SODOMITA – Encyclopedic Dictionary of Bible and Theology

Deu 23:17 nor be there among the children of Israel
1Ki 14:24 there were also s in the land, and they did
1Ki 15:12 removed from the land the s, and .. the idols
Job 36:14 he shall perish, and his life among the s

Sodomite (gr. arsenokóit’s). Homosexual (1Co 6:9, NBE). In our RVR the term “homosexual” does not appear, but it does appear effeminate* and sodomites (which are used as synonyms of the former). “Sodomy” derives from the homosexual practice that characterized many inhabitants of the city of Sodom (Gen 13:13; 19:1-11). The Scriptures forbade sodomy (Lev 18:22-26; 1 Tit 1:10), on pain of death (Lev 20:13). See sacred prostitution.

Source: Evangelical Bible Dictionary

(Heb., qadhesh, a temple prostitute). A sodomite was one who practiced the unnatural or wicked vice for which Sodom became known (Gen 19:5; compare Rom 1:27). God strictly forbade this practice (Deu 23:17). The practice was usually related to pagan worship, and its presence was a sign of turning away from the Lord (1Ki 14:24). Both Asa (1Ki 15:12) and Jehoshaphat took action against this sin (1Ki 22:46), but its practice continued, even in the days of Josiah it had been practiced in the house of the Lord (2Ki 23:7).

Source: Hispanic World Bible Dictionary


Source: Christian Bible Dictionary

arsenokoites (aJrsenokoivte”, 733), appears in 1Co 6:9 “those who lie with men”; 1Ti 1:10 “sodomites” (from arsen, male, and koite, bed, couch, also denoting carnal intercourse, cf. Rom 13:13), that is, those who practice homosexuality.¶

Source: Vine New Testament Dictionary

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