Best Answer: What are the 18 doctrinal points of the Apostolic Assembly?

What are the doctrinal points?

The 18 doctrinal points are the pillars of our doctrine and give meaning to our apostolic institution, each of them is based on the sacred scriptures and are divided into 4 sections: Divine Uniqueness, Institution, Sacraments, Prerogatives and Requirements and Eschatology.

What is the doctrine of the Apostolic Church?

The New Apostolic Church (INA) is a millenarian church. It has members on all continents.

New Apostolic Church.

New Apostolic Church (NAC) Doctrine Detachments Restored Apostolic Mission Church, Old Apostolic Church, United Apostolic Church, Members

What does AAFCJ mean?

The Apostolic Church of the Faith in Christ Jesus (IAFCJ) is a Pentecostal Christian church originating in Mexico.

Who is the founder of the Apostolic Church of the Faith in Christ Jesus?

What are the doctrinal points of the Bible?

18 doctrinal points of the Apostolic Church of the Faith in Christ…

  • God.
  • Jesus Christ.
  • Holy Spirit.
  • Resurrection of Jesus Christ. OF THE INSTITUTION.
  • Church.
  • The Church and the State.
  • Military service.

What is the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

According to the New Testament, Jesus was resurrected by God, ascended into heaven, at the “right hand of God”, and will return again to fulfill the rest of messianic prophecy such as the resurrection of the dead, the Last Judgment and the establishment of the Kingdom of God.

What does the Church is apostolic mean?

Apostolic: the Church was founded by Christ on the foundation of Peter, Head of the Apostles, and constituting the entire Apostolic College in authority and power; Peter and the other Apostles have in the Pope and the Bishops his successors, who exercise the same authority.

What does apostolic mean in the Bible?

apostolic, -ca

adj. Relating to the apostles. Pertaining to the Pope or emanating from his authority. … Name of different heretical sects that have tried to return to the way of life of the apostles.

What book tells the story of the Apostolic Church?

Primary sources reflecting the apostolic era include the authentic letters of Paul of Tarsus and the book of the Acts of the Apostles. The Acts transmit a set of information about the life of the apostles and the first Christian communities in the years following the death of Jesus.

What is the difference between the Gospel and Catholicism?

Protestantism is the antecedent and the historical framework of the group of evangelical churches. It constitutes a Christian movement that, unlike Catholicism, bases religious authority exclusively on the Bible (and for this reason its religion is evangelical instead of apostolic like Catholicism).

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