Powerful Prayer of the Night to San Judas Tadeo Take care of me! – Faithful to God

Resting our body and our soul in a sweet dream allows us get away from all those thoughts that worry us and torment us. In addition, we allow the body to replenish the energies worn out in everyday life. If you want to rest calmly and safely implore the powerful prayer of the night to San Judas Tadeo Take care of me!

San Judas Tadeo is one of the most popular saints of the Catholic religion. Because he has bestowed innumerable boons that have earned him a fervent devotion of believers who trust in his wonderful intercession before God. Request divine protection before our supreme and powerful God. It is not just waiting for him to take care of us while we are awake, his infinite grace grants us, even when we sleep and fall into deep rest.

San Judas Tadeo watches over and takes care of your rest

Allow San Judas Tadeo to give you the peace of mind that you need so much when you rest at the end of the day and that your dreams are protected every night. With the help of powerful prayer of the night to San Judas Tadeo Take care of me!

Saint Jude Thaddeus, Oh my Saint,

my light, my shining being that

light my way when I walk,

patron saint of impossible causes

and miraculous apostle of the grace of Jesus.

Blessed are you my Judas Tadeo,

faithful servant and friend of Jesus,

in you I have always deposited my

confidence because you have never failed me.

On the contrary, you are always

there waiting for me to call you.

That is why today I come with my greatest humility,

to ask for your care and protection,

more than all that you give me

every day, and so that

do it at night.

In those dark times where

we usually rest and in the silent

nights we left our

bodies rest.

Furthermore, I strongly request

collaborate in my sleep and help

my mind to get rid of thoughts

and dedicate yourself to rest in

wholesome peace and quiet.

Because sometimes it’s hard for me to stop thinking

in the things that I have pending

and that turn into worry,

then I wake up exhausted

as if he hadn’t rested.

Also allow my Saint,

that the silence of the night

be melody to my ears

like a sweet lullaby that calms my sleep,

let the darkness leave my eyes

clear pictures and drawings,

and that the loneliness of my sleep

be calm and passive.

Also let my body in

in complete rest, let my muscles relax

and my blood flows with serenity,

also that the rhythm of my heart decreases

and get complete peace of mind.

For my physical being to achieve

strength and vitality to

start a new day and a new challenge.

meanwhile let my

spirit rests too,

trusting that no spirit

evil will try to set me apart

of your divinity Saint Jude,

nor of merciful grace

of Almighty God.

Also watch over my dreams,

let nothing disturb them,

more on the contrary allows

May God enlighten my thinking

and point out the steps that I must

give upon waking in the morning.

Honorable Saint,

also accept my request to know me

safe and secure under your watchful act.

Because I am one more servant of your flock,

but my sincerity of heart

let me give you my life

and let it be in your hands

my future and my tomorrow.

Please bless San Judas Tadeo,

each of my steps in the day

and each of my dreams at night.

So satan won’t see me sleep

nor think that I am weak before his attack.

More on the contrary, I see you

at the foot of my bed,

watching me rest.

In you I trust, in you I believe,

I am devoted to you and I give you my love.

Tell my God and that my sweets

dreams give me a

wonderful awakening.


May San Judas Tadeo enlighten you at night

When we fall into rest, we relax our bodies and lay down our defense weapons against any attack. That is why we become defenseless creatures in the eyes of satan and his attacks. Let me sit next to you monitor your sleep and protect your physical and emotional stability.

Rest assured that his heavenly presence will not allow anything bad to disturb or harm you. It will ensure a pleasant sleep and for the next day a day full of success, prosperity and abundance.

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