A Blind Man With 20/20 Vision – Biblical Meaning

A Blind Man With 20/20 Vision

Mark 10:46-52


I have heard it said: “There is no one more blind than the one who does not see”. I guess that’s true, because there are a lot of people walking around the world today whose eyes are working fine, but they can’t seem to see that the way they live their lives will eventually lead them to a place they don’t want to be. be.

I want to tell you about a man who was totally blind, he was blind as a bat. His name is Bartimaeus. He couldn’t see anything with his physical eyes because he was born that way, but he could see things on a spiritual level that others couldn’t. This man was blind, but he had 20/20 spiritual vision.

As I look out over this crowd this morning/afternoon, I am reminded again of the truth that not everyone who came here today gets to see. Oh, your eyes work very well. You didn’t have to rely on a white cane, guide dog or someone to help you in the church house this morning. However, there are some among us who simply cannot see. Although they can see everything around them, they cannot see the truth of God’s love and plan for their lives. Why? They are spiritually blind.

With God’s help and Him doing the work, I’m going to show you in this passage that Jesus is who you need and everything you need. I believe that if we delve into God’s Word, He will help restore your spiritual vision and help you make the decision you need to make for Jesus. All I ask of you is that you allow the Lord the opportunity to speak to your heart and that you respond as He leads you today. If you do this, then you can leave this place in a right relationship with God and leave with 20/20 vision, at least spiritually. Join me for a few minutes as we discuss together: A blind man with 20/20 vision.

*** STAND *** READ *** PRAY ***

There are some things I want you to see about this blind man and his way of life and how you can apply it to your life and see clear as a bell.

I.) His sorry condition (v. 46)

A. He was blind

Apparently, this condition was one he had been born with. Blindness was a common condition in biblical times, due to various diseases and health conditions.

B. He was a beggar

Due to his physical condition, Bartimaeus was prevented from finding and performing a job in order to earn a living. On that day, there were no welfare programs or charitable institutions to help him. There was no social security or other government programs that he could turn to. Bartimaeus was totally dependent on the generosity of others for his survival. His was a pitiful and miserable condition!

C. In your condition

Bartimaeus is a good portrait of everyone who is outside of Jesus and lost in sin. Like Bartimaeus, the lost person is spiritually blind. They are blind to his condition, his sin, and his imminent eternal destiny. Only Jesus can open your eyes! Like Bartimaeus, the lost is also a spiritual beggar. They can do nothing, and they have nothing within themselves to bring about salvation. They are simply sitting by the side of the road begging for alms as Jesus passes by.

II.) His persistent cry (v. 47-49)

Ë Although Bartimaeus was blind, he was able to see things that others around him, who had his vision, could not. In these verses, Bartimaeus demonstrated that even though he was blind, he still possessed 20/20 spiritual vision.

A. He recognized who Jesus was

Apparently, Bartimaeus had heard about the miracles performed by Jesus. He must have heard of the lepers, the lame, the demon possessed, even the dead that Jesus had touched and healed again. As he sat by the roadside, he heard the travelers talking among themselves. He had heard of Jesus and knew that what Jesus had done for others, he could do for Bartimaeus!

Ë This is the first step in coming to Jesus for your own salvation. You must recognize who He is and know that what He has done in the lives of others, He can do for you. Our duty is to accept what the Bible teaches about Jesus. When we do, we can be sure of salvation – Romans 10:9 (NIV) 9 that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

B. He realized what Jesus could do

Bartimaeus exercised faith in Jesus, which is the key ingredient to receive anything from God, Ephesians 2:8-9 (RV60) 8 Because by grace you are saved through faith, and this not from yourselves; it is a gift of God, 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. . Beyond that, this poor blind man saw things that most of the people in that crowd never saw. In fact, he saw some things that many in this building have never seen. Some things you have to see today.

1. What he saw was that his greatest opportunity had come: For years, this man had sat by the roadside begging. He was helpless and in a desperate condition. As Jesus passed by, Bartimaeus realized that if Jesus was who he claimed to be, this was the day of his greatest opportunity. As a result, he began to cry out for the Lord to have mercy on him. Bartimaeus, though blind, was able to seize the opportunity when he looked him squarely in the face.

Ë There are people in this room who need to see that today may well be the greatest opportunity you’ve ever faced. life. You have the opportunity this morning to come to Jesus and be saved forever by his grace. If you ignore this opportunity and choose to continue in your sins, then there is nothing in front of you but Hell, 2 Cor. 6:2.

2. He saw that this opportunity could easily be missed – If Bartimaeus had stood still that day and said nothing, then the next day would have been like all the days before. He would have sat by the roadside begging himself to death. He may have been blind, but even he could see that unless he did something about this situation, he was doomed to a life of misery and darkness.

Ë Every lost person in this room needs to understand that Jesus Christ loves you. He died on the cross to save you and He will do exactly that today if you will only come to Him. However, He will not force his way into your life. If you don’t receive it, then you will never be saved. If God has been calling you to come to Him, I challenge you to obey that call. If you refuse, this golden opportunity will surely pass you by.

3. He saw that this opportunity would never come again – Apparently, Jesus had never been down that road before and, for all Bartimaeus knew, he may never go down that road again. He knew that if he was going to receive help from Jesus, then he had to call on Jesus while he was near.

Ë Again, lost friend, you must understand that if you allow salvation to pass by this morning, you may never have a chance to be saved again. You see, you cannot be saved anytime you want to be saved. The only time you can come to the Lord is while He is calling you to come to Him. When you feel that pressure on your heart. When you know you are lost and you know you are headed to hell and you want to change, then that is the time to come to the Lord. Delaying can mean that you will never have the opportunity to be saved again – Genesis 6:3 (KJV) 3 And the Lord said: My spirit shall not contend with man forever, for indeed he is flesh; one hundred and twenty years.”

Isaiah’s advice is still good today – Isaiah 55:6 (KJV)

6 Seek the Lord while he may be found, Call upon him while he is near.

4. He saw that Christ’s way was much better than his – After Bartimaeus received healing from the Lord, he was told to “go your way. h However, he saw that Christ’s way was much better than his own and followed Jesus and according to Luke 18:43 (KJV) 43 And immediately he received his sight and followed him, glorifying God. And all the people, when they saw him, praised God.

He praised the name of the Lord as he followed Jesus on the road.

Ë Here is a lesson for every person who has been saved. Especially for those who have come to Jesus in the last days. After salvation, there will be a change of direction in your life, 2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJV)

17 So if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things passed away; behold all are made new.

C. Repeated the Cry

Those who were there and those who went with the Lord tried to get Bartimaeus to stop crying out to the Lord, but his determination was so great to get the Lord’s help that he continued to cry out and, in fact, just got stronger. He was not hampered or bothered by the opinions of others. He needed something from the Lord and he was determined to get it. Regardless of what anyone thought or did!

Ë My friends, there is nothing and no one worth going to hell for. Situations, circumstances, and people may try to get in your way and take you away from Jesus, but you must not allow anything to take you away from the Lord who loves you and wants more than anything to save your soul. Be like Bartimaeus and get serious about coming to Jesus. He is worth any price. He is worth any loss. He is the only one who is worthy of your soul. Know this, when you are serious about coming to Him, then nothing, not family, not friends, not some favorite pleasure or sin, nothing can keep you from coming to Jesus.

D. Received a reply

When Jesus heard this beggar crying, He stopped in his tracks and called Bartimaeus to come to Him. What a glorious moment it must have been for this poor blind beggar! His faith was honored and he received an audience with the Lord Jesus.

Ë Let me say to every lost person in this room today that Jesus Christ is not too busy to hear your cry either. In fact, there is nothing in this universe more important to Him than you. Remember the price He paid for you. He demonstrated his love for you when he went up to Calvary and paid for your sins on the cross. I promise you that if you cry out to Him, He will save your soul today!

III.) His Personal Cost (v. 50)

According to this verse, when Jesus called, Bartimaeus got up to leave. *The bile says that he threw the cloak from him*. This means that he threw aside his outer coat and jumped to go to Jesus. This coat must have been very valuable to Bartimaeus. He must have known that someone else could easily pick it up and take it away. He must have known that he could have lost it and this man would not have had the means to replace him. However, he counted the cost and was willing to pay whatever price was necessary just to get to Jesus.

Ë I don’t want anyone to leave here today under the impression that there is no personal cost to coming to Jesus. Sometimes the price we are called to pay is very high. Some have lost family and friends because of a decision for Christ. Some have given up their home and even their lives because they chose to follow the Lord Jesus. Everyone who comes to Him has to give up something. Some sin or some bad…

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