Let’s read the Bible together in 2023! |


“Every day with Jesus is not sweeter than the one before.”

This is a thought from John Piper that has helped me understand the importance of reading and meditating on the scriptures. However, it looks depressing at first glance. Don’t you think it’s contrary to an inspiring phrase and worthy of being shared on Instagram next to a beautiful landscape? But Piper explains that this “we know from experience and we know from Scripture.”

For example, David sings that he was restored, revived, by the Word of God (Ps 19:7). «If each day with Jesus were sweeter than the day before, if life were a steady ascent without slopes in our love for God, we would not need to be enlivened» (thirst for god, 147). That is why, like David, we need Scripture to be strengthened over and over again in the God who loves us.

We need to dig into the Bible so that our faith can stand firm when everything around us seems to be falling apart. We also need it to be quickened for God on our best days, when we are tempted to forget about Him because we are in some peaceful season.

In fact, the more we know and keep the Word, the more discernment we will have to face so many other voices that compete for our attention, the wiser we will be to respond to the lies that are raised against the truth in our days, and the more fruit we will bear in our generation to the glory of our God.

The benefits of delving into the Bible are as inexhaustible as the mercies of our God. That is why at Coalition for the Gospel we want to invite you to read the Bible with us during 2023.

This is what you need to know about it:

It is true that each day with Jesus is not always sweeter than the one before. May this truth then lead us to treasure the Scriptures more! They are “sweeter than honey and the distillation of the comb” (Ps 19:10). The Bible is what sweetens our walk. Like David, let us meditate on it to be enlivened by the God who satisfies our hearts.

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