Prayer to the Virgin Mary Help of Christians Give me Strength to Go Forward! – Faithful to God

The Virgin Mary Help of Christians is the patron saint of theas lost and desperate causes. For this reason, in moments of anguish and feelings of desolation, keep in mind this powerful Prayer to the Virgin Mary Help of Christians, give me Strength to Move On!

The Mother of God is always attentive to our pleas and ready to help us, give us peace and comfort us. It will only be necessary to use our faith to be heard by her, do not let the problems of life end your devotion, recite this prayer and find the solution you need.

When you think you don’t feel the strength to do things, it’s time to make the prayer to move on with the .

Prayer to the Virgin Mary Help of Christians, give me Strength to Go Forward!

The Virgin Mary Help of Christians will always be willing to listen to us and show us the way to the solution of our sufferingskneel down and say the prayer to ask the Virgin Mary for strength and get the answer you are looking for.

O Virgin Mary Help of Christians,

that it was never known that someone who ran to your protection,

He begged for your help and sought your mediation, he was left without help,

inspired with this confidence I come to you today.

Oh, Virgin of virgins, my Mother! I come to you, before you I am,

repentant and in pain, oh Mother of the Incarnate Word,

do not abandon my requests, I beg you in your mercy

pYou can listen to me and answer me.

My dear mother Mary, Help of Christians,

you helped to defend the Christian faith throughout history.

Keep me away from infidelity or lack of faith

give me persistence and power to live a life

legitimately Christian in today’s world.

Maria, today I come to ask you to pray for me

ask God to grant me the goals that I carry in my heart.

Dearest Mary, you were granted to all Christians

as his help and guardian in the most difficult moments

of the life of Christians and of the life of the Church.

Today that more than ever I need strength, I ask you for help

There are times when I don’t know what’s going on, but I can’t take it anymore.

Take care of me and guide me, please.

Help me feel the peace that I felt before.

Please give me the full strength to move on with my life

I beg you.

Help me in the moments when I don’t feel like I can’t anymore.

Give me the strength I need to fulfill

my goals and not decay along the way.

grant me what is necessary to not only watch over me,

but also to help others.

Give me the strength to always give my best version,

to surrender my body and soul to your love and the purity of your goodness,

to concentrate and follow your word that encourages,

that sustains and feeds to accomplish all things with happiness.

Help me to turn to you in times of hardship

and at the moment of my death,

so that I can be triumphant over the wicked like you.

Mary Help of Christians, pray for us.


Pray when you need peace and protection

In those moments in which you feel that you are not doing so well, it is necessary to pray to the Virgin Mary Help of Christians, who is always present to help us. In this sense, the recommendation is to pray every day in the morning or at night. Add thanks for all the things that happen to you, whether good or “bad”, everything that happens to you has its purpose.

Without hesitation, the Virgin Mary will intercede for us before the Heavenly Father so that he continues to bless us and help us in all our steps. In the same way, she will help all

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