Prayer to Changó Macho to Dominate a Rebel son. Very Effective! – Faithful to God

This is the prayer to Changó Macho to be able to dominate your rebellious sonIt is very effective in this case. He is a warrior, he is a leader and it is for this reason that his power will be able to help you fight all these children with rebellious problems, since Chango Macho will put all his power in you and will be able to dominate your son in what he needs and teach him the values ​​that he has to learn.

Rebellion is a problem that attacks many children and this is due to several factors such as getting them used to giving him things without his needing it or it may be a problem of hyperactivity and the fact of not being able to do all the things he wants, expressed in the form of release of energy or spoiling behaviors.

Prayer to Changó Macho to dominate a beloved son

So that is why with this powerful prayer to Changó Macho to dominate a rebellious son, you will be able to combat these problems with greater peace of mind and with this you can teach him all the values ​​that his son thinks he needs so that he no longer behaves with such irrational behavior:

Oh great and powerful King Chango

Male, Today I invoke you with one

petition, special so you can

help me to share those

gifts of yours so powerful.

that I need today,

to combat my son’s rebellion.

I know that yours is the power of fire,

and I need that great power or gift of

my part, every time you go to face.

The rebellion of my son to whom

I love with all my soul.

since it is generating me

problems, in the development of my life,

and it is not possible for me,

raise this child unhindered.

Give me your willpower

whenever you need to

to be able to teach them, all of me and

may it be so in the future

good person without problems.

Since you only know what my

problems, and we know that this

could be paid.

In a bigger problem beyond

of his life as a child.

I also ask you father,

that you cover him with your protection,

so that no person

who wants, can hurt him.

with all things, that

I tell him every day he can understand,

only for your own good.

Let him know sir that I only I want,

And what do I want for him? the best today

Can I offer you this way.

Today I conjure the 7 rays of Changó

Male, so that all the prayers

that today I ask you to be heard by you.

King of kings and owner of flames and thunder.

For you to give all the gifts,

that today I ask you to give me,

and never forsake me.

Neither me nor my son, whom

With so much affection I have protected,

and care on your behalf.

Glorify his ways, on the right path.

Do your work in every decision you make

take, for better or worse,

I ask you to intercede for them.

After so many things that I have lived,

I personally admit that I have failed.

Maybe you don’t guide them the best way possible,

Now I ask through this prayer.

The goodness of your intercession,

fulfilling the miracle of life.

I assume, your decision for better or for

wrong and you can make me grow


Does the power of this Saint work to stop the rebellion?

Well, the rebellion certainly It is a problem that attacks us today in society, since that does not allow us that all the teachings that we give to our children can be fully complied with. And that may mean or pay off in trouble in the distant future.

That is why with the grace of Changó Macho we ask him to fill us with his many gifts so that we can fight with this serious problem at the time of the

I also recommend that at prayer time they light a candle as an offering and in the name of this Patron Saint so that so this prayer has greater power and relevance in each of our words.

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