LOYALTY – Encyclopedic Dictionary of Bible and Theology

keep fidelity, the one who is not capable of betraying. God is of loyalty and not of treachery, he is just and upright, Dt 32, 4, his ways are justice. Those who worshiped false idols lacked the l., Jon 2, 9. In the NT the l. it is fidelity in which the Christian can trust, 1 Cor 1, 9.

Digital Bible Dictionary, Grupo C Service & Design Ltda., Colombia, 2003

Source: Digital Bible Dictionary

Virtue of nobility, frankness, sincerity and honesty in words and in relationships with people, with authorities or with groups.

As a Christian and human virtue, it is conditioning to live the evangelical message, because there is no faith, but there is fidelity and there is no truth if there is no loyalty.

Pedro Chico González, Dictionary of Catechesis and Religious Pedagogy, Editorial Bruño, Lima, Peru 2006

Source: Dictionary of Catechesis and Religious Pedagogy

In the Hebrew Scriptures, the adjective cha sidh is used of someone “loyal” or “loving-kind.” (Ps 18:25, ftn) The noun he·sedh refers to kindness, but while it includes the tender consideration or kindness that comes from love, it goes further. It is the kindness that lovingly clings to an object until its purpose in relation to that object has been fulfilled. This is the kind of kindness that God shows to his servants and that they show to him. Therefore, it enters the field of loyalty, a righteous, devout, and holy loyalty, which is why it is translated “loving-kindness” and “loyal love”. (Ge 20:13; 21:23; see KINDNESS.)
In the Greek Scriptures the noun ho·si·o·tes and the adjective ho·si·os carry the idea of ​​holiness, justice, reverence, devotion or piety, the careful observance of all duties to God. It assumes a good relationship with God.
There does not seem to be any English word which exactly and fully expresses the meaning of the corresponding terms in Hebrew and Greek, but since “loyalty” implies devotion and fidelity when used in relation to God and his service, it serves to convey a similar idea. . The best way to determine the full meaning of the biblical terms in question is to examine their use in the Bible.

Jehovah’s loyalty. As Jehovah God, the Most Holy, he is righteous, shows incessant kindness to his servants and even deals fairly and consistently with his enemies, he is trustworthy to the highest degree. Of Him it is declared: “Great and wonderful are your works, Jehovah God, the Almighty. Just and true are your ways, King of eternity. Who will not truly fear you, Jehovah, and he will glorify your name, because you alone are loyal?†. (Re 15: 3, 4) God’s loyalty to justice and right, as well as his love for his people, move him to pass sentence. Thus an angel was moved to say: “You, the One who are and were, the True One, are just because you have dictated these decisions.” (Re 16:5; compare Ps 145:17.)
Jehovah is loyal to his covenants. (De 7: 9) Because of the covenant with his friend Abraham, for centuries he had great patience with the nation of Israel and showed them mercy. (2Ki 13:23) Hence, through his prophet Jeremiah he appealed to Israel: “Truly turn back, O renegade Israel,” is the utterance of Jehovah. †˜I will not bring my face down upon you in anger, for I am loyal†™† . (Jer 3:12) Those who are loyal to Jehovah can fully rely on him. David prayed for God’s help, saying: “With someone loyal you will act in loyalty; with the mighty, faultless, you will deal in a faultless way† . (2Sa 22:26) David appealed to the people, asking them to turn from evil to good, “for Jehovah is a lover of justice, and he will not leave his loyal ones. To time indefinite they will certainly be kept† . (Ps 37:27, 28)
Those who are loyal to Jehovah can trust that he is near and will help them to the very end of their faithful course, and they can be sure that he will remember them in any situation. He guards his way (Pr 2:8) and his lives or souls. (Ps 97:10)

Jesus Christ. When Jesus Christ was on earth, it strengthened him to know that God had foretold of him, his main † œloyal †, that he would not leave his soul in Sheol. (Ps 16:10) On the day of Pentecost 33 CE the apostle Peter applied this prophecy to Jesus, saying: “He foresaw and spoke concerning the resurrection of the Christ, that he was neither abandoned in Hades nor his flesh saw corruption. This Jesus was resurrected by God, of which fact we are all witnesses† . (Ac 2:25-28, 31, 32; compare Ac 13:32-37.) In a commentary on Acts 2:27, The Expositor†™s Greek Testament says that the Hebrew word ha sidh (used in Sl 16:10) “applies not only to one who is pious and devout, but also to one who is the object of Jehovah’s goodness” (WR Nicoll ed., 1967, vol. 2).

God requires loyalty. Jehovah demands loyalty from his servants, who are to imitate him. (Eph 5:1) The apostle Paul tells Christians that they “must put on the new personality that was created according to the will of God in true righteousness and loyalty.” (Eph 4:24) When Paul recommends prayer to the congregation, he says: †“Therefore I wish that men everywhere would engage in prayer, raising up loyal hands, free from anger and debates.† (1Ti 2:8) Loyalty is an essential quality that qualifies a man for a position of oversight in God’s congregation. (Titus 1:8.)

Source: Dictionary of the Bible

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