sink into despair because we lack trust in God to wait on him. in the midst of the storms of life.

Faith and trust in God, a powerful weapon

That is to say, we keep trusting in God despite not having received what we have asked for, but if both faith and trust act in us, we will have a powerful weapon that will sustain us in times when faith still does not free us from difficult situations.

Let’s remember that sooner or later doubt will displace faith, but trust will cause our faith to remain firm. Trust builds like a wall to protect us from doubt in such a way that even though faith does not get us out of difficult situations, trust helps us accept life’s circumstances and face them with the assurance that God is there. with us.

Faith drives us to have trust in God

Faith will drive us to have confidence and confidence will avoid all kinds of bitterness when our requests are not granted in such a way that we accept God’s will. Paul prayed to the Lord three times for the thorn that he claimed to have in his flesh, but he did not receive a positive response; yet his trust in God remained (2 Corinthians 12:7-9)

Faith is the one that waits for things that are not seen, but trust accepts things. Faith will produce great changes, but trust submits to those circumstances that do not change. Faith achieves what we ask for but trust holds it back.

Trust in God teaches us to wait

Faith rushes things but trust teaches us to wait. Faith is believing and trust is knowing. Trust is a relationship with God, but with faith we maintain that trust.

Sadrac, Mesac and Abed-negotiation had faith in God, and that faith pushed them to say “…Our God whom we serve can deliver us from the burning fiery furnace; and out of your hand, O king, he will deliver us” (Daniel 3:17), but they also said “…And if not, know, O king, that we will not serve your gods…”, that is, if their faith fails their Confidence was in his God.

Paul said that we can be “…troubled in everything…” but we are not distressed because our trust is in God. We can be in “…trouble, but not despair…” because we wait on God. “Persecuted, but not abandoned…” because our confidence is that God is with us.

My trust is in God, in Him I will wait… trust in God

Paul said “… Knocked down, but not destroyed” because our confidence makes us stay up in the fight because despite being knocked down we do not give up, we do not give up and we are not destroyed yet, because God is with us. This is our trust.

Many could trust in riches (Mark 10:24); others trust in idols, but “…they will be turned back and extremely confused…” (Isaiah 42:17); and sometimes we even come to trust ourselves but Paul tells us not to trust ourselves “…but in God who raises the dead” (2 Corinthians 1:9).

Trust in God helps us to believe in the midst of crisis

Miracles bring crowds of followers, but trust is maintained without a miracle being performed. We have confidence in the midst of life’s storms and when it seems that the whole world is against us, our trust in God will not be affected by the circumstances in which we find ourselves.

Trust in God in trials

We must have trust in God in trials

Trusting God in the trials we go through in life is not easy, especially for a new believer. As we go through these difficult times, just as we are experiencing them now in the world, we sometimes ask ourselves the question: Where is God when it hurts?” Is he there? Does he see what I’m going through?

Trust in God in times of trial

We need trust in God in trials, sometimes we question God and ask why do you let me go through these difficulties? Why do I ask you to take away these problems or hurts and yet they continue?’ She may experience anger, hurt, and even disappointment with God. Don’t worry… you’re not the first. We all go through this at one point or another; but we must also have trust in God in trials.

Let’s learn to trust God in trials

So how do you begin to trust God in trials? There are some Biblical examples of trusting God through trials that show that we may be looking for the wrong answer. We may be looking to God to just remove all our difficulties, but He never promised us that. When we ask “where is God?” We have great examples in the Scriptures that tell us how to look for him in times of trial.
Remember that Daniel trusted God even though he was going to be thrown into the lions’ den. Sadrac, Mesac and Abednego also trusted God even when they were going to be thrown into a fiery furnace, Joseph continued to trust God despite being sold by his brothers, being unfairly accused and being in jail. In the end, each one of them could see the powerful hand of God taking them out of such a situation. In the same way we must wait on God and sooner or later, if it is God’s will, it will also help us if we have trust in God in the midst of…

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