Bible Study of Matthew 8:23-27

Matthew 8:23-27

And when he was entering a ship.

1. A storm arose while the disciples followed their Master. sea ​​of ​​life Storms on the voyage-even when sailing according to the Captain’s orders.

two. While the disciples were alarmed, their Master slept. It was the dream of real innocence. He was free from fear. Peter Argyle on the eve of his execution. It was the dream of apparent indifference. Reasons.

3. In their anguish, the disciples implored the help of their Master. Faith in the power and love of him. He leads to fervent prayer. Incorporated in a short sentence.

Four. The disciples were rebuked by their Master. Not by disturbing his repose. Because of his fears as indicative of his little faith. Faith is the true antidote to fear. Much fear, little faith: little faith, much fear.

5. The disciples were delivered by their Master.- His dominion over nature.

6. The disciples uttered an exclamation of deep feeling in reference to their Master’s interposition. Gratitude, admiration, adoration.

(1) Prepare for storms.

(two) In the midst of all storms, invoke Christ.

(3) Adore him and praise him for the liberation that the lie brings. (Several.)

The disciples in a storm

The storm arose as the disciples followed our Lord.

While his disciples were perplexed and alarmed, he slept.

1. Restful sleep.

two. Wonderful.

3. Designed.

They came to him and woke him up saying, “Lord, save us.”

Our Lord rebukes his disciples.

What effect did all this have on his disciples?

1. Admiration.

two. Praise.

3. Familiarize your minds with Christ as present with you in all difficulties. (W. Jay.)

Christ calming the storm

The risk. Can’t you compare the Body of the man with a boat; and the soul that he carries within that body is like a treasure. The world as current; tests like storms. The disciples can adequately represent the Church, and the danger they were in, the extreme to which the Church is often reduced. One of the main reasons our Lord allowed his disciples to be tested in this way was-

1. Teach them humility.

two. Exercise faith and patience.

The behavior of the disciples in the face of danger.

1. Distrust in God.

two. Distrust His goodness and ability. Right before I had seen him cure paralysis, etc.

3. Rebuke.

Four. In an aspect worthy of imitation, they had resources for Christ.

The merciful deliverance effected by our blessed Lord.

1. The Divinity of our Lord.

two. How compassionate was our Lord with his timid disciples.

3. The man whose hope is in the Lord his God has no cause for alarm.

(J. Seger, MA)


The path of obedience leads through many scenes of boisterous trouble. Yes. Whatever storms come in the way of Christian obedience, they are for some good purpose.

Whatever storms may overtake Christian travelers, there is this comforting fact: Christ is with them in the ship.

Jesus not only comforts with His presence, but He also gloriously delivers with His power. Christ’s help may be delayed, but it will be timely and complete.

A. prophecy of the blessedness that the finished work of Christ will bring to the world and to those who embark with him on the journey of life-peace. (J.A. Seiss, D.D.)

Christ calming the storm

Storm. We are closely connected with the material world, the waves can hit both our spirit and our body.

1. The storm in the elements of nature.

two. The storm within the Church.

The calm.

1. In the elements of nature?

two. Calm in the kingdom of grace.


1. Have you embarked with Christ?

two. Flee to Jesus now, and cry, “Lord, save: we perish.”

3. If we are on board with Christ, we learn his claims of trust.

Four. This miracle speaks to ministers. They must learn by experience the value of the Savior they recommend. (J. Bennett, D.D.)

The passage through the lake.

1. Christ commands his disciples to cross over to the other side of the sea. He left the attractive for the repulsive.

two. The journey is suddenly undertaken, “just as He was.” Disciples must be ready to go at any moment in the service of their Master.

3. He takes the apostles with him: the school of the prophets, in which he is training the ministers of the Word. Daily lessons of providence.

Four. In addition to Christ’s immediate company in his own boat, a number of other disciples accompanied him in “other little boats.”

Jesus asleep in the storm.

1. A fitting figure of the homeless state of Jesus on earth.

two. The holy rest of the tired worker after hard work. Redeem this time for rest.

3. A peaceful sleep in the midst of danger.

Four. The dream of innocence, in contrast to Jonah’s dream of guilt.

Jesus calming the storm.

1. Calm responds to the fervent cry of the disciples. We must pray in times of need. The cry of the disciples brought liberation to many around him; we never pray for ourselves without benefiting others.

two. Jesus calms the storm with His word. An image of the life of many believers. (AM Stuart.)

miracles of power

In the early miracles love and mercy are prominent; in this, power.-(H. Alford, D.D.)

The calm of the storm

A frightening scene to behold.

1. Of imposing greatness.

two. Of danger and anguish not ordinary.

3. Very instructive in its symbolic meaning. “The wicked are like the rough sea.”

The dismay that was felt.

1. To whom did they apply?

two. The language in which they addressed Him. The last of these cries given by Saint Matthew.

(1) It is brief;

(two) It is appropriate;

(3) it is fervent

The wonderful power and authority that were manifested. This act.

1. For what was preceded. He rebuked the disciples before he rebuked the winds.

two. The way it was done.

3. The result that followed.

The astonishment that occurred.

1. In his astonishment there was considerable wonder and terror.

two. Despite their excited emotions, they expressed themselves in a language eminently appropriate for so memorable an occasion; not like Saint Peter on the Mount of Transfiguration. (Explanatory diagrams.)

A man devoid of fear

A simple but characteristic incident is recorded in connection with the early history of Lord Nelson. On one occasion his mother told him that he should be afraid of a certain thing and not get close to her; He immediately turned to her and asked, “Mother, what is fear? “It was a question that shows how true it is that the child is the father of the man; because if ever there was a character of intrepid intrepidity, that was him. Now it is evident that there was no need for the disciples to ask such a question; they knew well what fear was, and it was for giving in to it that they were now gently rebuked by our Lord. To us he also addresses the same words, because he wants each one of us to say with the Church of old: “I will trust, and I will not fear; “and, among many other cases, the present case is intended, and specially adapted, to strengthen one sentiment and eliminate the other.

Storms on the Sea of ​​Galilee

Dr. Buchanan experienced one of these sudden storms on the Sea of ​​Galilee. “As we gaze at the suggestive scenery around us, our serious conversation was suddenly interrupted by a movement among our Arab crew. Suddenly they rowed, raised the mast and began to hoist the long, very frayed lateen sail. What could boys want to do with a candle in dead calm? But they were right. The breeze comes, rippling and roughening the surface of the lake, lately glassy. It reaches us before the sail is well set sail. A few more minutes, and it blows hard. The bent and often spliced ​​yard threatens to give way, and the tattered sail sheath looks as if it might break and disappear in shreds. Going over the wind with such a boat is impossible. She has no choice but to slack off and run ahead of him “And where do we go now? it was our first investigation, when things had gotten a bit in shape. ‘Where the wind takes us,’ was the reply of the old gray beard at the helm. And off we went, the lake now all tossed in waves, and covered with foaming white heads, as if a demon had come into its recently calm bosom, an adventure which afforded us a new illustration of the reality of those events which the narratives of Las Scriptures relate.” (Cleric leave in the Holy Land.)

fearless in danger

Some years ago an army officer, who was a pious man, was recruited abroad with his regiment. Accordingly, he embarked, with his wife and children. They had not been at sea for many days when a violent storm arose, threatening the destruction of the ship, and the loss of all their lives. Consternation and terror reigned among crew and passengers; his wife was also very alarmed. In the midst of it all, he was perfectly calm and collected: his wife, observing this, began to reprimand him with a lack of affection towards her and their children, urging him that if he was not worried about his own safety, it should be about theirs. he did not answer, but immediately left the cabin, to which he returned after a short time with his sword drawn in his hand and with a stern countenance he pointed it at his chest; but she, smiling, did not seem at all disconcerted or frightened. “What!” said he, “are you not afraid when a drawn sword is in your chest? No, she replied, not when I know it’s in the hands of the one who loves me. “And you want me to be afraid of this storm and storm, when I know that it is in the hand of my heavenly Father, who loves me?” he replied.

Caesar on the ship

One of the greatest of the ancient Romans was once surprised by a storm at sea, and when the captain of the ship was terrified, the conqueror said: “Why do you fear for the ship? Don’t you know what leads to Caesar? “Let us remember, as Christians, that the ship in which we must cross the waves of this troubled world is the ship of the Church, and that it carries Jesus.

straight course

A certain noble family in England, who gained their position through the victories of an ancestor at sea, have as their motto the single word-Tilers. That word is a nautical term of command, which means that the helmsman must keep the ship’s bow straight on the course it is sailing. This is the true motto for a Christian. May he keep his course straight, through storm and tempest, through dangers and difficulties, directing the course of duty, with Jesus as his companion and guide. (Wilmot Buxton.)

Lord save us we perish

Man in his helpless condition as a creature that perishes.

Only salvation is from the Lord.

1. It’s from the Lord…

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