Asnillo Biblical meaning What does it mean according to the Bible? full definition

Definition. The Biblical Meaning of Donkey, is the diminutive of onos, donkey, pollino or borrico. This is a word that is used with the purpose of designating the young donkey. At first, it referred to a calf unfit for work. Or, when he was able to procreate and act as a stud.

Video about the biblical meaning of Asnillo

For his part, the donkey is also cataloged by some for being a mammal, considered like this from birth until when they separate it from its mother. This animal is named enough in many verses of the Bible to be used by Jesus to enter Jerusalem triumphantly, in the last week of his life.

Zechariah’s Prophecy

When we talk about this prophecy it is highlighting some of the most minute details of the life of Jesus that are recorded in the Bible. Such is the case with the triumphant entry of the messiah into Jerusalem for his last days on the earthly plane. In this way, he would grant salvation to the world.

In fact, in Zechariah we can find a prediction when he says that the king was coming, mounted on a donkey.

Entry of Jesus victorious into Jerusalem

As Jesus approached Jerusalem near Betphage and Bethany, at the foot of the Mount of Olives, he commanded two of his disciples to say the following, which is expressed in Mark 11:2 ‘Go to that town that you see in front of you, and upon entering they will find a tied donkey that no man has ridden yet, untie him and bring him in.’

In this fragment you can appreciate learning how wonderful the son of God is, he knows every movement, thing that lives and is done in the world, he knows everything.

On the other hand, the Bible also expresses another aspect of Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem. where the disciples they followed his instructions to look for his donkey and in Matthew 21:7 he reiterates the following ‘They brought the donkey with her young. Then they put his cloaks on his back and Jesus sat on it.’ Immediately afterwards, the people cut tree branches, on the path where the savior would pass.

As can be seen, in history and in the gospel account he shows us the greatness of our father and his son. But above all the nobility of Jesus when riding an animal that is not very attractive to many. That is, we must not get carried away by aspects, we are all children of God with our strengths or weaknesses.

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