Prayer for Confirmation Youth, Catechesis and to God

There are three sacraments that we must fulfill to be part of the religion of God, the first is the baptism that remains from our parents to lead us to do it, then the first communion where we are already aware that God is Our Father, and the last is the confirmationa sacrament that takes preparation through the prayer.

When we are young we do not take religion so seriously, that is why it is important to make the confirmation that will create an unbreakable connection with Our Lord.

Confirmation Youth Prayer

Before making the confirmation it is necessary that the young people have passed through the first Communionif so, they should use this prayer to give themselves completely to God and to the church, their path to confirmation will begin with this prayer.

We made it
with baptism
And also with communion
we are on track
and we want to do
the final sacrament
The confirmation
we are ready for her
Receive us Father
Open your arms to us
And the gates of your kingdom
We just want to follow your path
And that you guide us away from evil

Prayer to receive the sacrament of confirmation

The sacrament of confirmation is a ritual religious that leads young people to reflection of your life, with this prayer you will receive God forever in your lives, He will protect you from evil and take you to his kingdom.

God the Father
we’re down to nothing
to finish confirmation
We will receive this sacrament
take us in your arms
make us feel safe
Of your love
We will join you at last
Forever and ever
We are sure of our decision
Your path is the one we choose
And the one we will always choose
We will fight evil
for you father

prayer to be confirmed

At the time of confirmation many thoughts they will pass through the head of the young man, but with the help of God they will dissipate, this prayer is to conclude the confirmation, with it you will have given yourself completely to God and to his path.

The confirmation
It started already, Father God
We give our body
Our mind and soul to you
you are our guide
And we want you to be
Let us walk the path
with you by our side
we know we’ll be alright
If you stay with us
We give you everything
take us to your kingdom
Through this sacrament
we are part of you
Finally, Our Lord

Prayer to begin confirmation catechesis

Carrying out Confirmation is a very big decision, young people must prepare themselves through catechesis and give their time to Our Father, this prayer is for the kids who wish to grow with God and begin their catechesis for confirmation, with this prayer doubts will disappear and they will choose God’s path.

We have made the decision
soon we will
The father confirmation
But we must start
in the catechesis
with this prayer
We entrust ourselves to you
For you to clear our mind
And the doubts do not exist
give us the value
What do we need to follow you?
And to preach your word
stay with us
in this great moment
We need you

Prayer to Almighty God to prepare Confirmation

The moment of Confirmation must be prepared under the blessing of Our Father, the environment Catholic it is only possible if God agrees, this prayer is to ask Our Lord to allow us to prepare the confirmation of the young people.

Mighty Father
We, your children
we are about to prepare
our confirmation
we want to finish
the last sacrament
be on your way
Until the end of our days
Let us prepare it all
In the best way
open the doors for us
of your kingdom
we are eager
to continue walking
on the right path

Prayer to the Holy Spirit for confirmation

When are we going to do the sacrament After Confirmation we must surrender to the Holy Spirit as well, because He will illuminate the path of God and will take us to the kingdom of heaven, with this prayer you will open your life to the Holy Spirit and it will be your guide on this path.

oh holy spirit
You who take care of us
And light our way
we ask you to guide us
In this important moment
we are about to take
Confirmation of God the Father
and we need you
next to us
For you to continue accompanying us
be our guide
keep us from evil
And keep us on the road
Of God

Currently many people have not been confirmed, because youth put religion aside because they do not understand very well what it is about, that is why it is necessary that as parents we instill in our little ones the importance of believing in the word of God, with These prayers can begin your confirmation and make your relationship with Our Lord stronger.

Despite being so young, we must make the right decisions for our lives and the best path we can take is God’s, in it we will be destined to success and fulfill all the desires that we propose in life.

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