What are Cancers like according to their Ascendant sign?

All people have, yes or yes, a combination of several signs in their Natal Chart. To know information about your personality, health, motivations and character, it is essential that you know your Ascendant and its characteristics.

The family, the community, the social environment are the places where, as a native of Cancer, you unfold your emotional potential. The harmony of relationships is a central issue in your daily life. You give love before receiving.

In addition to the way you express yourself, the Ascendant speaks of what you should learn to transcend spiritually and physically to be happy.

Cancer and its ascendants

Cancer with Ascendant in Aries

Aries brings drive and excitement to your natural Cancer function; the family, the group, the herd. You are a very curious and active person. Restless by nature, it can seem that you do not sleep and that you are active 24 hours a day. If you have this Ascendant you must be careful with the enthusiasm you put in relationships and not idealize until you know in depth people to avoid later disappointment.

Cancer with Ascendant in Taurus

You are usually a very homely person, who seeks the abundance and comfort of the family. You love being in a couple and you are very passionate and in love. To undertake projects you need a certain drive, but when something convinces you, you have an unstoppable force and you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Cancer with Ascendant in Gemini

This Ascendant brings logic and reflection to Cancer’s sentimental perception of life. You like to have large groups of friends. You are very sociable and need to have time for friendship. Sometimes it is very difficult for you to make a decision becauseFeelings and reason weigh the same for you.

Cancer with Cancer Rising

This is where the qualities of your Cancer Sun sign are enhanced and become more visible and defined. You are usually very sensitive on the inside but show rigidity and firmness on the outside. Only when you feel complete trust with your peers will you show your true interior. Learning to trust is your task.

Cancer with Leo Rising

They are strong in personality and character. You are very confident in yourself and believe that you can solve everything without help. If Leo is your Ascendant you should try to learn that community work is necessary and vital to one’s life.

Cancer with Ascendant in Virgo

Cancer’s sensitivity meets Virgo’s meticulous vision and gives you great intuition. You like to help in a completely selfless way. You are an honest and very kind person.

Cancer Rising in Libra

Libra as Ascendant brings balance, harmony and objectivity. There are signs with very strong qualities that Libra naturally regulates. You are a born mediator and you are always helping others. You always have the right words for the most complicated moments.

Cancer with Rising in Scorpio

Two Water signs that empower each other can and do form a very strong and seductive personality. You have a high power of attraction and you know how to attract the attention of your peers. You are very smart and insightful. You can be a bit emotionally unstable so you will have to work not to go from one extreme to the other constantly.

Cancer with Ascendant in Sagittarius

You are a cheerful, enthusiastic and optimistic person. Curious by nature, you have a great ability to assimilate knowledge and share it with your peers.

Cancer with Ascendant in Capricorn

Responsible and practical. You need to see concrete results and you work hard until you meet your goals. You love challenges but can get very depressed if you fail to meet them. Learn to value the achievements obtained will be your purpose.

Cancer with Ascendant in Aquarius

Aquarius helps you broaden your vision of life by showing that change is always possible and for the better. You are a cheerful person with an open mind to new things. In addition, Aquarius adds a taste for an active social life.

Cancer with Ascendant in Pisces

Water is very present. Intuition, perception and sensitivity are part of your daily life. You need to help others to feel in harmony. In some cases, your excessive look towards the outside prevents a deepening of your own. You will have to work on your own needs to be well and dedicate yourself to others.

Do you spend a lot of time with your family?

Yes. I love spending time with family.


Partly. I make time for family and friends


No. I like spending time with my friends


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