100 Bible Knowledge Questions About History

How much do you know about the Bible? We present the series: “”. In this series, each article contains 100 Bible questions on the following categories: history, , , , and .

This list of 100 Bible Knowledge Questions About History They will be a real challenge that will test your Biblical knowledge. The questions are classified into three categories: people and places, events, and law and promises. Are you ready? Let us begin!

people and places

1) Fill in the blank: “In the beginning created _____ the heavens and the earth.”

2) Multiple Choice: Who was moving on the face of the waters when God began his creative work? (a) The Spirit of God; (b) Lucifer; or (c) the archangel Michael.

3) Fill in the blanks: “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in _____ image, after _____ likeness.’”

4) Multiple selection: To whom did God say: “Look, I have given you every plant that bears seed, as well as every tree on which there is fruit and bears seed. Of all this you will be able to eat”? (a) To all living beings; (b) Only to man; or (c) only cattle.

5) True or false? A river came out of Eden to water the garden.

6) Question: Who was the first child of Adam and Eve?

7) Fill in the blank: Adam and Eve’s second son, _____, was a “shepherd of sheep”.

8) Multiple Choice: Which son did Eve say God gave her as a substitute for Abel, whom Cain killed? (a) set; (b) Enoch; or (c) Cam.

9) Fill in the blank: “So he walked _____ with God, and he disappeared because God took him.”

10) Question: Who were the three sons of Noah?

11) Multiple choice: On which mountain did the ark rest after the flood? (a) Olive trees; (b)Ararat; or (c) Horeb.

12) Multiple choice: Which son of Noah did Abraham descend from? (a) Shem; (b) Ham; or (c) Japheth.

13) Multiple selection: Which of these does not identify Terah? (a) Abram’s father; (b) Sarai’s father-in-law; or (c) the brother of Haran.

14) Fill in the blank: Noah and his family were spared from the destruction of the flood because “Noah was _____ male, he was _____ in his generations.”

15) Multiple selection: Which of Ham’s descendants became a vigorous hunter before Jehovah? (a) Cus; (b) Canaan; or (c) Nimrod.

16) Multiple choice: Identify Chedorlaomer. (a) The king of Sodom; (b) the king of Elam; or (c) the king of Gomorrah.

17) Multiple choice: To whom did Jehovah’s angel say: “Return to your mistress, and submit yourself under her hand”? (a) Tamar; (b) Agar; or (c) Shamgar.

18) Multiple choice: Who, apart from Pharaoh, did Abraham tell that Sarah was his sister so that they would treat him well? (a) Bera, king of Sodom; (b) Melchizedek, king of Salem; or (c) Abimelech, king of Gerar.

19) True or false? Sarah and Abraham had the same father.

20) Question: What was the name of the son Abraham had with Sarah?

21) Multiple Choice: Who gave Lot to drink wine so that he unknowingly fathered a son with each of his daughters? (a) his wife; (b) his two daughters; or (c) Abraham.

22) Multiple Choice: Who brought the wood for the burnt offering that God instructed Abraham to make for Isaac? (a) Avraham; (b) Isaac; or (c) Ishmael.

23) Multiple selection: Who said to Abraham’s servant: “Drink”, and “also for your camels I will draw water”, to indicate that it was God’s choice for Isaac? (a) Milka; (b) Cardigan; or (c) Ketura.

24) Fill in the blanks: “And Isaac loved _____, because he ate of their game; but Rebekah loved _____”.

25) Multiple selection: Who lied like Abraham did to Abimelech, saying that his wife was his sister because he was afraid that they would kill him because of her? (a) Jacob; (b) Joseph; or (c) Isaac.


26) Fill in the blank: “And God called the dry land _____ and the waters ____ when he created them.”

27) Complete the sentence: “Then Jehovah God formed man… ____________________”.

28) Multiple Choice: How was God’s creation irrigated? (a) rain from heaven; (b) steam rising from the ground; (c) natural spring.

29) Multiple Choice: What did God notice about his creation on the sixth day? (a) that he had finished; (b) that everything was very good; (b) or (c) that the earth was full.

30) Fill in the blank: “God made woman from the ______ he took from Adam.”

31) Multiple Choice: God threw Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden so that they would not_______ (a) meet the serpent again; (b) eat from the tree of life, and live forever; or (c) ate from the tree of good and evil.

32) Multiple choice: When God did not take into account the offering of the fruit of the earth, Cain became very angry. What did God tell Cain that he was at the door to dominate him? (a) Satan; (b) sin; or (c) pride.

33) True or false? God said that he would wipe out men, animals, reptiles and birds from the face of the earth because he repented of having done them.

34) True or false? The waters of the flood prevailed on the earth one hundred and seventy-five days.

35) Fill in the blanks: Noah was to put into the ark _____ of every clean animal, _____ of the birds of the heavens, and ____of the animals that are not clean.

36) True or false? Noah sent a raven and a dove from the ark at the end of the forty days; the dove returned twice, but the raven never returned.

37) Question: What incident caused God to confuse the language of the people?

38) True or false? The tower of Babel was built so that people could ascend to heaven and make God’s name famous.

39) Fill in the blank: “Because of Sarai who lived in Pharaoh’s house saying that she was Abram’s sister, God sent great ___ to Pharaoh’s house”.

40) True or false? Abram refused to take any of the king of Sodom’s property so that he would not get credit for making Abram rich.

41) Multiple Choice: When God promised Abraham a son from Sarai, God: (a) called him a fool for laughing; (b) called Sarai a fool for laughing; or (c) changed Sarai’s name to Sara.

42) Question: How old would Abraham be when God instituted circumcision by asking him to be circumcised?

43) Fill in the blank: God told Abraham that he would not destroy Sodom if he found in it at least _____ righteous.

44) Question: What happened to Lot’s wife when she looked back while fleeing from Sodom?

45) What did God rain on Sodom and Gomorrah to destroy them?

46) Multiple choice: What plague did God send on Abimelech’s house because of Sarah’s presence there? (a) mass rebellion of serfs; (b) death of her firstborn; or (c) all women became sterile.

47) Multiple Choice: The fact that Abraham did not refuse to give his only son to God showed that: (a) Abraham loved God; (b) Abraham was fearful of God; or (c) Abraham did not love Isaac.

48) Multiple Choice: Esau despised his birthright by giving it to Jacob in exchange for: (a) food; (b) money; or (c) a young woman.

49) Multiple Choice: What did Esau determine to do to Jacob after Jacob tricked Isaac into giving him the blessing instead of Esau? (a) Take away all his possessions; (b) kill him; or (c) take away his wife.

50) Multiple Choice: Describe Jacob’s prosperous flock of goats and sheep. (a) They were all white; (b) they were all black; or (c) they were all striped, painted, and peppered.

law and promise

51) Fill in the blank: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother, and be united to his wife, and they shall be one _______________.”

52) Multiple selection: What was man’s relationship with fish, birds, beasts, and every animal that crawls on the earth? (a) he was to be ruled by them (b) he was to exercise dominion over them; or (c) they were separate but the same.

53) Question: Which tree in the garden were Adam and Eve not to eat from?

54) Multiple choice: By eating the forbidden fruit, Eve was to experience a multiplication of pain by: (a) tilling the garden; (b) give birth; or (c) sin.

55) Multiple choice: Who did God tell Noah to go into the ark with him? (a) his sons; (b) his wife and his children; or (c) his wife, his children, and the wives of his children.

56) Multiple Choice: In Jehovah’s promise to never destroy all living things again, what cycle did he not mention that would not cease as long as the earth remained? (a) life and death; (b) cold and heat; or (c) summer and winter.

57) Multiple Choice: What new food source did God provide Noah as part of his covenant? (a) yellow plants; (b) animal meat; or (c) fungi.

58) Multiple Choice: For how long would the rainbow be a sign that God would not again destroy all living things by the flood of waters? (a) through the ten generations of Noah; (b) forever; or (c) until the birth of Christ.

59) Fill in the blanks: God told Abram that he would make him a great ______, and he would magnify his _______ and the families of the earth would be _______ in Abram.

60) Multiple selection: What must one count in order to number Abram’s offspring? (a) the grass of the field; (b) the stones of the beach; (b) the dust of the earth.

61) Multiple Choice: God revealed to Abram in a dream that his descendants would be foreigners and would serve in a foreign land for (a) four hundred years; (b) six hundred years; or (c) seventy years.

62) Fill in the blanks: The same day that Jehovah promised Abram that he would give him descendants, he made a pact with him saying: “To your descendants I will give this land, from the river of ____ to the great river, the _____”.

63) Complete the sentence: The angel of Jehovah said to Hagar: “Behold, you have conceived, and you will give birth to a son, and you will call his name Ishmael, because _______.”

64) True or false? The sign of the covenant between Abraham and Jehovah was the circumcision of all males.

65) True or false? Only blood relatives and male descendants of Abraham eight days old and of legal age were to be circumcised as a sign of the covenant between Jehovah and Abraham.

66) True or false? Sarah laughed when Jehovah said that she would have a son in her old age.

67) Fill in the blank: God promised Abraham: “And I will also make a _____ of the son of the maidservant because he is your descendant.”

68) Multiple choice: What did Abraham give Abimelech as a sign of the covenant between them? (a) seven cows; (b) seven lambs; or (c) privileges to drink water from his well.

69) Fill in the blank: God promised Abraham for his obedience regarding Isaac: “In your seed will be _______ all the families of the earth, because you obeyed my voice.”

70) Fill in the blank: Abraham made his servant promise that he would not take a wife for Isaac from the daughters of _____ but from his father’s house.

71) Multiple selection: Whose birth was God announcing when He said: “Two nations are in your womb, _____________. One people will be stronger than the other people, and the greater will serve the lesser? (a) Cain and Abel; (b) Esau and Jacob; or (c) Manasseh and Ephraim.


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