Am I an old soul? (Find out here) – Always Angeles

Do you want to know what it means to be an old soul? As an adult, do you feel like you don’t fit into society, but you don’t care, because you’re not interested in being one of the crowd?

Being and feeling older than your age, and differentiating yourself from people your own age, is a strong indication that you may be an old soul.

Does your soul have age?

As souls, we are all equal… No soul is more special or more important than another.

In essence, we are all spiritual beings in complete unity with the Divine, each experiencing temporary physical journeys.

And yet, through the reincarnation of the soul from one life to another, we learn lessons, gather experiences, fulfill agreements, serve, give and receive. All this develops a kind of evolution of the soul.

It is well known that when our present life in the physical ends, we cannot take other people, possessions, collections or things with us… But what we take with us is the experience of our soul.

Experience and development of the soul

The experience and development of the soul throughout life is what determines the age of the soul.

Whether you are a young, mature or old soul, it is not just about how many lives you have lived and experienced as a soul, but also how you, as a soul, have grown and progressed through those experiences.

The five ages of the earthly soul

The five ages of the earthly soul include the baby, child, young, mature and old soul, and each of them has seven levels.

When a spirit reaches the fifth soul age, they have developed a broad understanding of life and understand that they are one with the Universe.

All spirits move through the levels during each new incarnation. Some spirits move quickly through the ages and others like to take their time to experience as much as possible.

As spirit experiences life lessons, fulfills promises, and evolves, the true nature of the Universe and life becomes clearer and more present.

Who are the old souls?

An old soul has accumulated a great deal of knowledge and understanding, so much so that the individual’s gaze is powerful and somewhat uncomfortable.

Old souls have learned lessons, progressed on their soul journey, and successfully moved forward through a wide variety of life lessons, trials, and experiences.

Through this, they gain a deep understanding of the physical and spiritual worlds around them, and have profound inner wisdom.

Old souls don’t seem to quite fit into society. Your values, perspectives and motivations are influenced by the wisdom gained from a lifetime.

Old souls are powerful teachers because their wisdom has been gained through experience. They are the people who teach and guide younger, less experienced souls to align with Divine love and soul growth.

Characteristics of an old soul

Are you an old soul? If so, you probably identify with most of the following characteristics.

1. You know where you come from and where you are going

You instinctively know that we are all part of Source and you understand that all things and all souls are connected on some level.

You are kind but when someone is not kind to you, you also understand that this is just part of your journey, and instead of taking it personally or getting angry, you are able to ignore it.

2. You are happy being an introvert

Old souls do not need interaction with others as much as other souls. You are self-sufficient, happy in your own company and completely at ease with yourself.

You are polite and kind enough to your colleagues and friends, but you don’t have a great desire to socialize or take those relationships further.

You also don’t care about your family, and it doesn’t bother you to spend a lot of time without seeing them.

If you are in a relationship, it is likely to be with someone who is part of your soul group, or someone with whom you made an agreement before this incarnation.

3. You don’t settle

Old souls have a rebellious streak, and you do what you want to do, when you want to do it, whether it is accepted by society or not.

Because you have an innate understanding of the big picture, you don’t see the point in small social rules and regulations.

You are never afraid to stand out from the crowd or push your limits.

As a child, you didn’t fit in and were likely much quieter, more introverted, and more studious than your peers.

Additionally, you do not allow material possessions, wealth, or “social success” to define you.

4. You are the calm in a storm

You understand that life has its own way of solving things. When you face a problem or crisis, you just know that everything will work out the way it should, so you don’t get too scared or afraid of the future.

Your calm and relaxed demeanor is sometimes mistaken for laziness or ambivalence; In reality, you simply understand that life will continue, with or without the accompanying drama.

5. You are able to separate yourself from the drama

Although you are empathetic and feel deeply for those who are going through a difficult situation, you are not an activist and are not interested in policies, causes or campaigns.

Again, this is connected to your understanding of the greater purpose. You are content to allow life to unfold, and you wish that others around you can understand this, so that they too can stop worrying.

6. You seek spiritual knowledge

As an old soul, you are passionate about reading and learning because you can see that knowledge is power. However, you do not believe in conventional educational systems and rather use your time and energy educating yourself, reading, learning and absorbing knowledge and experience.

You are likely drawn to spiritual themes and metaphysical teachings. Or the somewhat limited friendships you make are probably with people you met through classes, courses, or spiritual groups.

7. People seek your wisdom

From your relatives to strangers, everyone has a story to tell and everyone wants to tell it. You find people asking for your advice out of the blue, but although you are happy to offer advice when asked, you are not a teacher.

You don’t try to impose your wisdom on others, and you don’t try to change anyone’s opinion. You don’t judge others; You made all the mistakes they are making now, and then some.

8. You see through the lenses of love

You are approaching the end of your incarnation cycle, and you subconsciously want to make the most of every last physical plane experience you can have.

That’s why you love the little details in life that others overlook: the raindrops on the leaves, the silence before dawn, the colors of the sky.

You can see the beauty that others tend to overlook and the underlying miracles in every moment.

9. You have deep inner knowledge

Your intuition has been highly developed through your many lives and past soul experiences.

You have learned to trust your inner guidance and intuition, more than most other souls, and often find that you just know something, without understanding how you know it.

Navigating life like an old soul

It’s not always easy being an old soul.

Our society often ignores old souls in the same way as older adults.

When you don’t fit into the materialistic, power-driven narrative of our times, you find yourself on the fringes of society, perhaps being rejected, ridiculed, or marginalized by others.

Don’t suffer for others

Sometimes the need to speak and guide people can be overwhelming, but remember that the younger souls around you have their own learnings.

Don’t feel bad when you see others heading down the wrong path, or walking into the traps of materialism or other worldly activities.

Seeing others suffer unnecessarily can be heartbreaking. For that reason, old souls should make sure to take care of themselves emotionally. Do a lot of what makes you happy.

Reflect on your role here

When you are struggling with the challenges of being an old soul, try to go inward and reflect on your role here.

Understand that only by challenging social conventions and doing your thing, are you inspiring others. You are teaching, without forcing. Trust your knowledge that things are happening as they should.

If you resonate with being an old soul, you are here on Earth now because you have an important mission and purpose.

You have accumulated spiritual wisdom throughout your life, and that is necessary in today’s world. Regular meditation and cleansing your chakras will help you access and harness the powerful wisdom within you.

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