ᐅ What are the types of Fasting according to the Bible?

The Bible speaks of three main types of food fasting: total fasting, water fasting, and partial fasting. We also have examples of abstaining from other things in daily life, which can be considered fasting.

Fasting is about getting closer to God by putting your spiritual needs first. Communion with God is more essential than food itself! Jesus said: «…It is written: Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.» (Matthew 4:4) Fasting helps us focus on the things of God.

In the Bible we find examples of different types of fasting. You can perform any of these fasts, as long as your health allows it.

Related: What does the Bible say about body care?

What fasts are in the bible?

1. Total fasting in the Bible

It is abstinence from everything, including water. In the Bible we find little mention of anyone fasting without water.

Water is not food and our body depends on it so that the kidneys function normally and so that toxins do not accumulate in the body. There are two Biblical examples of this type of fasting, one in the Old Testament and one in the New Testament:

Example No1. Ester.At a time of crisis when the Jews as a people were sentenced to death by a decree of King Ahasuerus.

Esther asked her uncle Mordecai to fast for her because she was going to present herself to the King to beg and ask for mercy for her people: “Go and assemble all the Jews who are in Susa, to fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, day or night. I, for my part, will fast with my maidens just like you. When I’ve done this, I’ll appear before the king, even though it’s against the law. And if I perish, let me perish!” (Esther 4:16).

Example No2. Apostol Pablo. In his conversion, the apostle Paul also used this form of fasting, due to the impact of the revelation he had received.

We see that this type of fasting is quite radical and that it is used in critical situations in our lives. Here the apostle had received a message from God that changed his life forever.

There is no other mention of a total fast than these examples. Medicine warns against a period of more than three days without water, as it is harmful.

We must take care of the fasting body and not attack it; remember that you will fight against your flesh (nature and impulses) and not against your body.

Practicing total fasting depends on your spiritual maturity and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in your life, it is advisable to do this type of fasting for short periods of time (12 hours – 24 hours). This will depend on your spiritual need and what God is demanding in your life.

Attention!: This is the most radical type of fast, which should not be practiced for more than two or three days. Spending more time on a total fast can cause serious damage to your health and even cause death. You must be prudent, dying fasting does not glorify God. We can recommend short periods of time (12 hours – 24 hours) and if you want to do a total fast of more than 3 days you must have a confirmation from God.

See more about the purpose of fasting here.

2. Water fasting in the Bible

This is the most common type of fast, you don’t eat but you drink water. This type of fast is the one that our Lord most likely performed when he fasted in the desert for 40 days, before beginning his ministry.

This gospel passage does not mention that Christ went without a drink or that he was thirsty (and he was in a desert!).

This type of fast can take a longer period of time compared to a full fast because the body can hydrate itself, however it is also advisable to consult your doctor if you plan to fast for more than 2 days.

Recommendation: When the fast lasts more than three days, it is good to drink other types of liquids as well, so that the body does not go into shock. Lemonade or other fruit or vegetable juices will help maintain health during a longer fast.

3. Partial fasting in the Bible

A partial fast is when you eliminate a part of the food from your diet. Eating in a simpler way and without delights. It is usually done when you cannot completely abstain from food due to work.

The prophet Daniel did this fast before receiving a vision from God and it lasted a period of 3 weeks (21 days).

The prophet Daniel says exactly that he did not eat meat, wine and delicious foods. Here the prophet very surely followed a diet of fruits and vegetables although we do not know for sure.

The fact is that he abstained from eating delicious food. This fast is well known and performed by many people because it is less radical.

Partial fasting in general can last several weeks without affecting your health. In this, you can choose what kind of food you are not going to eat during the time of fasting. In general, delicious or special foods will not be part of the diet.

The focus in this fast is intimacy with God, look for his presence and having a diet basically for survival, not for eating tasty foods.

See also: How to do the Daniel fast?

4. Other types of fasting in the Bible

The Word of God also tells us that in a fast we can abstain from other types of things that are not food. An example is the prophet Daniel who mentions that in his fast he did not use his perfume.

In another part of the Scriptures in the New Testament in 1 Corinthians 7:5 the apostle Paul talks about the option that a couple has to abstain from sexual intimacy to dedicate themselves completely to prayer for a time.

In this type of fast you can abstain from any activity or habit in order to have more time for God.

Important considerations:

  • To perform this type of fast you must be careful to choose something that does not interfere with other people’s lives. For example, in the case of sexual relations, this fast must have the consent of your spouse.
  • Today we see people who perform this kind of fast by refraining from Facebook, Youtube, other social networks or television, using this time for meditation and the sentence.

You can combine this type of fast with a food fast, if you like. There are no strict rules. When you decide to fast, choose the type of fast that best suits your situation and tailor it to make the most of your time with God.

Also read: The Daniel Fast, how to do a fasting and prayer devotional.

To learn more about fasting, we recommend the following video.

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