ᐅ What is Fornication in the Bible? | 【Holy Bible】

fornication means having sex before marriage with anyone. The Bible also considers fornication any immoral sexual relationship against nature, that is, with animals.

Today we find ourselves in the most liberal civilization that has existed in the history of humanity, it is very common to hear about people having sex before marriage as a normal and even good practice, for the pleasures it produces.Advertisement

No one can deny the pleasure that there is in sex, however, God placed conditions on the privilege of uniting with a person in sexual intimacy. The depravity of the world has caused this privilege that is only for people united in marriage (Hebrews 13:4) to become the great sin of our generation.

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Fornication, a sin against one’s own body

The sin of fornication is the only one that the Bible orders to flee, because the flesh is weak

In 1 Corinthians 6:15 the Apostle Paul teaches that each one of the believers, those who have received the Holy Spirit are one with Christ. That is, that the Christian is a member of the body of Christ, because when he was saved he was united to Christ (Ephesians 1: 22-23, Romans 12: 5).

In this way the believer is one with the body of Christ, and if a Christian unites sexually with a man or a woman outside of marriage is uniting Christ with this person. Sexual sin is horrible.

Sex is a great spiritual mystery, the Bible says that in the sexual act two people become one (Matthew 19:6), what a wonderful and dangerous mystery to be committed with any man or woman.

The sexual act is not only the biological union of people (1 Corinthians 6:16); It is the union of two people in the most intimate and profound sense of being.

So when a person fornicates, he forms a union with that person and unites Christ in that sin (1 Corinthians 6:17), when a Christian fornicates against his own body he sins (1 Corinthians 6:18).

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What does the Bible say about fornication?

The Christian is called to fight against sin, however the Bible does not call the sin of fornication to fight, but to flee (1 Corinthians 6:18).

Sexual immorality is not the worst of sins, but it has a way of destroying like no other sin, it does so because it is the only sin that is the spiritual union of two people.

The sin of fornication is much more destructive than alcohol, drugs and crime because it is the deepest and most pervasive sin a man can commit because it binds him to another person in the vileness of that sin.

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In the Bible there is a man who was tempted to fornicate. Joseph was a man of God, who was tempted to fornicate with Potifar’s wife, at the time of the temptation he was home alone.

Joseph did not say: “I will fight this sin” on the contrary, although the woman pounced on him and stripped him naked, Joseph escaped and fled as best he could (Genesis 39:12).

Note: a wedding couple You may think that having sex before marriage is normal and that God understands you, however, this is fornication, regardless of the number of years they stay together, if they don’t get married they will remain in sin.

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What are the consequences of fornication?

The sin of fornication is a very destructive sin, which will have a negative effect on your future marriage, because a single man or a single woman who is not able to control himself, but goes from woman to woman or from man to man. man, he will not be able to claim to be faithful in marriage.

The consequences of fornication are:

1. Diseases and aging. Proverbs 6:27;29, a person who fornicates will not be able to escape paying for sin, even if he repents before God and the Lord forgives him, he will pay for sin, generally the consequences of fornication are sexually transmitted diseases and aging premature (Proverbs 32:5) can also cause fertility problems in women (endometriosis).

2. Destruction of his own body. 1 Corinthians 6:18, the only sin that is committed against one’s own body is fornication, therefore, his own body will pay for committing it, thus his entire spirit, soul and body (1 Thessalonians 5:23) will be exposed to the devil attacks and will destroy him, he will feel dirty, filthy and his mind will eat away at his life because he will never be able to forget that union.

3. He breaks communion with God and walks away from him. 1 John 1:6-7; all sins break fellowship with God, however, fornication against one’s own body saddens the Holy Spirit and causes death and spiritual ruin that can even lead to perdition (Proverbs 7:25-27).

4. early death. 1 Corinthians 10:8, many people have an early death because of this sin, once because the people of Israel fornicated without repentance, the anger of God was kindled against them and in one day there was a death of 23,000 people.

5. Have the wrath of God on your life. Colossians 3:5-6, people who practice sexual immorality, impurity, those who delight in passions and evil desires will receive God’s punishment and will not be able to escape.

6. Excluded from the Kingdom of Heaven. Revelation 21:8; 1 Corinthians 6:9; Galatians 5:19;21, Ephesians 5:3, more than 4 passages in the Bible mention that fornicators will not enter the kingdom of heaven, therefore, being a fornicator guarantees exclusion from the millennial kingdom of Christ.

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What do I do if I am tempted to fornicate?

A Christian can think that he has the power to fight the temptation of fornication, this is ridiculous, the Christian must get out of that moment.

The Christian must know that the instruction of the Bible is to flee, not because of being a coward, but because the flesh is weak.

If you are tempted to fornicate with your boyfriend or girlfriend, with a prostitute or even with any man or woman you must not face the sin of fornication, you must come out of it.

In 2 Timothy 2:22 the Apostle Paul tells Timothy to flee from youthful passions, therefore, the solution is simple, leave the place where you are, do not advance, flee from that place, do not sin.

I fell into the sin of fornication, what do I do?

Many people who have fallen into the sin of fornication and sexual sin feel rotten, because so many acts of sexual sin destroy them.

All sins destroy, but sexual sin destroys the roots of the inner being, damages it, devastates it, enslaves it and totally opposes everything that God designed in the body of a Christian who is one with Christ.

The first thing to do if you fell into the sin of fornication is to repent (1 Thessalonians 4:3). And the second is to confess his sin to a local church leader or pastor (James 5:16).

In this way you can be free from this sin of slavery, if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend and continuously fornicate, you should know that this sin will bring destruction to both of you, so repent and give yourself in marriage, otherwise you will suffer serious consequences.

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The curse of fornication in the Bible

If you want to continue delving into the terrible consequences of the sin of fornication, we recommend the following video.

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