THE MOUNTAINS IN YOUR LIFE – Sermons, Outlines and Bible Studies


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own wisdom. In whatever you do, keep him in mind: he will flatten your paths. (Proverbs 3,5-6)

Do you like heights? Are you attracted to mountains? Would you like to climb one?

Speaking of mountains, every time I hear that someone has managed to climb Everest, When the number of those who reached the top of the highest mountain in the world increases, I stop for a moment to think As it did?

Since 1953, more than 4,000 climbers have reached the top of Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world.

You may say that it is useful to know how many climbed Everest. I will never climb mountains.

But the reason for touching on the topic of mountains is that in the spiritual life, unintentionally, we are presented with countless mountains. Day by day, different mountain ranges appear on our itinerary that prevent us from moving forward. You and I are on our way to the promised land, and along the way for a while the road seems flat, without obstacles, but from one day to the next a mountain appears on our way, that is, a tremendous problem crosses our path, a difficulty as great as Everest, different spiritual mountains come into our lives, with the sole objective of stopping our walk to the heavenly homeland. Let’s name our mountains: Depression, Loneliness, Illness, Stress, Sadness, Poverty, Alcoholism, Temptation, etc. There are thousands of mountains that block our lives.

What kind of Everest is in your life? What type of mountain is in front of you right now?

Many at the time of climbing above problems and tribulations can say, I can’t climb, this is not my thing! I do not have experience! I am very young!

To climb and traverse spiritual mountains, our age, as well as experience can be an excuse.

Did you know that the youngest person to climb Everest did so at the age of 13? And the oldest at 70 years.

Jordan Romero from Big Bear, California, at just 13 years old, climbed the 8,850 meter summit.

In 2003 Yuichiro Miura became the oldest man to summit Everest at the age of 70. Therefore, to climb our spiritual mountains, age is not an excuse, if we want to reach “the promised land”, if you have as a goal to live life to the full that God offers us: you have to learn to climb the mountain, you have to face and climb your own Everest.

You might say: “I have already tried” “Many times I have tried” and all attempts have failed, it seems that instead of ascending I am descending. If this is your current situation, I have good news for you, if you have failed a hundred times to ascend it is because you have not used the necessary tools, you have not had the right guide to help you. The good news is that today you can start fresh, today you can get the tools and guidance. Pay attention to what it tells us Proverbs 3,5-6) Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own wisdom. In whatever you do, keep him in mind: he will flatten your paths.

In these verses we find that the necessary conditions to cross the mountains of difficulties are two:

1) Trust in the Lord (Pr 3,5)

Many times we make mistakes trusting in our own strength, we trust the wrong people, we trust in wrong books and doctrines, we tend to look for false spiritual guides. To climb the mountains of tribulations we have to do it trusting in The Lord, Trusting in the Son of God, Let us trust in the one who climbed all the mountains of difficulties, his name is above every name, his name is above every mountain and this is called Jesus Christ.

2) Our guide must be the Lord (Pr 3,6)

In whatever we do, at different stages of our lives, in everything we undertake we have to keep the Lord in mind, He has to be our guide. With Jesus Christ as guide, friend and companion on the way, when we cross the mountain range of difficulties, it is God’s promise that he will flatten our paths. What is it like to flatten the mountains? You may ask yourself, and perhaps imagine the Lord with a pickaxe in hand destroying the mountains in his life. It’s not that the Lord made everything easy for you, at first I thought so too, but the truth is that if you trust in the Lord, if you have him as your guide, when the mountain of problems appears you will grow wings like of eagle

Those who trust in Him recover their strength, they will ascend with wings like eagles. They will run without getting tired and they will walk without getting tired. (Isaiah 40,31) This means: when we believe that we no longer have the strength to climb, when the mountain seems immense, if you trust in the Lord, if your guide is the Lord, you will seem to have wings like those of the eagle, and these wings will allow you to the ascent. Obviously how not to imagine it with wings like an eagle all roads and mountains will seem flat and plain, that’s why the word says he will flatten your paths (Pr 3.6). With wings like an eagle we will fly through the heights of grace, we will overlook the mountains and everything will seem like a smooth road, flat paved and comfortable.

At this moment I do not know what kind of problems and suffering you are going through, I do not know what kind of spiritual mountain is in front of you, but the important thing is that you already know how to face and climb that mountain that prevents you from being happy, Cheer up! Dare yourself! TO CLIMB ALL THE MOUNTAINS OF DIFFICULTIES.

At this time let us praise and give thanks to God, who provides us with the spiritual wings to climb all the mountains and thus be able to reach the promised land. Glory to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Amen

Author: Adhemar Cuellar

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