1 Petition as we join together to pray for Paris – Bible Studies

Today, we are all aware of the horrific terrorist attacks that occurred in Paris yesterday. Every feed of all forms of social media is filled with images and hashtags calling us all to join in prayer for Paris.

In the midst of tragedy, this is what we do. We cry out in anguish and confusion at the horrors of this world. We don’t just want answers, we want comfort and a sense of security too. Prayer offers the opportunity to seek those answers from the One who knows everything. In his omniscience, he is already aware of our needs and desires, but through our prayers we show our trust in God to overcome, reassure, remain faithful and steadfast in the face of trial and tribulation.

So as we say these words and write these hashtags in an effort to support Paris, I have a request from the Christian community. When you publicly promise to pray for Paris, shut down your computer or lock your phone and Really bow your head in prayer asking for mercy, strength and comfort for all affected.

Saying let’s pray is a cultural response, a response of solidarity that we have developed as a way of saying something to people to whom nothing can be said. Let’s not do the Parisian people a disservice. There is no greater power that we can offer you than the power of prayer. Stop lip service. Get on your knees, sit on your couch, gather around your tables and talk. Eloquence is not required. No answers required. All that is needed is a mouth that speaks from the overflow of the heart. And hearts that break for innocent blood spilled at the hands of evil.

It is a beautiful thing to see countless people realize this need for prayer. Let us not stop at that realization, but move forward in action. If we trust that God is the one who listens and has compassion on those who call on him, let us strive to be faithful in interceding for those who cannot (and even those who do not want to).

And lastly, let us pray maranatha, come Lord Jesus, come. Because until we see Christ descending from the clouds to rescue his bride, the terrorists will attack. Humanity will not be respected as the bearer of the image of the Creator. Evil will still seek to kill and destroy. So as we pray for the physical and spiritual needs of those affected by the Paris attacks, let us also pray that Jesus will come and that he will come soon. That he would restore his people, his kingdom, and bring to justice all evil in this world. Once and for all.

Maranatha. Let your justice fall on the head of the oppressor. May your name be glorified in all the earth. So that everyone knows that YOU are the only true God who rules and reigns supreme.

By Katie Howard: Christian. Wife. Mommy. Writer. Musician. Working on giving myself completely to Jesus. I’m not in control, even though I want to be. katiehhoward.com.

Publication date: November 14, 2015

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