6 Relaxing Holy Saturday Prayers to Pray While We Wait for Easter Sunday – Biblical Studies

I’m embarrassed to say that now that Easter is approaching on the calendar, I had been thinking of those days more as a break than anything else. As a mom, I’m thinking of all the extra tasks on my list as I switch the kids’ wardrobes from winter to spring, not to mention deep cleaning. But maybe I should focus on a deep cleansing of my soul!

We tend to skip this weekend, especially Holy Saturday, as if it were just another day. But we must not ignore the Sabbath or assume that it does not have much meaning. God and Jesus were working behind the scenes despite the silence on Saturday. So, I approach Easter feeling unprepared and stressed during this ongoing pandemic. But maybe now that I’ve gotten caught up in this mindset, I can change it and prepare for Holy Week, Holy Saturday, and Resurrection Sunday!

What is the meaning of Holy Saturday?

Holy Saturday, which is the day between Jesus’ crucifixion and His resurrection, appears to be remarkably quiet in the Scriptures. After all, a lot happened on Friday. Jesus died with this conviction: “You will not leave me in the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see corruption” (Acts 2:27). When Jesus died on the cross, he exclaimed, “It is finished.”

Despite the silence, neither rested. It’s almost as if God is holding his breath and saying, “Trust me. Wait for it and watch what I do next.” The day before the earth rumbled, trembled, trembled and the sky darkened. God made himself heard on Friday when he opened the graves of the dead and sacrificed his only Son to save us all. God rent the veil of the temple from top to bottom and Jesus took our place on the cross.

In the Scriptures we feel the heaviness and the groaning of the women who carried the body of Jesus. But no one realized that Jesus was not in his body. He wasn’t in the grave either. He was busy getting the keys to hell and leaving death in his place. He had paid for death in full (Matthew 27:59-60; Mark 15:46; Luke 23:53-54; John 19:39-42).

As his followers and women wept and lamented, his disciples scattered in shock as they tried to understand how Judas could have betrayed him, why he was killed, and what Jesus had really meant. The day in between became Holy Saturday, as we later learned about what God was doing.

How is Holy Saturday observed?

The Bible makes a reference to Holy Saturday in Matthew 27:62-66 when the Pharisees visited Pontius Pilate asking for a guard to be placed in front of the tomb of Jesus.

Later, Holy Saturday became a day to celebrate by holding a vigil just as others did outside His tomb. According to the Bible, Jesus’ followers and family kept vigil outside his tomb, awaiting his foretold resurrection, as in Matthew 27:45–57; Mark 15:42–47; Luke 23:44–56; John 19:38–42. Some churches hold services at sunset on Saturday. Some fast until Easter morning even though the history of the Holy Saturday fast has varied for thousands of years.

There’s no right or wrong way to observe Holy Saturday unless you plan on ignoring it entirely while you double up on laundry and play your favorite band. What matters is that we prepare our hearts to receive the gift that Jesus’ death on the cross brought us. We can read the scriptures and imagine how Mary and her disciples felt. They probably had various reactions, a sense of failure, reeling from the trauma of her Savior, or maybe they had given up hope and were deep in grief. We can ask ourselves where we need comfort in our own history, circumstances, or struggles. We know that Easter is coming and we can prepare our hearts to receive the day. Praying during Holy Week HERE.&nbsp ;Print your own copy for a beautiful pre-Easter daily devotional.

Six relaxing Holy Saturday prayers

Here are six relaxing Holy Saturday prayers to prepare our hearts for Sunday.

Holy Saturday Prayer

– Rachel Marie Stone

Lord God, on the Sabbath, Jesus rested. He was in the grave. He had finished his work. In the eyes of most people, he seemed as if it was all over. He was dead and buried. But only as a seed dies when it is planted in the ground, not to rot, but to sprout to new life. Teach us to take refuge in you when we are afraid; Teach us that death is not our end Teach us to always hope in you And in the resurrection, the creation of all things New. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Based on: Matthew 17:1-6; Lamentations 3:1-9, Lamentations 3:19-24

A Prayer to Prepare Our Hearts

– ChristiansTT

Heavenly Father, the Lord Jesus before His death, although He was suffering and in excruciating pain, He asked You to forgive His mockers and murderers.

What great love the Lord must have. Although they spat on him, mocked him, stripped him naked, flogged him and crucified him to death, he asked for their forgiveness.

Matthew 6:14-15 “For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father has also forgiven you. But if you do not forgive others his trespasses, neither will your Father forgive yours.”

What happened at the Holy Saturday prayer

—Cally Logan


We recognize the importance of Holy Saturday for the Easter season. It is not simply a day between Good Friday and Easter, but it is a day to observe in the consecration of what you did for us. We leave our own agendas, our own desires, and our own pleas at the door and long today to be still and rest in Your presence. We are so grateful for the ability to still our hearts and be in Your presence, we want to get to know Your heart more this day. Thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to die for us, and Thank You that You kept Your promise that Easter Sunday. Let us not rush so fast in our own lives that we forget the glory that You brought that day.

In the name of Jesus,


Short Saturday Prayers

–Heather Riggleman

Father, I thank you for my life this Saturday morning. I thank You for saving my life by having one of Your kingdom workers share the Gospel. Thank you for preparing my heart to receive and serve you. On this Saturday morning, I ask you to dwell abundantly in my heart and home as you bring peace and calm. I rebuke every evil force and distraction that opposes what Christ did for me and I ask you to create a hedge of protection around my body, soul and mind. I thank you that I can be sure of this very thing, that he who began a good work in me will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus. Cleanse my heart of all evils against you so that I can be ready to rejoice in the morning. Amen.

Holy Saturday morning prayer

—living prayers

Oh Lord,

On this day, the world waited, like a long winter waiting for spring, like a dry land waiting for rain. Still, calm, in the midst of a faltering world, silent hope in a dark place. Lord, we give you the times that we have in our own lives, where all we can do is wait, when all we have is hope. We give you those times when all we have is faith in new life, new beginnings and the call of heaven.

Being with all those who are waiting today in that cold and uncertain place. Embrace them, keep them safe in your arms, resting in your promise of new life.


Serenity Prayer

—Janet Thompson

Dear Lord, refresh me with your living water. May the Holy Spirit flow over me. Remind me that this world is not my home and to keep my eyes on the sky. I can lose sight of you so easily in the midst of my problems and the craziness of the world.

Others are seeing how I react to stress and difficulties. They need to see that my dependency is on you. My source of hope is that you work in ways that I may not see.

I want to take heart when asked how I can continue to have a smile on my face and joy in my voice as I move forward. in the midst of stressful times. Please don’t let the darkness overtake me Lord as I seek your face in the morning light and the stillness of the night. I will not be discouraged because I know that the Lord my God is with me wherever I go. Praised be Father. Amen

“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever” Psalm 73:26.

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