Best Answer: How to explain to children who the Virgin Mary is?

How to explain to children about the Virgin Mary?

Mary was a kind and humble young woman, she received a visit from the angel Gabriel who came from God to announce that she had been chosen to be the mother of her Son Jesus, she agreed to fulfill his will. … Mary lived in Nazareth while Jesus was a child, there she took care of his family with all her love.

What is the Virgin Mary for children?

The Virgin Mary is, first of all, the mother of God and not only the mother of Jesus Christ. In this sense, we must remember that according to Catholic doctrine God has three different persons, since he is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Catholics worship Mary because so did her own son, Jesus.

What is a dogma explanation for children?

A dogma is a proposition that is taken as true and undeniable. It is about the fundamentals and basic principles of any science, religion, doctrine or system. … For the Catholic Church, for example, dogma is a doctrine of God that was revealed by Christ to men.

How is the Virgin Mary?

Mother of jesus. The gospels only provide, with respect to Mary, the fundamental data and some anecdotes. She states that before and after the birth of Jesus she lived in Nazareth, a small town in Galilee, and that, according to the law, she was married to the craftsman Saint Joseph, a descendant of the house of King David.

What is the meaning of the Virgin Mary?

The Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus, is the one who conceived her son Jesus, by the work and grace of the Holy Spirit, and without having had sexual relations with any man. … In addition to this, the concept is applied to those women that the Church has highlighted for their purity and integrity of spirit that characterizes them.

What does the Virgin Mary do?

For the Catholic Church, the Virgin Mary is the Mother of God insofar as she is the true mother of Jesus who is God. …Thus Mary is called the Mother of God since she engendered the body of Christ which is substantially united to the second person of the Trinity.

Why do you think Mary agrees to be the Mother of the Son of God?

Response. Answer: Because she believed, she loved and worshiped God. She was also preserved from her birth, because she was born free of sin, to fulfill this task ordered by God. May 16, 2017 г.

Where is the body of the Virgin Mary located?

The Church of the Sepulcher of Mary in the Kidron Valley near Jerusalem is, according to the ancient ecclesiastical tradition of Orthodox Christians, the place “where the body of Mary”, the mother of Jesus Christ, was laid.

What is dogma 3 examples?

Dogma is a proposition that is assumed as an undeniable and irrefutable principle of a science or doctrine. The original meaning of the word, which comes from the Greek dogma (δόγμα), translates ‘thought’, ‘principle’ or ‘doctrine’. … Examples of Catholic dogmas are the existence of God, Jesus and the Holy Trinity.

What is a dogma and examples?

A dogma is a proposition that is assumed to be firm and true, or an undeniable principle. … -Example of dogma 1 – The profession of faith: there is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet. -Example of dogma 2 – Prayer: celebrated in community or individually, five times a day in the direction of Mecca with prior purification.

What is a dogma of faith examples?

“The dogma says that Jesus Christ possesses the infinite divine nature with all its infinite perfections, for having been eternally begotten by God.” “Christ is the possessor of a complete divine nature and a complete human nature: the proof is in the miracles and in the suffering.”

How many children did the Virgin Mary have after Jesus?

Today, however, it seems clear that Mary and Joseph had four sons (James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon) and some daughters. Where Christians are divided is when it comes to qualifying the brothers of Jesus. For the Orthodox, these are half-brothers, children of a previous marriage of Joseph.

What does the Virgin Mary teach us?

We are in May, the month of flowers; a month that makes nature happy with its beauty. Mary’s faith is the fulfillment of Israel’s faith and, in this sense, is the model of the Church’s faith, which has Christ as its center, the incarnation of God’s infinite love. …May 14, 2017

How old was the Virgin Mary when the angel visited her?

When he became a widower, already an old man at 89 years old, he would have married María, who was about fourteen or fifteen years old. According to these apocryphal books, Joseph would have lived to be 111 years old, spending about twenty years with Jesus.

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