What does the Bible tell us about Carnival?

What is Carnival for Christians?

Carnival is a three-day celebration that takes place in countries with a Christian tradition just before the start of Lent. … Therefore, Carnival means “farewell to meat”, since during the following 40 days, throughout Lent until Easter, Christians avoid eating red meat.

What is the demon of carnivals?

The Devil of Carnival

It is a state of mind inherited from the aboriginal cultural tradition and from the mixture of cultures and races that the western part of what is now called Caldas experienced. The Devil is an inspiring spirit of many things such as: the preparation of the ears for music and the body for dance.

What does diabolic carnival mean?

It is about the carnival that for decades has been visualized as a representation of the cultural traditions of a specific region, but that for a few represents an adoration of pagan gods that hide behind the mask of cultural tradition. …

What purpose does Carnival have?

The purpose of the carnival is to enjoy one last week of festivities before the 40 days of abstinence that end on Easter, the day of Christ’s resurrection. … The dates of the carnival change every year according to the Christian calendar.

What is meat to Baal?

It was to deliver to the Devil (Baal) the bodies (the meat), either in burnt sacrifices or in vile and despicable actions. From these practices comes the compound name of “Meat for Baal”, a true spiritual name that perfectly reflects the essence of this Feast-Cult in honor of Satan.

Where is the Devil’s Carnival held?

Every two years, on an odd year, the Carnival of Riosucio (Caldas) is celebrated in January.

Why was the carnival founded and in honor of whom?

The celebration of Carnival probably originates from pagan festivals, such as those held in honor of Bacchus, the God of wine, the Roman Saturnalia and Lupercalia, or those held in honor of the ox Apis in Egypt.

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