Passover Biblical Meaning | Biblical dictionary

Easter biblical meaning, Easter in the Bible, meaning of Easter.

The biblical meaning of “Easter” in the New Testament refers to the period that runs from the resurrection of Christ. In the Old Testament, Easter is related to the salvation of the Israelites thanks to God’s protection through the blood of the lambs that each family sacrificed.

Today we call Easter the celebration on resurrection Sunday, where Christians rejoice in the confirmation that Christ lives and has saved us from our spiritual death caused by sin.

As for the etymology of the word “Easter” it comes from the Latin “pascha” and this from the Hebrew “pesaj” which had two meanings. On the one hand, it referred to the celebration of the Jewish exodus and, on the other hand, it is related to the arrival of spring. From this point of view, Easter is reminiscent of the idea of ​​a rebirth, a new stage, after something dark and gloomy (death), as is the case of winter and death caused by the plagues that God sent when the Egyptians they did not want to release the Israelis.

Of course, it also refers to what happens after the crucifixion sacrifice of Jesus Christ. A new stage begins where Jesus rises and all Christians can also overcome the spiritual death of sin. It is a rebirth with the promise that each one of us will also be resurrected. For this reason, on Easter Sunday the new life is celebrated. This is the Easter of the Christians.

Easter can be said to be a triumph, the celebration of the greatest victory. All can be redeemed, as long as they have faith and follow the example of Christ. However, you should not wait for Easter to rejoice because Jesus lives, you can remember this fact throughout the year.

Last updated: April 05, 2022

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