What is numerology and what is it for? Find out how it works

What is numerology and what is it for?

Numerology is a discipline in which numbers are used. It is a set of beliefs and traditions that seeks to establish a mystical relationship between numbers, living beings, physical and spiritual forces.

Although its study was very popular among early mathematicians, it is not considered a mathematical practice. The scientific community considers numerology a pseudoscience or a superstition.

However, it is a practice that has never ceased to be used. According to numerology, numbers are perfect and elevated human concepts. Although there are vestiges of numerology in ancient cultures such as the Egyptian, Pythagoras was a great exponent in creating a relationship system between the planets and their “numerical vibration”

Using a method of numerology, he postulated that words have a sound that vibrates in accordance with the frequency of numbers. For Pythagoras this was one more facet of the harmony of the universe and the laws of nature.

It is believed that these forms refer to the origin of the early concepts of numerology:

  • Number One (1): is linked to the active
  • Number Two (2): is related to the passive.
  • Number Three (3): represents neutrality, resulting from the interaction of the first two.

In many things: Numerology relates to the order and nature of the Universe. Each of the numbers is directly related to the signs of the Zodiac and the planets of the Solar system.

The meaning of numbers

  • Zero (0): represents eternity, infinity, space. It is related to the concept of Universe. It is the symbol of the unmanifested, the potentially eternal.

    Zero is a paradox, infinitely small and unlimitedly large, it is the only one that is not a number but originates from it. It is related to the circle of the Zodiac.

  • One 1): This number represents the creative principle of numbers, unity, the origin of everything that exists, because the other numbers are formed from it.

    The One and the Sun are represented by a circle with a dot in the center. It indicates independence, originality and creative spirit. It corresponds to the Sun, the zodiac sign Leo and the color orange.

  • Two 2): constitutes the first number, which separates the Unit and balances the opposing forces. It is represented with two columns.

    It represents duality, the feminine element, the balance of forces, the union of opposites and procreation. It corresponds to the Moon, the zodiac sign Cancer and its colors are white, light blue, lilac and light green.

  • Three 3): represents life, (father, mother and son). The Three is the foundation of the constitution of the Universe, it is the number of the form, since there is no body without its three dimensions (longitude, latitude and thickness).

    It represents the expression, the conjunction and emotional capacity. It corresponds to the planet Jupiter and the zodiacal signs Sagittarius and Pisces. His colors are electric blue and violet.

  • Four 4): it is related to reality, concreteness, solidity. It is linked to physical laws, logic, reason, science, knowledge.

    It represents the intellect, discernment, prudence, discretion. Indicates foresight, stability, protection and effort. It corresponds to the planet Uranus and the zodiac sign Aquarius. His colors are dark blue and violet.

  • Five (5): it is related to the principle of life and the Four Elements. His figure is the five-pointed star or pentagram, which represents the human body; inverted, represents man before the fall.

    It is the number of understanding, fruit, family. It is related to joy, good fortune. Indicates versatility, stillness, activity and desire. It corresponds to the planet Mercury and the zodiacal signs Gemini and Virgo. Its color is yellow.

  • Six (6): this number represents the connection between spirit and matter, telepathy, divination, alchemy, the relationship between above and below, Heaven and Earth.

    It is related to antagonism, harmony and beauty. It represents home, order and beautification. It corresponds to the planet Venus and the zodiacal signs Taurus and Libra. Its colors are light blue, light green and pink.

  • Seven (7): represents magical power in all its strength, and is found in many forms: the seven days of the week, the colors of the rainbow, the seven musical notes, the seven seas, the seven ages.

    Seven represents time and space, distance and death, and therefore stability and immortality. It is related to concentration and contemplation. It corresponds to the planet Neptune, the sign Pisces and its color is blue.

  • Eight (8): represents justice, rupture, breathing, invention, genius. But also, the eccentricity, and the madness. It is the number of great businesses, corporations, great finances, the achievement of success by business, geniuses or great inventions.

    He is also credited with dominance over the intellect. It corresponds to the planet Saturn and the zodiac signs Aquarius and Capricorn. His colors are black, green and gray.

  • Nine 9): represents regeneration and the birth of the spirit. It is related to spirituality, premonitions and visions. It corresponds to the planet Neptune.

How to calculate numerology from name and date of birth

Numerology according to date of birth

To make an interpretation of what your year will be like, you must do the following calculation, following the example (remember to do the calculation with your real data.

Day + Month (of your birth) = (8 + 2) = 10 = 1+0 = 1

Year (current year or the one you want to find out) = 2015 = 2+0+1+5 = 8

Add both results: 8+1= 9 and look for the meaning in the following list:

  1. One: It represents a great change, professionally or emotionally, that has recently occurred in your life. It represents the right time to re-start projects or start relationships.
  2. Two: represents a year without major changes, in which you will have to arm yourself with patience to cope with it. It is a good year to cultivate spirituality through practices such as Yoga or Reiki
  3. Three: this number speaks of happiness. You will have a good year with projects well under way that will bear fruit.
  4. Four: indicates a stage of consolidation. It is time to settle down, project the future and make important decisions. Do not make sudden changes. It is a time of meditation and reflection.
  5. Five: You will have a year of great surprises. There will be positive changes and you will succeed in what you set out to do. There will be no shortage of opportunities to improve.
  6. Six: year of consolidating relationships with family and friends. Time to pay attention to those closest to you, showing love and fulfilling pending commitments.
  7. Seven: It will be an auspicious year to promote your intellectual interests. Good time to start studying, reading and cultivating the intellect.
  8. Eight: a year full of economic prosperity. You will have excellent opportunities to achieve your sustainability but you will have to contribute great energy to carry out these projects.
  9. Nine: year in which his life will take a radical turn. Time to leave behind what is no longer useful and keep the new things. These will be propitious times to embark on new paths in search of happiness.

Numerology by name

If you want to know the characteristics of your personality, here I will share with you a way to perform numerology according to your name. Follow the next steps and you will learn to calculate numerology with the letters of your name.

You will find the values ​​that you must assign to each letter in the following table:

  • 1– A, J, S
  • 2– B, K, T
  • 3– C, L, U
  • 4– D, M, V
  • 5– E, N, W
  • 6– F, O, X
  • 7– G, P, Y
  • 8– H, Q, Z
  • 9– I, R


  • Write your full name.
  • Assign the numbers corresponding to the letters of your name
  • Add the letters of all the numbers.
  • Simplifies the sum of the numeric value to a single digit.

When you have the final number, the interpretation part begins. Although there is a lot of material to read and deepen, here I will share a small guide so you can orient yourself with the result:

Number 1. Vibrates with the Sun. It represents creativity, beginnings, protection and benevolence. It is the number of the original action.

1 people are natural leaders, inventive, creative, and original. They protect the weak but can’t stand criticism. His weak point: pride.

  • 1: they are people who vibrate with the Sun. The number 1 represents creativity, beginnings, protection and benevolence. It is the number of the original action. They are natural leaders, inventive, creative and original. Their weak point: pride, they can’t stand criticism.
  • two:they vibrate with the moon. It represents imagination, motherhood and sensitivity. They are dreamy, romantic, intuitive and overprotective people. His weak points: indecision and fears.
  • 3: these people vibrate with Jupiter. Number 3 represents idealism, education, travel and philosophy. These people are usually liberal, optimistic, curious, frank and restless. His weak points: naivety and impatience.
  • 4: they vibrate with Uranus. It represents individualism, originality, inventiveness and tolerance. They are independent people and loyal friends. His weak point: his strong tendency to loneliness.
  • 5: They vibrate with the planet Mercury. Represents communication, movement and versatilities the number of intellect and expression.
  • They are charismatic, spontaneous, travellers, curious and agile people. Their weak points: they are hypercritical and detailed.
  • 6: these people vibrate with Venus. She represents the feminine essence, love, art, and beauty. People with this number are romantic, seductive, flirtatious, compassionate and very creative. His weak points: stubbornness and melancholy.
  • 7: They vibrate with the planet Neptune. It represents spirituality, sensitivity, sympathy and mystery. They are dreamy, mystical, discreet, intuitive and caring people. Their weak points: they are lonely, hyper sensitive and shy.
  • 8: they vibrate with Saturn. It represents wisdom, experience, stability and patience. People with this number are careful, reserved, advisors, trustworthy and self-sacrificing. Their weak points: they are not very demonstrative and ambitious.
  • 9: they vibrate with the planet Mars. It represents aggressiveness, courage, originality and initiative. They are trusting, sincere, impulsive, transgressive, immature and generous people. His weak points: vanity and impatience.

Mancias to know the future and personality

If you liked numerology and want to know other mancias, here I share three techniques that can help you learn more about your personality and also predict how it will go in the future:

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