Prayer to Saint Nicholas of Bari for work, money and love

In the following article you will learn who Saint Nicholas of Bari was and you will know powerful prayers to ask for his divine intervention and solve your problems.

History of Saint Nicholas of Bari

Saint Nicholas, was a bishop who lived in the fourth century, born in Patara, what is now Turkey. He grew up in a wealthy family whose devout Christian parents raised him in the same faith as him.

After the death of his parents, Nicolás inherited a large fortune that he distributed among the most needy and migrated to Myra where he consecrated himself as a bishop.

For this reason, he is also known as Saint Nicholas of Myra. However, when the Muslims conquered Anatolia, devout Christians removed the saint’s remains and relics from there and secretly took them to the city of Bari, Italy.

It is there that a story of admirable miracles began that consecrated him an extremely popular saint in Europe and Asia. Saint Nicholas of Bari is the patron saint of Russia, Greece and Turkey. Saint Nicholas was later the one who inspired the origin of the myth of Santa Claus. His feast is celebrated on December 6.

Prayers to Saint Nicholas of Bari

Now that you know the history and legend of Nicolás de Bari, I will share some powerful prayers so that you can invoke his intervention, make your requests and solve your problems:

Prayer to Saint Nicholas of Bari for work

If you have trouble finding a job, want a promotion or want to find the job of your dreams, here I will share a prayer to Saint Nicholas of Bari to make your special request.

Pray the following prayer for 7 days in a row. At the end of the prayer to find work, say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and three Glories.

Oh glorious Saint Nicholas my special protector, you who are the special advocate of all those who are afflicted, give us your holy protection and protection, your saint who is a valuable mediator, I ask you to give us your holy protection and your protection, your Saint Nicholas From Bari, who are a powerful intercessor and mediator, I ask you to turn your pious eyes towards me from that preferential place that you maintain in divine glory, where you now rejoice, I ask you to help me obtain the favors that I ask of you today.

Your good saint who with all love and great kindness helps the most needy, always gives relief to the weak and also to the most needy, you are a consolation to all those who suffer, they are always defending those who need it, you go to the aid of the sick, I ask you to be merciful and attend to my pleas and deign to fulfill them, according to your holy and good will that is always good, pleasant and perfect.

Saint Nicholas of Bari, for your good charity, I ask you with great desperation to help me solve my problems, economic and also labor difficulties, also my anguish and sentimental problems, in short, everything that always oppresses me and makes me unable to achieve happiness. that I need so much especially what I ask you today (say the request at this moment). Prayer for the work of Saint Nicholas of Bari

I ask you that through the prayer for work to Saint Nicholas of Bari, you can raise my petitions with divine mercy to the throne of grace, I ask that it be God who hears them and have mercy on me and thus grant me what today I am asking you for your grace and goodness and so all that leads me to the path of good and the eternal house of God, the one that has us prepared for eternity.

Holy and good Saint Nicholas of Bari, I ask that we be the ones who experience the benefits of your powerful intercession with the almighty God, who is the one who can supply us according to his riches in glory, always lead us along the path of salvation, we ask you to pray to God to grant us the favor that we ask today.Prayer for the work of Saint Nicholas of Bari

We beg you to always teach us to have more love for our neighbor, to be merciful, to help and do good works that please God and his holy name, to greatly repay his sacrifice on the cross of Calvary. We beg you that we can grow more each day as true worshipers of the Lord, praying and crying out for peace.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas of Bari three Mondays

The devotees of San Nicolás de Bari, choose Mondays to make your requests. These days you must make requests that are not material.

The prayer must be said three Mondays in a row and must be done in secret. If for some reason one of the Mondays cannot be prayed, you have to start over.

the first monday

Lord and blessed Saint Nicholas of Bari for your precious blood that my Lord Jesus Christ shed on the cross on Calvary, for that crown of thorns that they placed on his precious head, for that slap he received on his blessed face.

For the spear that Prayer to Saint Nicholas of Bari stuck in one of his sides three Mondays, oh holy and blessed and love, for those whippings he received on the back while walking to his sacrifice, for the pain felt by his chaste mother the Virgin Mary on that journey and when she saw him fall on the cross full of blood and martyred with our sins.

For all that pain that he felt in the holy passion and for the pious blood that he spilled, I ask you, holy man, that through the prayer to Saint Nicholas of Bari on three Mondays, that you pay special attention to these prayers that I make to you today for my needs and afflictions that surround me, I beg you that I may receive a positive response to my failures.

second monday

Lord and blessed Saint Nicholas of Bari for that your precious blood that my Lord Jesus Christ shed on the cross on Calvary, for that crown of thorns that they placed on his precious head, for that slap he received on his blessed face, for the spear that they nailed on one of its sides, oh holy and blessed and love.

For those whippings he received on his back while walking to his sacrifice, for the pain felt by his chaste mother the Virgin Mary Prayer to Saint Nicholas of Bari three Mondays on that journey and when he saw him fall on the cross full of blood and martyred with our blame.

For all that pain that he felt in the holy passion and for the pious blood that he spilled, I ask you, holy man, that through the prayer to Saint Nicholas of Bari on three Mondays, that you pay special attention to these prayers that I make to you today for my needs and afflictions that surround me, I beg you that I may receive a positive response to my failures.

third monday

Lord and blessed Saint Nicholas of Bari for your precious blood that my Lord Jesus Christ shed on the cross on Calvary, for that crown of thorns that they placed on his precious head, for that slap he received on his blessed face.

For the spear that was nailed to one of his sides, oh holy and blessed and love, for those lashes he received on the back while walking to his sacrifice, for the pain that his chaste mother the Virgin Mary felt on that journey and when she saw him fall on the cross full of blood and martyred with our sins.

For all that pain that he felt in the holy passion and for the pious blood that he shed, I ask you, holy man, that through the prayer to Saint Nicholas of Bari on three Mondays, that you pay special attention to these prayers that I make to you today for my needs and afflictions that surround me, I beg you that I may receive a positive response to my failures.

Novena to Saint Nicholas of Bari

Learn below the powerful novena to Saint Nicholas of Bari for important requests. A novena is a great prayer divided into nine parts, which must be prayed for nine days in a row.

Pray the prayer corresponding to each day, and at the end of each time, pray an Our Father, a Glory Be and a Hail Mary.

Prayer for every day

Almighty and Eternal God, whose power and goodness is manifested in the saints, chosen by You, before the creation of the world, to be witnesses of your holiness and praise of your glory.

We thank you for the virtues that you made shine in your servant Saint Nicholas,
protector of the poor, of maidens, of children, of the persecuted, of navigators;
and fervent seeker of the Unity of the Church.

As we venerate him today as protector of our parish, we confidently ask you to continue to nourish our spirit with the faith that he announced, with the hope that he lived, and with the charity that he practiced.

We also ask you for the particular grace that we now present to you (brief silence). To you, Lord, source of all holiness, glory, honor and power for ever and ever.

First day
Saint Nicholas of Bari, was born in the fourth century in Asia Minor; in what is now Turkey. He was born specifically within the region of Lycia, in the city of Pátara: populous city of abundant trade; transit port to the island of Rhodes; landscaped city where Tyrians and Phoenicians crossed paths. In this environment of a seaport, of traffickers and merchants, an environment conducive to corruption, where San Nicolás lives his first years. And in that environment, faced with so much material and spiritual misery, he feels from a very young age, awakening his heart of mercy, and begins to practice the works of charity that would later make him famous.

Second day
The book of the Acts of the Apostles (c. 21) recounts that, returning to Jerusalem from his missionary journeys, “we passed from Rhodes to Patara”. He also tells (c. 27) that, on the journey to Rome to be tried by the Caesar to whom he had appealed, they arrived at the city of Myra. His biographers say that Saint Nicholas constantly remembered this link between the Christian Community and Saint Paul. To know the thought of Saint Nicholas, there is nothing better than reading the letters of Saint Paul, in whose school his faith was educated.

Third day
The city of Mira, currently called Demre, a city of 2000 inhabitants, suffered in the time of Saint Nicholas, days of persecution and heresies. Licinius had taken the persecution in the East to very bloody limits. Nicholas was imprisoned and banished, and later released by Emperor Constantine as a result of the Decree of Milan. Meanwhile Arius taught the heresy that Christ was not of the same nature as his father. To deal with heresy, the Council of Nicaea was held, to which 318 bishops from East and West were summoned. Among them was Saint Nicholas, as recorded in the list of assistant Eastern bishops. The Council proclaimed that Christ is “begotten, and not created; of the same nature as the Father”, as we continue to pray in the Creed.

Fourth day
Why do we call him Nicholas of Bari, having been Bishop of Mira? In the 9th century the Mohammedan army invaded the Lycian Sea and occupied the city of Myra. The tomb of Saint Nicholas was left without a cult, after 720 years of intense popularity and devotion. Thus one of the most famous sanctuaries of Christianity was closed. Being a place of much movement of sailors, the Venicians wanted to bring the body of Saint Nicholas to Italy, as before they had brought that of Saint Mark from Alexandria to Venice. So sailors…

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