What Is Prayer And How It Develops In Our Life.

God in his word states that as children we must seek him, so that he can bring blessing, prosperity, restoration and transformation to our lives through what what is prayer since it is there where you know our creator in intimacy.

What is prayer?

Prayer is just talking to God, communicating with our creator. As our heavenly father gave us that gift, because he likes to know about his children, he delights that we yield to his will and that we ask him with our hearts. He cares about his greatest creation, which is us. Just as you can also show your appreciation and let him know how great and wonderful he is.

(Philippians 4:6-7) “Do not be anxious about anything, but let your requests be known before God in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Prayer is not about technical words, but about being sincere with God and expressing what is in our hearts, bringing everything we have inside to him.

Why should I pray?

In (Matthew 7:7-8) “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you; for everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. ”

I invite you to read: 5 Important Characteristics Contained in Jabez’s Prayer

In order for God to fulfill this word in our lives we must search, to find, everything you ask for will be given to you, but if we do not ask how can God give us what we do not ask for? And as more than, through prayer to let God know the desires we have, although he is God and he knows everything, however it is necessary for him to hear those requests from us.

When should I pray?

Some of the natural moments in which we can pray could be when we get up, before meals, when we are in church, before going out, also before going to sleep, so that your prayer is present at all times. (1 Thessalonians 5:17) “Pray without ceasing”

God wants us to remain in conversation with him, many times prayers can be formal, but most of the time they are just a conversation, just like when we talk with a friend. Sometimes we do it out loud or sometimes we talk to God in our thoughts, but either way, God hears our prayers and is pleased when we take moments of our time to dedicate to him.

What should I say?

God invites us to communicate with him, just as we do with a friend, or better with a family member, with whom we communicate not only to ask him for something, but also to thank him for something he did for us, also to sharing sorrows and joys, well, that is the life of prayer that we have to lead with our God.

Our heavenly father invites us to confess our sins and ask for forgiveness. (Psalm 32:5)”I confessed my sin to you; I did not hide my wickedness. I said to myself, “I will confess my rebellion to the Lord,” and you forgave the wickedness of my sin.”

He also invites us to express our gratitude. (Colossians 3:17) “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

In short, we can talk to him about anything, no problem is too big or too small to present before God. Not only do we ask for ourselves, we can also ask for others, for their desires or needs, so that the blessings reach them.

You can also read: 8 Reasons Why Thank God And What Is The Power Of Gratitude

(1 Timothy 2:1-6) “First of all, I urge that supplications, prayers, requests and thanksgiving be made for all men.”

Prayer model left by Jesus for those who want to seek the kingdom of God

What is our father?

The disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, he answered them with what we know today as our father, this way of praying has an amazing revelation in terms of how to learn to ask God, this prayer is a good pattern for us to know what prayer is.

(Matthew 6:9-13) “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your Kingdom come. Your will be done, as it is in heaven, so also on earth. Give us this day our daily bread Forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for yours is the Kingdom, power and glory, forever. Amen”.

Each phrase contains a revelation of what prayer is and how we must do it to be heard by our God.

Our father who art in Heaven.

We approach God, like a father who is good to his children and is faithful, who loves those who seek him, and wants us to be in relationship with him, to fulfill the promises he has for his children, Jesus gave us the most great example of how to be children and ask the father for eternity.

God cannot give his inheritance to strangers, it is only for the true children who love him and follow the example of Jesus.

Hallowed be thy name.

God’s name is holy, we his children must honor his holiness, and not only that, but show it in what we do, say and think.

Let your kingdom come.

In addition to wanting Jesus to restore all things, we must pray that his kingdom be manifested on earth, and that as children we enjoy that kingdom, here and now. And may our way of living be a testimony to those who do not know Christ, and may come to him, and obtain what Jesus conquered for love of humanity.

Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

The will of our heavenly father is that all the people of the world enjoy salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. And that the original design that he created for us to dwell in his presence be established in our lives. That the heavenly designs that he has created for his children we can establish on earth and his will be fulfilled and reign in your midst.

Give us this day our daily bread.

Jesus tells us with these words that we can ask God to meet our daily needs, this proves to us that he takes care of our day to day, because he takes care of us by giving us the provision we need every day, we just have to ask for it to that he cannot give.

Forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors.

We depend on God for the forgiveness of our sins, and just as God forgives us, we must forgive all those who offend us, because if we are not able to forgive, God does not hear our prayers because of the lack of forgiveness that is inside. of us, so learning to forgive causes us to be forgiven.

Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

God does not bring us temptations, however sometimes he allows us to go through difficult times to teach us to trust him, and not trust ourselves. the enemy uses those same situations but to make us doubt the love of our heavenly father, and to make us turn away from him. For this reason, we must pray for God to keep us and help us to separate ourselves from everything that distances us from his will.

You can also read: The Our Father: The Best Model of Prayer to be Heard by God

God frees us from every root of iniquity that produces temptations and they bear the fruit that is sin, so praying must be constant so that the manifestation of God over our lives is visible and keeps us from all temptation, but even better free from the iniquity that is the root of our spiritual and earthly problems.

How does God answer prayers?

God answers our prayers, he manifests himself to us in his multiform way, because he can speak to us through an advertisement, television, radio, what we must be attentive to is what the Lord wants to speak to us, because everyone who touches, it opens and he who seeks finds. God has a plan for your life, you just have to learn to hear his voice.

Through the passing of time, God has restored people, he has also rescued them from their problems and has supplied all their needs. He gave his greatest “yes” when he sent his son Jesus to save us from eternal separation with him and give us life in eternity.

However, there are situations where God answers “no” to our prayers. In those moments we are called to trust him. Jesus being the messiah experienced that response. When he begged his father with tears to free him from the suffering that awaited him on the cross, his Father answered him with a “no” And not because he did not love him, but because God’s plan was to save humanity through sacrifice of his son. Matthew 26:36-42

If God didn’t say “yes” to my prayer, was it because I didn’t pray enough?

Prayer is not about a ritual or a job with which you can win the favor of God, or it is something that makes your wishes come true. Well no.

Prayer is a gift from God that expresses an intimate relationship with him and allows us to feel trust in our creator. The Lord wants us to approach him with humility and that we can recognize him as our only God, so that through prayer, he who is the source, can deposit grace, love and glory in his containers.

If your prayer was not answered in the way you expect, you should keep in mind that God’s time does not move the same as ours, so you should confidently wait for him to respond by his good will, or perhaps you should learn to listen and be attentive to the answers he has for you.

Jesus expressed very wise words regarding our prayer life:

(Matthew 6:5-9)”When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, because they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, so that people can see them; truly I tell you that with you have already earned your reward. But you, when you pray, go into your room, and with the door closed, pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will reward you in public. When you pray, do not be repetitive, like the pagans, who think that by speaking a lot they will be heard. Do not be like them, because your Father already knows what you need, before you ask him.”

If God knows our needs, why do we cling to only asking for what “I” need, if you ask for others first, God will automatically give it to you, plus we must learn to ask God and be very careful with our words in the sentence.

God also knows our hearts, praying and seeking him should not depend on others, when we seek God and pray to him, only he and you know, but we should not flaunt the things we do for the Lord.

Many people manage to stand out in the churches, but in their homes they curse their wives or husbands, children or other people, the people who do this care more about what man thinks than what God thinks, we are hypocrites when in front of the rest of us are good and in the intimate we do bad. The first ministry of…

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