Prayer to the Divine Child Jesus to Ask for a Miracle – Faithful to God

The prayer to the divine child Jesus to ask for a miracle is a powerful prayer to ask for a miracle in those complicated moments of our lives, when we do not understand why some situations overwhelm us. Always have it present, it is the help you will need whenever you find yourself in a situation where you do not find any ready way to get out of it.

There are many known miracles for the Divine Child Jesus, many people say that with this prayer to ask for a miracle they got in their lives what they needed so much.

Believe in him, because he has been sent by God to protect each of his children, bring us peace and joy that each of us who inhabit this earth need every day. If you still do not believe in miracles, through this prayer you will know them and you will see the great power of the Lord.

Prayer to the Divine Child Jesus to ask for a miracle

With this powerful prayer to ask for a miracle, you will be able to achieve each one in your life today. Faithfully trust him, believe in the great power that has been granted to him, and recite every word with great devotion and faith.

O Great Child Jesus,

today I turn to You through Your Holy Mother;

I implore you on my knees to please help me

in this great need that I am going through today,

because I firmly and blindly believe

that Your Divinity can help me.

Here I hope today with great certainty to obtain your grace.

I adore you with all my spirit and all my soul.

I regret with all my heart for each of the sins

and I come here to beg you,

oh Child, that you give me power to overcome them.

I am firmly resolved not to offend you

never suffer again all

Before displeasing you, I beg your forgiveness,

so that you can bring this great miracle into my life.

From now on, I want to serve you faithfully.

For tenderness to You, oh eternal Child,

I will love my neighbor in the same way that I love myself.

I beg you again to help me in this hardship.


I know that you will come to me and give me this Great miracle

that today I am needing so much in my life,

oh powerful Divine Child Jesus you are able to help

to all those here on earth who trust you.

I put my life, my way

and my problems in your hands,

because I know you have the divine power to do

the miracle of accommodating everything that

Today it is not in its place.

I will praise you for the rest of my life, and I will beg you

forever, in you I have all my devotion,

I only trusted you right now

so complicated of my existence.

Give me the grace to have you forever

with Mary and Joseph, to adore you today and always,

for all that remains of my life, protect me and bring to me

the miracle that today with so much faith I ask you, in the name of God.


Who is the Divine Child Jesus?

Since you have known the prayer to ask for a miracle from the surely you want to know a little more about the Divine Child Jesus. The well-known statue of the Divine Child Jesus has a long and very complex history, which includes a miraculous discovery by the Carmelite priest, the Venerable Cyril of the Mother of God, in 1637.

He was the priest who restored the statue after it was badly damaged and, in the process, experienced a private revelation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the vision, Our Lady gave Cyril a powerful prayer to the Child Jesusone that has been known to be “effective” and ensure that everything that is asked for is granted.

It has been passed down through the ages and remains a staple in any devotion to the Divine Child Jesus. Since then all believers know this prayer and they trust her faithfully.

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