Veil Biblical Meaning | Biblical dictionary

The Biblical Meaning of the Veil

Veil is a word used to describe an article of clothing, a covering, or a separation. This word appears many times in the Bible and its meaning varies depending on the context in which it is found. The word comes from the Latin velum and refers to a spider web or curtain. The biblical meaning of the word veil relates to the separation of the realms of the human and the divine.

In the Bible, the veil is used to represent the separation between God and humanity. In the Old Testament, a veil existed in the Tabernacle of Moses to separate the sanctuary from the Israelites. In the New Testament, there was a veil in the temple in Jerusalem that separated the holy place from the most holy place. This veil was torn when Jesus died on the cross, which represented the end of the separation between God and humans.

Additionally, the veil is used to represent purity, holiness, and intimacy. In the Bible, Jewish women used to wear veils to show their modesty. This is related to the fact that the veil was considered a symbol of purity and virtue. Likewise, the veil symbolized the intimacy of a marital relationship. In the Old Testament, the veil was a sign that a woman was married. In this way, the veil was used to show respect between husband and wife.

Another way the veil is used in the Bible is to represent the mystery of the Christian faith. The veil is used to represent the mystery of eternal life. In the New Testament, Paul says that the veil will remain unless it is removed by the death of Christ. This means that the veil separates us from eternal life, but that Christ has offered us a way to overcome this veil so that we can pass on to eternal life.

In conclusion, the veil is an important word in the Bible. It represents the separation between God and humans, the purity, holiness, intimacy and mystery of the Christian faith. The death of Christ has offered us the opportunity to overcome the veil to pass into eternal life. Therefore, the veil reminds us that we have the opportunity to draw near to God through Christ.

Last updated: May 01, 2022

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