WOMEN OF THE BIBLE | Women of the Old and New Testament

Biographies and profiles of women in the Bible. The stories of women who, due to their courage, faith or sin, played a determining role in both the Old and the New estate.

ABIGAIL, wife of Nabal

That man was called Nabal, and his wife Abigail. She was that woman of good understanding and beautiful appearance, but the man was hard and of bad deeds; and he was of the lineage of Caleb

HAGAR, Mother of Ishmael

Hagar had been taken from Egypt as a child and sold into slavery. She had probably already been with Sarah in Ur of the Chaldees. The fact is that among many servants and maids, Hagar was held in great esteem by her mistress.

ANA, the Prophetess

Anna, wife of Simeon Not only did she confess Christ, but she also began to express her recognition of God and to speak of him to all those awaiting redemption in Jerusalem.

ANA, Mother of Samuel

Ana became a mother by faith. She is presented to us in the story as a sterile woman. She then became a mother and with that her role was completed. She was the mother of the prophet Samuel

ASENAT, Joseph’s wife

And Pharaoh gave him (Joseph) to wife Asenath, daughter of Potipherah, priest of On” (Genesis 41:45). Asenath was the mother of Manasseh and Ephraim (Genesis 46:20)

ATALIA, Queen of Judah

The licentious woman who thus prepared the moral fall of Judah was Athaliah, the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel. She was the true embodiment of all the evil of her parents. Athaliah became queen of Judah.

BETSHEABE, Mother of Solomon

David sent to inquire about that woman, and they told him: It is Bathsheba, daughter of Eliam, wife of Uriah the Hittite (2 Samuel 11:3). In the Old Testament Bathsheba, daughter of Ammiel, was the wife of Uriah the Hittite and then of King David, and mother of King Solomon.

CETURA, Concubine of Abraham

Upon the death of Sarah, the patriarch Abraham was widowed and this led him to marry again. This time he married Keturah. Keturah bore him six sons: Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah.

CLADIA PROCULA, Wife of Pontius Pilate

Claudia Procula, a woman who had the courage to advocate for Jesus. And while he was sitting at the judgment seat, his wife commanded him to say: Have nothing to do with that righteous man; because today I have suffered much in dreams because of him. Matthew 27:19.

DALILA, the Philistine

Delilah had her house next to the bank of the Sorek River, a woman who was an instrument of the leaders of the Philistines to reduce Samson to impotence. Judges 16:4-20


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