Signs That Manifest the Eternity of People Who Pray to God – Faithful to God

The grace of the spirit or the eternity of people who pray to God is manifested through signs, but what are these signs? Throughout this article we will show you the first signs that a person is getting .

All the saints that have existed throughout the history of humanity show characteristics in common. To begin with, each and every one of them feels a deep repudiation by the evil one and its consequences; that is, sin, the devil, the demons and temptations of him.

Furthermore, they recognize the weakness of the flesh, that is, the lust that we acquire from birth. original sin of adam and eve. For this reason, they pray incessantly not to lose the grace of the spirit, its eternity. Prayer must become for all the children of God the most powerful weapon against the enemy and his snares.

Signs that manifest holiness of people who pray

As stated at the beginning of this article, one of the main signs of the sanctity of people who pray incessantly to God is a deep repudiation of sin. Whoever keeps in constant prayer knows what it means to sin; sin is a grave offense against love, which is God himself. That is why they feel such aversion for any sin no matter how small.

However, in order to reach such a level of consciousness, a level of synchrony with the graces, fruits, charisms and gifts of the Holy Spirit is necessary. All of us who have been baptized have received the Holy Spirit. and then in confirmation we receive from Him his gifts and fruits.

Importance of prayer to God that manifest eternity

Prayer allows us to recover that level of synchrony with God and return each one of the graces of the Holy Spirit and its fruits.

However, first it is necessary to obtain forgiveness of our sins, and forgive ourselves, through sacrament of confession or reconciliation. Thus, anyone who wishes to achieve sainthood will be able to do so thanks to this sacrament.

The best weapon of every Christian is, without a doubt, prayer. This allows him not only to turn his gaze to God, but also to remain in grace and perfect communion with Christ Jesus and with the rest of the Church. Prayer is like an armor that protects us against the attacks of the enemy, in addition, it unites us in communion with God himself and our brothers.

The signs that manifest the eternity of people who pray to God are nothing more than the graces, gifts, charisms and fruits of the Holy Spirit; holiness makes us a reflection of love itself, that is, of God. But what precisely are these graces, charisms, gifts or fruits of the Holy Spirit?

benefits of prayer

In reality, there is no limit to all the graces, charisms, gifts and fruits that we can receive from the Holy Spirit, since this, which is God himself; he knows no limit. God, in all his magnificence, cannot be confined in the smallness of human thought.

However, some of these can be named as: wisdom, intelligence, advice, strength, science, piety and fear of God; those known as gifts of the spirit. On the other hand, 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit are known: charity, spiritual joy, happiness, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, long-suffering, meekness, faith, modesty, continence and chastity.

I invite you to read this article:

The secret of eternity is constant and persevering prayer

Prayer is the most appropriate way to keep our soul connected to God and to the rest of our brothers in Christ. Although, it is important to remember that prayer without love becomes vanity; something empty that lacks the presence of God.

Prayer must be manifested as a consequence of the deep love we feel towards God and towards our brothers, because it would be useless for us to use prayer as a simple means to obtain salvation, if internally we felt contempt and repudiation for our neighbor.

Live love first in your soul and in your heartthen trust in the love of God and ask him to grant you the grace to remain united to him and his love.

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