100 Bible knowledge questions about the Acts of the Apostles

How much do you know about the Bible? We present the series: “”. In this series, each article contains 100 Bible questions on the following categories: , , , , and the epistles and Revelation.

In this installment, we present you 100 Bible knowledge questions about the Acts of the Apostles which are classified into three categories: people, events and geography.


1) Multiple choice: To whom did Luke address the book of Acts of the Apostles? (a) Hermas; (b) Theophilus; or (c) Alexander.

2) Question: Jesus compared the baptism of the Holy Spirit to water baptism at the hands of a great prophet born before Jesus. What was his name?

3) Multiple Choice: How many white-robed men (obviously angels) were present and visible at Jesus’ ascension into heaven? (a) Three; (b) two; or (c) seven.

4) Multiple Choice: There were two men named Judas among the twelve apostles of Jesus. Judas Iscariot the one who betrayed him. How is the other Judas identified in the book of Acts? (a) The son of John; (b) the zealot; or (c) the son of James.

5) True or false? There were several women who were included in the select group of disciples who waited in Jerusalem for the coming of the Holy Spirit.

6) Multiple Choice: What were the names of the two men who were candidates for Judas’ possible replacement as an apostle? (a) Joseph and Barnabas; (b) James and John; or (c) José and Matías.

7) Multiple Choice: Who was chosen by the disciples to replace Judas as one of the twelve apostles? (a) Barnabas; (b) Matthias; or (c) Apollos.

8) Multiple choice: Which Old Testament prophet did Peter quote to begin his sermon on the day of Pentecost? (a) Isaiah; (b) Jeremiah; or (c) Joel.

9) Question: Who was Peter’s companion when he met the lame man on the way to the temple? (a) Matthew; (b) John; or (c) James.

10) Multiple selection: Who said: “The Lord your God will raise up a prophet for you from among your brothers”? (to David; (b) Moses; or (c) John the Baptist.

11) Multiple Choice: What were the names of the couple who lied to Peter and the Holy Spirit about how much money they received for selling a piece of their land? (a) Aquila and Priscilla; (b) Ananias and Sapphira; or (c) Zacharias and Elizabeth.

12) Multiple Choice: Who was the renowned Jew who gave this advice regarding Christianity? “Depart from these men, and leave them; because if this advice or this work is of men, it will vanish; but if it is from God, you will not be able to destroy it; you may not be found fighting against God.” (a) Thaddeus; (b) Caiaphas; or (c) Gamaliel.

13) True or false? The apostle Paul was present at the stoning of Stephen.

14) Multiple Choice: Who tried to buy the power of the Holy Spirit by offering money to Peter and John in Samaria? (a) Ananias; (b) Apollo; or (c) Simon.

15) Multiple choice: Philip met an Ethiopian eunuch along the way and presented the gospel to him. In whose service was the eunuch? (a) King Augustus; (b) Queen Candace; or (c) King Alexander.

16) Multiple choice: Who was the disciple in Damascus who received Saul after his conversion? (a) Barnabas; (b) Ananias; or (c) Aquila.

17) Multiple Choice: When Saul (Paul) first came to Jerusalem, the disciples thought that he was not a true disciple and they feared him. Who showed boldness and brought Paul to the apostles? (a) Simon; (b) Apollos; or (c) Barnabas.

18) Multiple choice: Peter, through the power of Christ healed someone in the city of Lida. What paralytic did he heal? (a) Nathanael; (b) Aeneas; or (c) Urban.

19) Multiple Choice: In Joppa, Peter, through the power of Christ, raised a woman from the dead. Her name was Tabitha, but she is better known by another name. What is the name by which she is best known? (a) Dorcas; (b) Lydia; or (c) Phoebe.

20) Multiple Choice: In Acts 10, the gospel goes to the Gentiles for the first time. Peter takes the gospel to the home of a Roman centurion. What was the name of this Roman centurion? (a) Fair; (b) Cornelius; or (c) July.

21) Multiple choice: Who was Peter staying with when Cornelius sent for him to come to his house? (a) Alexander the blacksmith; (b) Simon the tanner; or (c) Hire the tentmaker.

22) Multiple choice: How many people did Cornelius send to bring Peter to his house? (a) Three; (b) four; or (c) five.

23) Multiple choice: Which apostle had a vision of a large canvas full of animals coming down from heaven? (To Pedro; (b) James; or (c) John.

24) Question: When Peter went to tell Cornelius the news of salvation, he had invited two groups of people to hear the message. Who were they?

25) Multiple choice: Of these three men, upon which group of people did the Holy Spirit come upon Peter as he concluded his message in the house of Cornelius? (a) the Jews; (b) the Gentiles; or (c) the Greeks.

26) Multiple Choice: Luke states that the persecution in Jerusalem arose especially as a result of one man’s testimony. Who was that man? (To Pedro; (b) John; or (c) Stephen.

27) Multiple Choice: When the news of the great conversions in Antioch reached the church in Jerusalem, who did they send to Antioch? (To Pedro; (b) John; or (c) Barnabas.

28) Multiple Choice: Who did Barnabas bring to join him in the ministry in Antioch? (To Pedro; (b) John; or (c) Saul.

29) Multiple Choice: Who was the prophet who came to Antioch and prophesied that a great famine was coming to all the land? (a) Philip; (b) Jeremiah; or (c) Agabus.

30) Multiple Choice: Who was the Roman Emperor during the time of famine throughout the earth? (a) July; (b) Claudius; or (c) Augustus.

31) Fill in the blank: The Christians in Antioch sent a gift to the needy in Judea by the hands of _______ and _______.

32) Multiple Choice: Who was the Roman governor who had the Apostle James killed with a sword? (a) Pilate; (b) Herod; or (c) Felix.

33) Multiple Choice: After Herod killed James, who else did he put in jail? (to Juan; (b) Peter; or (c) Judas.

34) Multiple Choice: When Peter was released from jail in Acts 12, he went to the home of a woman identified as Mary. How else is she identified? (a) As the mother of Jesus; (b) as the mother of Juan Marcos; or (c) as Mary Magdalene.

35) Multiple choice: How many groups of soldiers did Herod send to guard Peter after he arrested the apostle? (To six; (b) twelve; or (c) four.

36) Multiple Choice: After being released from prison by an angel, Peter went to a certain house. Who opened the door when Pedro knocked? (a) Maria; (b) Martha; or (c) Rounded.

37) Multiple Choice: Acts 12 records the name of King Herod’s head waiter. What was his name? (a) blast; (b) July; or (c) Festus.

38) Multiple Choice: After Saul and Barnabas had delivered a gift from the church in Antioch to the church in Jerusalem, they returned to Antioch. Who did they take back with them? (a) Timothy; (b) Silas; or (c) Juan Marcos.

39) Multiple Choice: One of the prophets and teachers present in the Antioch church had been raised together with Herod the Tetrarch. What was his name? (a) Simeon; (b) Barnabas; or (c) Manaen.

40) Multiple choice: What was the name of the proconsul in Paphos who wanted to hear the word of God from Saul and Barnabas? (a) Simon Bar-Jonah; (b) Sergio Paulo; or Lucio.

41) Multiple Choice: What was the name of the false prophet in Paphos who opposed Saul and Barnabas? (a) Simon; (b) Barjesus; or (c) Barjonas.

42) Multiple Choice: Who did Saul call “son of the devil” while ministering in Paphos? (a) Elymas; (b) Pike; or (c) Sergio.

43) Multiple Choice: Who was blinded by God during Paul’s ministry in Cyprus? (a) Simon, the magician; (b) Alexander the blacksmith; or (c) Eliminate the mage.

44) Multiple Choice: Who left Paul and Barnabas in Perge and returned to Jerusalem? (a) Silas; (b) Luke; or (c) John.

45) Multiple Choice: A magician was blinded because he perverted the way of God. Who was converted as a result of the miracle? (a) Crispus Gaius; (b) Sergio Paulo; or (c) Julius Caesar.

46) Question: How many people left Antioch on the first missionary trip?

47) Multiple Choice: According to Paul’s sermon in Acts 13, God provided Israel with judges for approximately 450 years until the time of which prophet? (a) Isaiah; (b) Ezekiel; or (c) Samuel.

48) Multiple Choice: Who was the father of Saul, the first king of Israel? (a) Reuben; (b) Jochebed; or (c) Cis.

49) Multiple Choice: Which of the twelve tribes of Israel was King Saul from? (a) Judah; (b) Simeon; or (c) Benjamin.

50) Question: Who was the second king in the nation of Israel?


51) Multiple Choice: How were the leaders chosen by the churches that were established during the first missionary journey of Paul and Barnabas? (a) Election of the church; (b) apostolic appointment; or (c) cast lots.

52) Multiple Choice: What did Paul and Barnabas exhort the believers to do as they returned to visit the churches they planted on their first missionary trip? (a) Read the Scriptures daily; (b) remain in the faith; or (c) pray continually.

53) True or false? After Paul and Barnabas had completed their mission trip and referred to the church in Antioch, they immediately left for another mission trip.

54) Fill in the blank: According to Acts 15:1, a certain man came to Antioch of Judea teaching: “Unless you _______ according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.”

55) Multiple Choice: What was the response of the believers in Phoenicia and Samaria who heard that many Gentiles were coming to faith in Christ? (a) doubt; (b) joy; or (c) anger.

56) True or false? God chose Paul so that he would be the first to preach the gospel to the Gentiles.

57) True or false? Peter, speaking at the Jerusalem council, declared that the Jews of all generations were not capable of bearing the yoke of the Law of Moses.

58) Question: As a result of the council in Jerusalem, Gentile believers were asked to refrain from four things that would be offensive to Jews. Name one of them.

59) Multiple selection: How many men are named who went to take the letter of the Jerusalem council to the church in Antioch? (a) Seven; (b) three; or (c) four.

60) Multiple choice: What was the response of the Antioch church after receiving the letter from the Jerusalem council? (a) joy; (b) confusion; or (c) anger.

61) True or false? Pablo and Barnabas wanted to take Juan Marcos to visit the churches they had established on their first missionary trip.

62) True or false? Paul’s initial motivation for going on a second missionary journey was to see the progress of those who had converted to Christianity during his first missionary journey.

63) Fill in the blank: When Pablo,…

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